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  1. TwilightBlader


    Her words held hatred and this amused him a good deal. Closing his eyes he he began to let out a chuckle as he placed his hand over his mask covered face and shook his head "yes yes, whatever you say" Regulus said gripping the mask on his face as he pulled it off. A face all too similar to Caius stared down at her, and though it held a smile, it still held it's cold self.

    "I am quite interested in what a little girl like you could possibly do" Regulus said taking a step forward towards her and closed his eyes. "Cal is strong, Cal is the one I admire the most....such drivel that would come out of Caius' mouth...even now, when that image of you has been sullied by that succubus and his mind is left in confusion, his affection for you is so resolute" Regulus said.

    "Love is such a pitiful thing wouldn't you say?" Regulus said opening his eyes as he stared down at her. "Without it surely this pain you are feeling would have been nonexistent" Regulus said as a smirk rose against his face "it is a false thing that though has kept Caius' mind sane....will eventually crush him in the end" Regulus said
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 11, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. TwilightBlader


    Everything was far too exciting as many things had begun all in one day. Regulus was far too interested in it all, watching the battle of midworld to the events in hell. Temeluchas had stirred up quite the commotion and even in hell she had managed to make a commotion for the nephilim as well. They were all breaking and with everything going soon minds would shatter.

    As he stepped out and walked around the halls and stopped upon hearing footsteps. The child named Cal, the one that Caius had loved so much, she was there ahead of him all alone. Opposed to Caius the girl did interest him, but he never really did much about her. He never did understand why Alistair petted her so much.

    "So even you are breaking...even the most sane one has to have a breaking point as some point...such a shame" Regulus said calmly making his presence known as he walked up to the girl and crossed his arms. She was the one that held them all together, she was the one that had soften the immense hatred Soren had a tad and had been able soothe Caius and his state.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. TwilightBlader
    Name: Aeron Rivers
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Ω
    Special Skill: Agile, able to remain calm and cool headed, observative,
    Biggest Fear: to die without changing anything
    Personality: Silent, Serious, Determined

    Name: Dominik Black
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Ω
    Special Skill: Dismantling and resembling things, great with tools, quick learner
    Biggest Fear: To stop moving
    Personality: Curious, subdued

    Name: Derron Howard
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Ω
    Special Skill: Physically strong, Brawling skills
    Biggest Fear: Death
    Personality: Rash, abrasive, harsh
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. TwilightBlader
    A millionaire, such a rare thing and as if a dream come true. It was such a relaxing thing, but a stressful one as well. The amount was gigantic, but even so a fool could still lose it all in but a mere moment. Wallace Walker was no fool, at least thats what he wished to tell himself. To be given such money was amazing, but he feared being the fool that would lose it all. It was his big break, he couldn't afford to lose it all.

    Wallace didn't believe that money should be so casually given away and he knew that hard work was something that was needed. Desperate times called for this money that was so generously given to be accepted, but Wallace knew that there was more to this all. There was to be a meeting today and he would do his best to at least reach there on time and not sleep in.

    A loud ringing rung out and immediately Wallace's eyes jolted open as he rose up and stared at the clock beside him. "EHH I'M LATE?!" Wallace yelled as he ran out. Being late was bad, but being unkempt was worse. He got himself ready for the day with great speed and before he knew it he was out of the door, running down the halls. "DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN" Wallace cried as he as ran and suddenly tripped upon reaching the stairs. Tumbling down Wallace let out grunts of pain until finally he reached the bottom and groaned as he laid upside down with his body resting on the stairs and head resting on the ground floor. Raising his arm to glance at the watch on his arm Wallace closed his eyes and groaned again. "thats alarm clock held the wrong time..." Wallace said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader
    All the way back from hell they had finally returned back to mid world and non too sooner they were already off for another battle. This battle was not going to be like the others however, it seemed today things really were getting heated up. Temeluchas had already gone ahead and dealt with the angels ahead, but there was nothing he could do except follow the girl.

    Mali was free and Caius was there standing near stoic like, but something caught his attention. Sure Alistair was immensely relieved to see Mali unharmed and out of the building, but the child in Mali's arms was what really caught his attention. He knew this was no mere child but another nephilim brought forth to the world.

    He really did not wish to involve the child in all this, but in his position he really couldn't do anything about it. The angels would gather and this place in front of Leviathan's prison will be the battlefield. There was nothing he needed to say, he merely rubbed his temples with a sigh as he walked up to the group and stopped before them crossing his arms calmly. Caius who had not said a word took a step back and stood beside Alistair. If there was anybody that Alistair worked the best with it was Regulus and as much as Caius loathed it, the boy held his father's powers as well. Caius was trained by Alistair so the duo was that of teacher and student.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  6. TwilightBlader

    Temeluchas and Alistair had gone back to hell in order to deal with Alistair's curse before it started to affect him. Having stayed behind, Caius was left all alone to assess the situation at hand and to deal with it himself. Personally he wished he could just rush into the church without a care in the world and make sure to free Mali. He knew Mali was the strongest of the nephilim, but even so he knew that even she wouldn't be able to deal with a hoard of fallen angels.

    Caius took a step forward in order to get a better scope of the situation, but what he saw caught him off guard. "Mali?!" Caius said as he rushed forth from his resting area and towards the situation. Temeluchas and Alistair would have returned by now, but he did not wish to wait for them. He noticed Mali was holding something odd, but he didn't mind that right now as the girl would most likely need her help.

    As he closed in he noticed a sudden arm made out of mist head straight towards Mali and immediately grab her by the hair. His eyes narrowed as Caius' palm opened and the nails grew razor sharp. Increasing his speed, he dashed forward at the hand that had attacked Mali and slashed his arm forward at the attack in an attempt to remove the grip on Mali's hair
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. TwilightBlader

    "Ah, but my dear child doing so would not add spice to the little story that we run. A sane person will do sane things, but nobody cares for the tale of a sane person. If one was to jump off a building on a unicycle while pelvic thrusting in the air and on fire then splatter on the ground as sparkles fell onto his or her corpse, in this mere short moment the tale would triumph over a the entire life of a normal person by a landslide" Lucius said before snapping his fingers as a thought popped up "ah thats right, I need to chronicle this wondrous occasion" Lucius said as a few books and pens levitated out of his bag and floated around him.

    With a flick of his hand the books opened up and as if constructing a symphony, Lucius closed his eyes and began to wave his fingers around. With that action the pens began to write in the books while Lucius began to hum a small tune. Once the tune was done Lucius snapped his fingers as the books closed and flew back into the bag. It was much more interesting of a situation and it would have been more interesting if the school would have done something, but alas, it didn't seem they gave a damn. With his companions he head off towards the plane and they were off. Eyes closed, Lucius fell asleep with a content smile.


    Regulus did not feel the conversation would move beyond anything and even if they were to continue to speak then there would be no real worth to it at all. Despite all this things changed into something quite interesting, something he had been wishing to witness with his own eyes. The timid voice that had made itself know caused Regulus to look over his shoulder at the girl. Watching her quiver from meeting her friend made his smile behind the mask that covered his face.

    Nothing truly happened in the hall of mirrors and once Adam chased after the fleeing girl, Regulus knew that heading after them would only ruin the moment. There were simpler methods and the mirror before him was one of them. As if watching a very intense movie, Regulus watched on, only to be disappointed in the long run. He had hoped there would be more, but there was nothing he could do. Perhaps he could pay the girl a little visit...possibly for another day. For now Regulus returned to his own room, a room that he had never been in for quite the while. Taking the moment he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep


    The third day had come and gone and Alistair knew that his curse would soon start taking affect once more. With Temelucas' help they once again returned to hell where Alistair would once again rest and return back to the church and do battle. Mali was fine, but he still worried about her and the others that resided in hell. All he hoped for was that they were alright.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. TwilightBlader

    The other day had taken quite the interesting turn, but an undesirable one for sure. Their comrade had not decided to take arms with them and it seemed the mother would be quite the problem for them. It was a shame that this mother was unlike the mother of dear June, but alas, Lucius had to admire such a woman. If there was any person he truly admired it was the ones that took the role of parent.

    Logan had decided to head off on another attempt, but Lucius knew that the boy couldn't get too far. "Hold my comrade and let me assist you in your endeavour" Lucius said walking along side the boy as the headed into the school for their adventure. "now, our target shall!" Lucius said stopping before a door leading into one of the classrooms. Pulling out a piece of parchment, Lucius began to scribble onto the piece of paper with incredible speed and accuracy. Waiting a while for the ink to dry, Lucius placed the document away.

    With a grin Lucius rose his foot and immediately sent it forward, kicking the door open. "GREETINGS AND WELCOME ONE AND ALL, I AM LUCIUS NERO, FAMED AUTHOR AND WORLD TRAVELLER COMING HERE TO YOUR VERY CLASS TO-" Lucius began to yell dramatically before looking out at the class and fell silent "oh dear it seems I've entered the wrong class....carry on" Lucius gracefully leaping out of the room.

    "Surely this shall be our desired path!"
    Lucius said kicking open the door to the other classroom and majestically twirled into the classroom "GREETINGS AND WELCOME ONE AND ALL, I AM LUCIUS NERO, FAMED AUTHOR AND WORLD TRAVELLER COMING HERE TO YOUR VERY CLASS TO MEET WITH A VERY SPECIAL LITTLE LADY" Lucius said closing his eyes as he raised his head upwards and placed his left hand through his long hair while he used his right hand to point dramatically over to Min. "COME MY DEAR MIN AND LET US DEPART! WE HAVE MATTERS TO DISCUSS AND PLACES TO GO IF YOU SO DESIRE!" Lucius said. Still pointing at Min, Lucius used his other hand and pulled out a document and held it up for the teacher to see "As you can see have some documentation stating for her release from class, I so humbly apologies for causing a scene" Lucius said without a shred of truth.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. TwilightBlader

    The scenes played over and over again as Regulus stared on at the mirror before him. The result that played before him was quite interesting and Regulus had to admit he had never expected this result. His son continued to be quite the adequate subject to observe and Temeluchas only made things much more interesting. The child was broken, whether he realized or not.

    The sudden sound of the door opening was noticed by Regulus, but he barely turned to acknowledge it. The voice that came after that only confirmed who it was and even so Regulus continued to stare at the mirror before him. Despite his attention to the mirror he still listened to the words of his fellow fallen angel.

    "It is to be expected, the true battle is about to being soon and this moment is the calm before the storm"
    Regulus said calmly staring upwards "Leviathan's prison has been found and Azazel has been of the main factors in this war...even the mindless demons are silent in fear of whats to come..." Regulus said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. TwilightBlader
    "So, there you are"

    The calm and familiar voice caught Caius off guard and nearly jumped as he turned around and noticed his teacher walking up towards him. Having spent most of the time staring over at the church, Caius barely paid any attention as Alistair had made his way over towards him "oh...Azrael..." Caius said softly.

    "I would have never imagined you would have come here" Alistair said walking up towards Caius as he himself began to stare at the church. With so many fallen now in the church he began to worry for the girl inside. Not all of them would be so forgiving and he knew it was upsetting Caius much more. "Are you sure about all this..."
    "Yeah...I made up my mind...somebody's gotta keep an eye on Mali after all..." Caius said closing his eyes with a sigh. "Besides, its as you said...all this...its all up to me...nobody else..." Caius said glancing back at the church with a determined stare.

    "very well then..." Alistair said calmly turning away "just stay strong kid" Alistair said walking away deciding to give the boy some time to himself. In his situation he could always go and kill demons, but that would attract the attention of the others and this would only end poorly for him if he didn't have Temeluchas' aid.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 6, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. TwilightBlader
    Name: Wallace Walker
    Age: 21
    Personality: The main thing one should know about Wallace is that he is very clumsy. He holds a kind heart and loves to help out, but luck just isn't too kind to him. He tends to screw up a lot and always tries to laugh it off. Despite this he always tries his best to take responsibility for it and can be quite the determined guy.
    Remaining Money: 1 Million
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 6, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. TwilightBlader
    Name: Edgar LeBeau
    Age: 28
    Personality: A whimsical and wondrous man! Some may say Edgar may be a bit mischievous and immature but perish the thought! None can rile the audience like Edgar and his passionate energy. He is suave he is kind, he is what people want in a man. Sure he may be loud, but not sirree
    Remaining Money: 1 million dollars
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 5, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. TwilightBlader
    He felt guilty, he felt as though he betrayed the others, but he wanted all the fighting to end, he was sick of it all. Even though Lu said that Mali was safe, he still worried for her as he was told she was banged up. He needed to take care of her so Cal wouldn't have to worry about her, even if Mali didn't want it. His emotions were a mess, and when Temeluchas pulled him into her arms his eyes teared up. She had said something he had always wished his own father would a long time ago. Eyes closed he wrapped his arms around her as the mist took them away.

    Temeluchas was gone and though this was all fine and dandy for Alistair, it had seemed that things had gotten a whole deal more complicated. A good chunk of the fallen that had disappeared had now appeared and Alistair was sure to be in a grave situation. Knowing retreat was the only option, Alistair left before the others could take notice of him and head off to sleep and rest for the day.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 5, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. TwilightBlader

    Temeluchas took a step forward narrowing the gap between them, but Caius did not move and just stared forward at her. Unable to look at her he stared downwards at the ground, avoiding eye contact with her, but this only lasted for a bit. He listened to her speak and the moment he heard her speak of Cal he stared up at her instantly as if it was an instinctual response.

    Temeluchas walked off and took a seat and as he stared at her he noticed her ushering for him to take a seat as well. His body shook, but he managed to walk over to the chair and took a seat, once again staring downwards. Temeluchas began to speak once more, but once again the woman caught him off guard and his eyes widened.

    In retrospect it was something that the mother like figure would most likely know, but even so this was the first time somebody other than Regulus and Alistair had ever referred to his true self. "Yes...I know..." Caius said softly. He had tried so hard to keep his true nature a secret from the others. With all the talk that Soren did, with all the hatred he expressed about the demons, it was something he could not let out.

    Even with everything he heard about Temeluchas, he still could not hate her fully. She was the closest thing he had to the one thing he ever wanted. She was like a parent to him. He wouldn't work for her so easily, but there was something that he thought that needed to be taken care of, he needed to protect the one thing Cal treasured. "....hows Mali? where is she?" Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. TwilightBlader

    Caius merely stood on just staring forward deep in thought, as if a mere husk trying to gather something in order to act. He didn't know what he wished to do, he wanted to see Cal, but it was just too hard to do at the moment. His empty moment was stopped in a sheer moment. Somebody was there, somebody that had appeared before he could even notice.

    The sheer moment that the touch contacted with his shoulder his body tensed and his eyes widened. He couldn't tell who it was, but anger rose. His fist clenched tightly and his teeth gritted together, fully thinking that Manitos had returned to play with his emotions again. With a hateful glare he glanced over his shoulder at the stranger, but the anger disappeared in an instant the moment he noticed it was Temeluchas "T-Temeluchas?!" Caius stuttered in shock as he turned around and took a few steps back to distance himself from the girl.

    His body tensed as he stood and stared at Temeluchas, unsure of what exactly to think of the woman that acted as his "mama" for a while. "h-help? what for? why would you need my help?" Caius asked still on guard. In his own eyes he was nothing compaired to the others, why would Temeluchas need his help instead of the others? All the stuff he had heard from Soren about the angels, though Alistair was kind to him he could not say that Temeluchas was like him. Though he stood as strong as he could, the nerves still affected him.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. TwilightBlader
    You can buy Inferno Gems at Joker's shop. If you haven't built that yet then build it along with the sheriff's office. The sheriff will give you a warrant for Joker's shop and you can enter
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Game Help
  17. TwilightBlader
    If Gaffer (back in Norune) was uninjured when he set up shop then you can get it from him, if not then head to Jokers and substitute bombs with Inferno Gems
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Game Help
  18. TwilightBlader
    The cheap way is to get as much bombs as you can and then just pelt them at her over and over until she is dead
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 2, 2014 in forum: Game Help
  19. TwilightBlader

    A new ally was to be made and this only meant a new character for his story. It was a golden opportunity to witness the recruitment first hand and he did not wish to miss out on this at all. Together with the group that decided to visit this new girl, Lucius walked on scribbling on in his big book.

    Once again Sal took the lead in this recruitment and began to speak with the little girl that was there. She was quite the rude one and after an odd picture was taken, she slammed the door on them. Sal made an attempt, but that did nothing as the girl wished to play the fool.

    "Never fear my companions for I shall take care of this situation! let it be known that Lucius Nero has got this under control!" Lucius said dramatically as he head forward towards the door. "Xú kè qīn'ài de gūniang! Yīnwèi wǒmen shì lái gēn nǐ shuōhuà de yánzhòng hé yánsù de shìqíng! Ràng rénmen zhīdào wǒmen shì zài xiāngdāng fánmáng, yīnggāi nǐ bù tīng wǒmen de yāoqiú, wǒmen jiāng zhà huǐ zhège mén xiàlái, yòng shǒuzhǐ yīgè dānchún de dānyuán bìng tuō dòng nǐ chū de tóufǎ! Ránhòu, wǒmen jiāng zhuóshǒu jìnxíng shāohuǐ jūzhù de nín jūzhù de tǔdì hé chàng zànměi gē! Zhè wúyí huì wéi yīgè gèng hǎo de gùshì...... Ó wǒ xiànzài gāi zěnme bàn zhù nǐ dǐdǎng! Dànshì zhè kěyǐ tōngguò nǐ zhǐ huānyíng wǒmen dào nǐ shūshì de jiā bèi zǔzhǐ!" Lucius said insanely dramatic.



    Hark dear girl! For we have come to speak to you of a grave and serious matter! Let it be known that we are in quite the rush and should you not listen to our demands we shall burst this door down with a mere snap of a finger and drag you out by the hair! Then we shall proceed to burn down the land of residence you reside in and sing songs of praise! Surely this will make for a better story...oh now how I do wish you resist! but this can be prevented by you merely welcoming us into your comfy home!
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 2, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. TwilightBlader

    To be quite honest Alistair had never been this frustrated before. Sitting against a tree Alistair merely stared down at the shard of mirror he held and stared at the form of the fallen Mali. He was quite grateful and surprised that it was Heinrik that not only spared the girl, but also tended to the girl.

    In general this did not bode well for both parties. If Mali was anything like her mama (which she totally was), she would begin to get her bitch on and start trying to bust some balls again. On the other side there was a good chance that Heinrik would get his phycho side on and stab the girl in the neck or something. Even if Heiny could control himself it didn't mean the others wouldn't do anything to her.

    From what he saw it looked like only Brandy and Heiny were the only ones there, which led to the question of where were the others. Sooner or later the others would return and things would only become worse for Mali. With a sigh he placed away the shard and rose up to his feet. If Mali died then he would have no idea how to face Cal. He glanced over at Temeluchas and back at the church. Surely for the angel of torment the girl was nothing more than a pawn, just like he was.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 1, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame