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  1. TwilightBlader

    "Did I not say the reason? I wish to converse! the faster my interest is fed the faster it will be for me to leave you be!"
    Lucius said running his hand through his own hair as he closed his eyes "let me be frank, as a literary genius I've taken quite the interest in that notebook of yours. Hearing the words dreams and garden was quite interesting...something of use in this adventure perhaps?" Lucius said

    /No. Now go away./

    "c'moooooooooooooon I'll keep bothering you! just any little thing! if its a personal matter I won't say a word...hell I'll even throw in my own personal story as a thanks!" Lucius said

    /I don't know who's worse, you or the girl./ He looked as annoyed as ever. /It's just about a bunch of dreams I've been having and I'm supposed to figure them out on my own. So no, I don't plan on sharing./ Kai waved the notebook in front of him before taking a step back into his room.

    "No....I'm definitely worse" Lucius said crossing his arms as if proud of the fact. Regardless Lucius smirked and "do note I'm not done with investigation..." Lucius said before walking off. There was still another lead and he would follow it.

    "Greeeting my dear companion!" Lucius said crouching behind Min "I have questions and the faster it is answered the faster I shall leave" Lucius said closing his eyes with a smile "and do be as detailed as possible" Lucius said

    Min rolled her eyes and got to her feet with a nod. "What's up, Laoshi?"

    "well now I am investigating that little mystery that mute boy is holding, I do wish to know what was in that notebook of his and you did gain a glimpse at it correct? Do tell me what you saw! you said erotica? it will be a shame when I publish this book that Kai will be depicted as a pervert....hell...when the movie comes out I dare say they are going to depict him as a really fat guy in a wife beater and because he is mute he will just be heavily breathing most of the time while sweating with a perverted stare while he writes in that notebook of his..."

    Min stared at him blankly for a long while, just blinking in disbelief. "Well, um," she finally started, "I don't know about all that, but I do think he's just a pervert. Um, as for what the notebook said; it started off with stuff about being naked in a garden and then mentioned being really hot and sweaty at the place where two rivers meet. But I don't see why you don't just ask him instead of me. It's his notebook."

    "Ah but the grouch will not say a word about it" Lucius said with a sigh before grasping his temples and shook his head "ah is a shame to hear about find out that one of our own is such a perverted man...dreaming about such things?! as a literary genius I can tell that the symbolism is that" Lucius said and began saying naughty things that TB can't write out before William came flying out of nowhere and flying kicked Lucius

    "Just...shut up...please..."

    "ah but we need to expose the true nature of our comrade...such a sad day...but regardless, thanks for the info, I shall be off now" Lucius said crawling away weakly.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  2. TwilightBlader

    It was quite amusing to watch the event unfold. Though at first he thought the Singaporean to be quite the downer, in the end this proved to be quite false as he watched the girl run off chasing the mute boy. His hand rested on his chin as he watched and with each exchange he was quite interested. Hearing the word erotica had caught his attention, but what he heard next was quite the interesting words.

    "hmm...Dreams? garden?...well now..." Lucius said silently to himself with a sly grin as he closed his eyes. Min was done harassing the poor boy and Lucius took it upon himself to seize the chance. Walking up to the room that belonged to Kai, Lucius gently knocked the door with his fist "Hark my dear companion! I have no intention of being that of an annoyance, but there are things that have caught my interest! surely yo will let me inside so we may converse!" Lucius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. TwilightBlader

    Caius didn't know what to truly expect, but regardless of this fact his eyes widened a bit when he didn't hear anything negative. The guy before him was off to the point, having introduced himself and rushed off to the question he had. It didn't give Caius time to introduce himself, but he didn't mind as he figured it would be best to answer the guy's question.

    "Ummm...Temeluchas has been branded a traitor to the forces of hell...though I don't know what exactly she is planning but I do know Lucifer desires her dead" Caius said crossing his arms "Alistair is just following Temeluchas...though he tends to keep complaining about working for her...." Caius said scratching the back of his head "Sorry, if thats not much help, one thing I can say is that Temeluchas and Alistair are a third party in all this...Alistair seems willing to help...but Temeluchas is another story..." Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. TwilightBlader

    Waking up in the new hotel just seemed so odd to Caius. Having spent his entire life in hell it was just far too strange for him to have awakened in such a new place. It was hard for him to believe that they were not longer in hell, but it was a fact he needed to accept. Sure he had spent some time with Alistair and Lu out there, but at the same time the thought of fighting had clouded his mind at the time and he really didn't pay attention.

    The others were still sleeping and Caius did wish to interrupt them so Caius silently got himself out of bed and prepared himself for the day. Fully ready, Cauis was about to leave when all of a sudden he glance upwards "I...can't go out like this..." Caius said placing his hands on the horns on his head. His horns had grown quite bigger than before and hiding them would be quite the predicament. It was really weird, but Caius took some cloth he could find and began to wrap his head with it. Sure he'd look like a freak, but he was already a freak and if anything this would make it look like he was less of one. He didn't want anybody really freaking out about it.

    It felt way too silly, but Caius walked out of the room. He was the enemy to the other a few days ago and to be honest Caius had no idea how they would treat him now. Even so after the day before he told himself that he wouldn't be running away anymore, he needed to stay strong. Just thinking about the other day and recalling that Cal was wearing his rose hair clips suddenly made his face turn red. Closing his eyes he shook the thought aside before walking off again. As he walked off he noticed one of the angel that he recalled was fighting Alistair during the battle "Oh...g-good morning..." Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  5. TwilightBlader
    Such a glorious day to awaken that he felt so refreshed and awake as he leaped out of bed. Life was truly a wonderful thing and he desired to live it to it's fullest. He got himself prepared for the day with a shower and immediately placed on his usual suit and smiled as he looked at a nearby mirror, pointing both his index fingers at it and winked at it before placing on his top hat and walked out of the room he was given. The day that belonged to Edgar LeBeau had just begun and already he was quite excited.

    Oh what marvelous fun he will have with this game. He was quite interested to see the many participants in this game and quite curious to see just how this was going to turn out. With gallant steps he began to walk down the stair until a groan reached his ears. For Edgar this was a cry of help! something that he could not ignore. Rushing down the stairway he soon came upon the victim of the woeful workings of fate. "Oh dear, my boy it seems you met with an unfortunate turn of events" Edgar said crouching beside the fallen boy "there is a meeting on its way, do you desire help dear boy?" Edgar asked closing his eyes with a bright smile

    Wallace, who had taken the time to at least recover himself from the fall was quite surprised to actually see somebody offer him some help. "Uh...sure I really appreciate it!" Wallace said happily. Of course he wasn't in any major pain and the help wasn't necessary, but surely it would hurt to accept it...............

    And so a big grin rose across the face of Edgar LeBeau...........


    "Calm down my dear boy, we'll be there in any moment"


    "Your quite the noise one, was it not you the one that asked for help?"


    "Your quite the silly boy aren't you"

    And so Edgar continued to skip at a fast pace and in his hands was the fallen Wallace. Holding the poor guy by the back of his shirt and belt, Edgar continued to run as Wallace flailed about until they reached the meeting room.


    "Alright my dear chap, here is our stop"


    Wallace could only cry out in anguish as he was tossed forward through the doors and landed on the ground with a groan "what...the...hell..." Wallace said weakly laying on the ground as Edgar walked in nonchalantly

    "Ah greetings one and all, my name is Edgar LeBeau, a pleasure to meet you all" Edgar said removing his hat with a bow.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader
    He now had a daughter, it was so strange, but he felt quite happy and content. He liked this feeling and he knew the only way to keep this feeling was to stop Leviathan and Lucifer. He watched her run off and then closed his eyes with a sigh before turning around and glanced over at the newcomer "Well...its been quite the while...Regulus" Alistair said

    "Indeed it has been" Regulus said walking up towards the aristocrat and crossed his arms "Things have changed...and though you have changed, deep down you know as well as I do that very same objective we shared is still there" Regulus said

    "Maybe...but only time will tell..." Alistair said with a smirk "Let us see what the future hold for us shall we?" Alistair said with a smirk before walking off. Regulus had returned to his bed in order to get rest while Alistair returned to Temeluchas. The girl questioned what took him so long but he assured her it was nothing before he went to sleep.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. TwilightBlader

    Sitting around was just a pain in the ass really, but it was something necessary he needed to do. Despite this he couldn't sit still, his mind was still focused on a certain girl and it motivated him to get out of bed. "I'mma be back in a sec" Alistair said towards Temeluchas before rising out of bed and headed out. Out of the bedroom he began to walk on before two individuals caught his attention. "oh? hey! Cal!" Alistair called out tot the girl with a smile as he ran up to the two.

    Walking along with Cal in hand, the sudden incoming Alistair caught his attention. Glancing over at Alistair and over at Cal, Caius scratched the back of his head and smiled as he let out an awkward chuckle "I'll head off on my own" Caius said releasing her hand before he ran off towards the nephilim room, leaving the two alone.

    Cal waved goodbye and turned back to face the man in front of her. It felt like a really long time since she had last seen Alistair. "Hi," she greeted him sheepishly.

    With his bright and usual smile upon his face, Alistair placed both hands on her shoulders and grinned happily "Man, each time I see you it feels as if you've grown so much...even so every time I look at you I just can help but see the cute little girl I used to carry around on my shoulders" Alistair said

    Cal blushed and brushed her hand over her face to hide her embarrassment. "You didn't used to do that."

    "Course I did! albeit once...but I did!" Alistair said laughing a bit at her embarrassment. "So how have you been fairing? good I hope" Alistair said with some concern in his voice as his smile softened

    Her face fell at his question and her red eyes looked distant. "It's been ... it's been hard here."

    "...I'm sorry kiddo" Alistair said letting go of her shoulders and pulled her in for an embrace "I know thing must be rough, but no matter how tough I want you to stay strong alright? If you need anything from me don't hesitate to ask" Alistair said

    Her arms hung limp at her sides as Alistair held her. She wanted to take comfort in his words but it was hard. "How am I supposed to ask for help if you're not around?"

    "Yeah...its unreasonable for me to say that...but...I just want you to give it some time" Alistair said releasing her from his embrace as he held her arms and stared at her face. "I swear...I'll make sure you have a bright future..." Alistair said

    Her eyes were glossy as she met his gaze. "How, when you're working with Lu? I don't see how it will be bright."

    "Lu will fail..." Alistair said calmly as he closed his eyes. "She may be listening...but this is what I truly believe...I will admit I care for the woman...but above're more precious to me..." Alistair said

    Her eyes brightened slightly and she raised her hands so that they were also locked on Alistair's arms. "You really mean that? Because ... everyone else has family here, except me. And ... it's really hard to watch them all, even if they don't get along with their family. They all have parents."

    Alistair smiled as he opened his eyes and stared down at her eyes "I know its tough, but let me tell you one thing, you're like a daughter to me now on I'm adopting you...If you want me to, I'll be your father" Alistair sad

    She broke her arms free of his grasp and threw herself into his chest. This made her even more happy, truly happy. The box in her hand fell to the ground when she did so and her brows furrowed at the realization that it was on the ground. Cal pulled away and bent down to pick it up, checking to make sure it hadn't been damaged. "Caius gave me this," she told him, "but I haven't been able to bring myself to opening it."

    Alistair raised an eyebrow as he stared up at the box "hmm kind of looks beaten should open it! surely the curiosity must be overwhelming" Alistair said taking interest in the box

    Her cheeks burned red as he mentioned how beat up it was. She had been doing a poor job at keeping it protected. It was likely the contents inside were already damaged. Cal nodded shortly began to undo the packaging. She hadn't been all that curious about it before, but now anticipation was eating away at her.

    Inside the packaging was a big crystalized rose made up from the most beautiful materials Caius could find and along side it were a smaller pair of roses attached to some hair pins. Taking notice of it, Alistair let out a low whistle "gotta hand it to Caius...he's pretty good with those hands of his" Alistair said

    As she stared down at the contents of the box, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes and began to spill over. Everything they were doing for her was too much. The gift was beautiful. She smiled sadly and set the box down so that she could fix the pins into her hair before picking it back up again. "They care about me a lot," she admitted, "and I don't want to hurt anyone."

    "Hey hey hey, whoa there" Alistair said bringing his hand up to her face and began to wipe the tears from her eyes "Something obviously is telling me somethings up, now c'mon, tell me whats up" Alistair said

    She let him wipe away her tears and she choked back another wave of them. "They both like me -- Soren and Caius. Really like me, Caius even said he loved me. I just ... I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt anyone. I like them both for different reasons ..."

    "Ah, my dear unfortunately thats a struggle that only you must deal with. I've no true experience when it comes to romance, but let me tell you something, in the end you must choose between the two, choose the one that your love truly desires. It will hurt the rejected, but if he truly loves you then he will accept and respect your choice, he will accept your happiness....and anything against this is nothing but selfishness..." Alistair said. He really didn't know what he said, but he tried to at least help as much as he could...even if it was crappy.

    "That really sucks."

    Alistair closed his eyes and began to laugh as he wraped one arm around her "I know right? Love sucks in general, I guess thats why I never tried anything romantic" Alistair said with a grin trying to lighten the mood

    She smiled up at him and nodded her head uncertainly. "Thanks I guess." Cal wiped away the last of the tears on her sleeve and glanced back down the hall. "I should probably get back. I think everyone's going to be waiting on me."

    "Alright then you run off now Miss.Grey" Alistair said walking up to her and kissed her forehead "Take care...I'll see you later"

    Her cheeks flushed again as he kissed her forehead and called her Grey. Cal cleared her throat and gave him a half wave. "Later," she replied before hurrying down the hall.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 17, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. TwilightBlader

    The slap across his face stung more than any form of injury he had ever felt before, but it was something Caius knew that he deserved. The pain on her face, the anger and sorrow she held made his heart break. He understood why she felt like that and her not forgiving him was justified.

    Despite the anger she let out at him, Caius' eyes widened in shock as the girl suddenly embraced him. Closing his eyes, Caius wrapped his arms around the girl before him and tightly embraced her. "I..know that Mali will never return to us, I've known that even before I joined...I just...I just wanted to make sure she was alright and find a way to end the battle...end the fighting between angels in anyway that I the end that only made things worse" Caius said with a sigh.

    Opening his eyes slightly, Caius smiled softly as he held the girl in his arms "Cal...your the strongest person I know, your the one person I fear...and...the one person I love" Caius said tightening his embrace on the girl careful not to suffocate the girl. "From now on, if we do something, we do it together...I've kept so much a secret...but no more" Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 16, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. TwilightBlader

    Standing in the middle of the hallway, Caius stood deep in though, wondering if he should return back to the nephilim room or not. He needed to speak to Cal and him just leaving like that was cowardly. He couldn't just leave things like this, but he feared speaking to her, to see if she hated him or not. He told himself that what happened with Manitos was not going to affect his relationship with Cal, but even so it was hard.

    The sound of footsteps snapped him out of his thoughts and as he turned around to see who it was, Caius' eyes widened upon noticing just who it was "C-Cal..." Caius said softly. He noticed the box that she held in her hands and though she had yet to open it, Caius felt quite happy to see her actually hold the box.

    He wouldn't cower anymore, it would be an insult to just flee from the girl that had done so much for his."Cal...I'm sorry" Caius said lowering his head. "I'm sorry I left without telling you anything..." Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 16, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. TwilightBlader

    Eyes closed for a good while, Alistair took the time he needed to rest and make use of his time in hell before they headed off to go do something he considered suicide. It was such a soothing feeling to not be coughing out blood and the spinning feeling was gone for now.

    Caius was not there and probably off to get a breather or something. Right now he really wished to see Cal but at moment he needed some rest and doing so was going to at least take a while. All he really hoped was that the girl was doing well and that she at least had managed to escape from hell.

    A relaxed sigh escaped his mouth as he opened up his eyes and stared over at Temeluchas with a smile "Well, I'm assuming that went quite successful...despite the whole falling unconscious and all.." Alistair said closing his eyes once more. "Do tell me, what do you have planned ? Going to keep things hush hush as usual my dearie?" Alistair asked.

    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  11. TwilightBlader

    The two siblings in the room were quite pleased with seeing the baby and a discussion immediately began. From what was said it seemed that the group was ready to leave hell for good. He glanced over at the room and noticed the old guy in the room as well, but his eyes were focused over at Cal.

    He had not said a word and stayed silent as he listened to Cal speak up about finding Azazel and bringing her along. If Azazel was who he thought then Caius really wished for her to join them. The girl looked so depressed the last time he saw her and all he wanted was for her to smile.

    Caius closed his eyes and let out a sigh before handing over Ruben to Anna "I...have to go...I'm sorry" Caius said staring over at Cal one final time before turning away and staggered off. If Mali was still out there then the best for him to find her was to stick with Temeluchas. Either way he had abandoned them before and did not know when he would break, he didn't want to burden them any further. Exiting the room, Caius stopped walking and glanced down at his shivering hand.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. TwilightBlader

    Upon the gentle touch of Temeluchas, Caius merely closed his eyes and lowered his head. He knew the girl was in there the last time he checked, but even know he had no idea what he would have happened to her. There was no response or resistance as he allowed Temeluchas to transport the three of them towards hell once more.

    Upon there Caius helped Alistair up onto a bed in order to relax and let out a sigh. "Im....going out for a bit" Caius said before walking out of the room, leaving Alistair and Temeluchas alone. He didn't know what to do, whether to run back to Cal or just hide away from the girl. Aimlessly he walked down the hallway, not knowing where he was going. He continued on up until he came across two figures up ahead. His father and the doll that he always walked along side stood up ahead, but something was odd. In the hands of the doll rested a familiar child.

    "Welcome back, I was anticipating returning a full fledged demon, but to my surprise you've returned with your mind in tack" the silver haired man said let out a chuckle and glanced over at the child in the doll's hands. "the numbers just keep on my surprise I found the poor child under a mere crate" Regulus said

    "what did you do to the child?" Caius said tensing himself for a fight

    "Nothing...after all I have done far enough research on the nephilim gift for your hard work" Regulus said snapping his fingers as the doll walked up to Caius and handed over the baby.

    The simple exchange made Caius' eyes widen and as he held the child he glanced forward as the two walked away "wh-wait!" Caius called back to no avail as the duo had already left. Glancing down at the child Caius closed his eyes tightly and fell to his knees "Damn it all..." Caius said as the tears ran down. There was nothing he could do, he did not wish to take the child back to Temeluchas and there was one place that he felt would be best for the baby.

    Rising to his feet he walked over to the Nephilim room. His body was worn and injured from the conflict and though he did not wish for the others to see him like this he had no choice. The door to the room was opened up and he walked into it with child in hand.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 15, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  13. TwilightBlader
    DAY 82
    Friday, December 13, 2013


    It all happened so suddenly, so fast. A blinding light had shot up from the church and only signified one single thing and that was that Mali had either succeeded or done something that she shouldn't of. Such immense power, it was a fearful thing, the power of Leviathan. They had actually done it, the beast was released. It was surely something not to be celebrated, but he couldn't feel sorrow. Even though he would die, it was up to fate to see if the world would end. The end was inevitable...and no one could ever fully predict how it will come. True it was thought that Azrael and Abbadon would be the ones there to end it all, but maybe Lucifer and Leviathan were the ones who were destined for this role.

    How long had it been since the beast had awoken? His eyes slowly opened up as his body began to move. With a groan, Alistair slowly began to fully awaken, lifting his body off of the ground and sat up. "What the hell..." Alistair muttered rising up to his feet only to stumble downward and hold his chest with one hand and cover his mouth with the other. Blood spilt out of his mouth, rushing out like a stream that was unable to be held back by his mouth. Throwing up he began to cough and pant. This was not the doing of that blast, these symptoms were all too familiar to him, they were the curse taking form. "Damn, how long was I out..." Alistair muttered coughing out some blood once more. It had to of been more than three days and even now he was finding it difficult to even stay awake. His head was spinning and a migraine started to form at an intense rate.



    The boy repeated that name as he pushed away the rubble tiredly. He knew there wasn't a likely chance that the one he was looking for was still around, but he had to check. His eyes were dull and his face was wet with what seemed to be a mixture of tears and dirt. The boy just wanted to make everybody happy, he just wanted all the fighting to end. Still repeating the name, Caius continued to dig through the rubble, holding onto the hope that she wasn't dead. He would accept any punishment, so long as he could tell that Mali was alive.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  14. TwilightBlader
    10 & 09 & 08

    "Urrgg...will you shut up already"

    "Ah but my young protagonist my story has only begun! just imagine the underdog story of a dear young child off to save the world! it will be a story of the ages!...though I do hope this tale does not lead to some pedophilia now"

    "you just won't shut up will you? "

    William was tired of the new guy's words. Ever since he was noticed by the silverhaired man the man wouldn't shut up about how he was going to be a great character for his story. Like hell the guy truly cared about his personality, it was obviously because of his body that this happened. Running off to check on the others that were away, William raised an eyebrow upon noticing a certain event involving a certain blond haired girl and the sudden crumbling of the church.

    "What the?"

    "Well this took an interesting turn of events...shall we leave my friends?"

    William yelled as he rushed forward along with the idiot that was named Lucius. He needed to help the others, but at this rate that was something impossible. Running towards what looked like a dazed girl that he recalled was named June,he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the church along with Lucius who was nonchalantly skipping behind William.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  15. TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. TwilightBlader
  17. TwilightBlader

    After a pleasant talk with Cal and the humorous babble from Soren, Regulus was back towards the basement, staring staring upwards at the ceiling deep in thought. The usual noisy basement was silent as the demons knew not to make a single sound. The higher ups knew that something big was to occur and the lowers knew not to make a ruckus in such a moment, especially if they valued their lives.

    After a moment the message was sent and Regulus' eyes narrowed with a sinister smirk. His eyes closed, Regulus exited the basement and headed off towards the place his leader called to. The huge doors to the throne room opened forth and upon entering it Regulus got on one knee and placed his arm over his chest, bowing before the Morning Star before walking off to the side, crossing his arm behind his back as he closed his eyes and waited. The usual mask upon his face was off, showing respect to his leader by not covering his face.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. TwilightBlader

    The blades clashed forth, but these two locked blades only stayed against each other for only a bit. Richard's body shifted, moving away from the strike of his blade and before Alistair could fully grip the handle of Arondight, Richard's blade had shifted into a wand form. The blade of Arondight was swung downwards, slashing through only air and left Alistair in quite the bad position.

    Acting fast Alistair released the the handle of Arondight with one hand and twirled the blade into a reverse grip. In a hasty response Alistair raised the blade and had it clash against the attack that Richard sent towards him. His stance wasn't the most advantageous, but it still not bad for him. The thrill of battle was quite exciting and despite fighting a battle he'd rather not fight, he still couldn't help but smirk. Once again Alistair gripped the blade with both hands and this time managed to shift his strength in pushing away his opponent. He needed some distance between them and had Richard not been pushed back, Alistair would have been pushed back instead, thus giving him the distance he wanted.

    Skidding back, Alistair twirled his sword and gripped it tightly preparing for anybody else that dared to attack. This battle had only begun and Alistair was far from feeling any sort of fatigue. It was quite the interesting battle, but glancing around he noticed that both Mali and the child had vanished "what the?" Alistair muttered gritting his teeth. There was hope that the others had managed to at the very least have a chance at getting the child, but that chance was gone now.

    Invisible shards were sent forward, piercing the flesh of some demons, either killing or wounding them. He did want any of this, that child that was taken, he had hoped to at least managed to reclaim it for the parents and even try and return Mali to hell, but both had disappeared. Claw like nails rushed forth and slashed though the demons, he didn't wish to harm the fallen angels, even though they saw him as an abomination, but even killing the demons brought his mind to an ill state. He just did not wish to kill anything.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. TwilightBlader

    "you know what you need to do, the rest is up to you" Alistair said calmly unfolding his arms and gripped the sword resting upon his back as the events began to unravel before him. The child resting in Mali's hands apparently belonged to Hana (who's hair was still looking as faaaaaaaabulous as ever) and Samuel, which was quite the odd pairing. The abomination claim did not sit well with him, but he did understand how much anger the girl would have felt about her child being in danger. If anything the only one that truly felt the sting of the girl's words was Caius. Though the boy was looking calm, Alistair knew that the boy was shivering.

    His stance changed once he noticed Richard heading over towards Temeluchas and immediately Alistair rushed forward. Temeluchas was in a bad position and though this could possibly be a farce, Alistair would get a good yelling for not doing anything in the battle. The slowly approaching Richard immediately vanished from sight and Alistair's grip on his sword tightened "damn it" Alistair muttered as he too vanished from sight, teleporting towards the two. Pulling his sword from his back and trusting it forward, Alistair intercepted the blade heading towards his mistress

    "Heh...that may be so...but I'm sure as hell not going to make it sorry" Alistair said nonchalant while he genuinely apologized. Using his other hand, he gripped Arondight's handle with two hands and attempted to push Richard away with a slash.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. TwilightBlader


    Her tears fell down her face and Regulus could only narrow his eyes as his smirk grew, but that changed once another presence made itself known. Calmly his eyes stared over at Soren and Regulus let out a scoff at his words "A fight? hardly....if anybody is here to fight it is do tend to shove your way into other people's business so I guess we are alike in that regard" Regulus said turning away from them with a calm smile.

    "I do know how you loath us angels and that unhealthy anger of yours has done wonders for you has it not? ...perhaps it was the many outbursts of anger you've shown only added to the broken mess that is Caius" Regulus said letting out a chuckle. "Bravo my dear boy, bravo" Regulus said clapping his hands as he began to walk away.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 11, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame