Alistair casually sighed and shrugged his shoulder with an exasperated smile "ah, quite the unorganized party, but it can't be helped" Alistair said. He knew that there would be those that would be against him joining them, but he would take the chance. In all honesty the worst he could imagine at moment was Heiny giving a hissy fit or something. "well anyways, same to you my dear chap" Alistair said before shaking the hand of Sal. "To be honest I am quite surprised that man is still alive..." Alistair said thinking about the pilot that he left them and he was quite surprised they even still had the plane in the first place. "Ah, thats right, I must thank your group for taking in the four nephilim. I assume you have a way to communicate with the others in your group correct? if you'd do me a favor, can I speak with the one called Calamitosum?" Alistair asked.
His eyes closed as he enjoyed the hot beverage being sent down his mouth, Alistair calmly lowered his cup and opened his eyes with a small smile as he opened his eyes to stare over at the first one to descend from the rooms of the hotel. "Indeed" Alistair said nonchalant as he placed the empty cup down on the table he sat beside and rose to his feet. Placing one hand in his jacket pocket, Alistair used the other and held his temples as he shook his head and chuckled "why amusing how you're the one I'm always encountering my visits towards midworld" Alistair said staring over at Sal once more with a calm smile "I am willing to join your side, after all there is nothing holding me back from doing so anymore...of course, I will understand the reason of rejection, but I can assure you I have no ill will towards your group...heh I''d say quite the opposite.." Alistair said.
It was an odd feeling to not be tied down for once. After his first encounter with Temeluchas he had always been the little pet for the woman and now that she was gone he could do whatever the hell he wanted. There was a lot to think about and things he needed to do, but he had the gist of what he planned to do. Cal and the others were still in hell so he still needed to get his daughter and her buddies out of there. There was also the matter of his curse to deal with, but Cal possibly had the solution to this. For now he chose to distance himself from the group to at least enjoy the feeling of independence for once. The time was a short one and it didn't need much thought so Alistair went with the only choice available to him. He always did help the group, so it really wasn't foreign for him to join them. There was still the topic of them even trusting him, but he chose to accept the risk. He found the hotel the others were residing in and rested for the night before waking up bright and early. He did not wish to trouble the group so he chose to wait for them to awaken. Sitting by the lobby, he took a cup of tea and causally began to sip it in his usual aristocratic manor. It was quite the long time since he was like this and he sort of missed it. Enjoying his tea, he used his other hand and brought out a mirror shard before he began to think of Cal. The sudden image he saw nearly made the man spit out his tea from shock. and fall off his chair. "You got out?! and you even met up with the others?...atta girl..." Alistair said quietly with a warm smile before placing away the shard into his pocket and continued to enjoy his tea.
Just what was so great about them that such a fate would befall such a mere group. He never saw anything remarkable of his life nor did he find anything of worth in the people as well. Was this merely a random twist of fate? a twist that held no purpose at all? Aeron thought about this as he leaned against the stone wall. Anger had flown all around the room and Aeron was one of the few that remained as calm as could be. To say that he wasn't afraid would be a lie for he knew just what was going on, but Aeron knew that running around like a headless chicken would do them no good. They needed to address the problem. They were in far too much of a helpless situation to truly do anything. He said nothing and listened on until the first challenge occurred and Derron volunteered to go. The wait was truly something that made him unnerved. One of them would come back alive while somebody would die. He did not know how it would occur but it was an undeniable fact. The harsh truth of it all was that they would need to kill, but could he bring himself to do it? His mind said he could if it meant survival, but he knew the true experience would contradict this. Derron's return with the sheet of metal in his hand surprised him and Aeron resisted jumping from the loud clank of the shield hitting the floor. Derron made his entrance casually, but Aeron could tell that he was not well and the blood on the metal sheet told him what the result was. Anthony spoke up and asked how it was like and Aeron stared over at Derron while Jenifer was in a flurry of anger. "How was it? it was shitty...those bastards..." Derron said with disgust. It was an uninformative response, but Aeron expected that. The teen walked up towards the shield that was kicked to the wall and examined it. Know thing could probably hold some advantage, Aeron took hold of it in order to prevent somebody from completely trashing it. "Derron, tell us what happened in there...we need to know as much as we can" Aeron asked staring back at Derron. "Tsk...I got a headset and once I put it on they told me that there would be three more people, one with a gun, one with a knife, and one with that shield over there...they gave me nothing..made me sit around like a ****ing coward.." Derron said slamming his fist on the wall behind him before letting out a sigh "Anyways, they told me to stay near the exit and the brawl began. In total it was four of us, Rae Anne with the gun, Nolan with the knife and Sancia with the shield. It was simple...Rae Anne shot Sancia and it was over...we were given some damn flashlights for doing all this..." Derron said.
"well...that was interesting" Alistair said nonchalantly. It was a total lie, but he was alive and he really couldn't complain. He had more interest in Sal speaking to Leviathan, but Adam apparently took over and apparently failed at his task. Sure he was looking forward to something more interesting, Alistair could at least say that Adam speaking actually was not really a bad thing. In general it caused Leviathan to leave as well as have no interest in joining Lucifer unless the Morning Star did it himself. Overall it was a good thing. Lowering himself and crouching over what little remains of Temeluchas was there, Alistair pointed his finger as a small blade popped out of it and began poking the remains in pure boredom. Eyes closed he let out a sigh "Such foolishness...Temeluchas..." Alistair said silently as if exasperated as he poked the remaining flesh. Rising to his feet, Alistair placed his hands in his pockets and stared up at the sky "Well then, quite odd, but I am now a free man..." Alistair said before glancing over at the three that stood near to him. "So what next? Will you pursue the Kraken, or merely retreat for now?" Alistair asked.
It is working for me now, thanks!
Its been disappearing for me ever since the fixed style was available for me. Its the same for my home desktop, laptop, school desktop and even phone (desktop view)
I have the same problem, but it only occurs in the fixed style
"Vanity and Pride, heh, truly the woman doesn't acknowledge her own faults..." Alistair heard Azrael's words, but his main focus was particularly on the event involving Temeluchas and Leviathan. The fight between Adam hadn't even started before Leviathan interrupted and all Alistair could really do was watch on and let his mistress move on with her plan. Whatever it was it had better be a good one or else. Arms crossed he stood and listened to the event take place and with each word, Alistair could see things only becoming worse for his dear mistress. Poor Mali was being tossed around as if she was just some pet, but with the way she acted it wasn't too far of a stretch to actually say that she was one. Just what was the woman trying to do? the kraken was becoming enraged, but the woman was still calm as could be. If she was to utilize her plan now would be the time, but there was nothing. In the end his mistress' body was savagely destroyed and ripped apart until there was nothing left except for a big smear on the ground. "...Thats it?...such a pitiful death..." Azrael's disappointment mirrored exactly what Alistair was feeling at the moment. All he had heard from Temeluchas was nothing but haughty words and her death. A predicable response, but one that Alistair had hoped to of seen a different response. The wall of mist blocking Adam and his partner was now gone and it only left the stage for them to enter. Maybe it was his time to act as well, but another voice made itself know and Alistair's eyes glanced over at the newcomer. "Oh? how interesting" Alistair said silently raising an eyebrow quite intrigued at the entrance of Sal. Maybe thing really would become interesting.
At first he believed that he would be the first to start swearing, but it was apparent that the female in the room did it for him. Her outburst basically summed up anything he would say and the mood to even say anything was now gone. A life for a mere flashlight, though this sounded insignificant he knew that this would be of use later on. Regardless of this fact it still felt as if he was being mocked. With a grumble, Derron knelled downwards towards the fallen girl and grasped the metal shield she had held. It would be a waste for him to merely leave it there and she sure as hell wouldn't be using it. With the sheet of metal in hand, he walked off and took himself a flashlight before heading back through the room he came out of. It was dark, but Derron did not wish to waste the batteries of the flashlight and so decided to trek through the darkness alone and use the flashlight unless truly needed. Once he returned back to his group Derron immediately tossed the bloodied metal sheet into the centre of the room "Im back" Derron said calmly resting his back against a wall. Slowly his body slid down the wall until he sat upon the ground.
Derron's eyes widened at the sudden event that occurred before him and though he prepared himself for such an event, he couldn't help but feel something at the sudden event. His teeth gritted and Derron tsked as he prepared himself. The other two foolishly dropped their weapons before the situation was over, but Derron was no fool to immediately continue the fight even though there was a possibility it was over. If anything was to come he would definitely make an attempt for the weapons as he was without one, but for now he needed to keep his guard up. It was just like that bus driver that died, the girl would follow him along with many more. It angered him greatly as he stared over at the girl. What sickened him the most was that he was thinking more about taking that shield away from that corpse of hers. Just how many more time would it be that he would repeat that same thing about killing his captors. They surely had their reasons and they definitely knew what they were doing, so how was it that Derron would be able to take care of these bastards? He was just some punk that could beat the crap out of idiots. Just thinking about his weakness only made him even more pissed. Starring over at the girl with the gun, Derron closed his eye with a sigh before walking up to the felled girl and stared down at her, ready to take her weapon if need be.
2 An so things would begin soon. The very instructions still rang through his mind and Derron was not somebody who would merely ignore what was said. He was sure to be the only few with great fighting skills and though he seemed like a meathead he loved to at least disagree with this notion at some degree. Knowledge was power and cockiness was a weakness. He was so sure of his power, but he dare not keep to that. For now Derron did as he was told and clenched his fist and remained near towards the entry of the room. Plans were just roaming through his mind and he just continued on thinking about who to take out first and what benefit he would gain from doing so. His mind was steeled and he kept a good eye for whatever was to come.
"Heh, nobody volunteering? fine I guess I'll head off and bust some skulls a bit" Derron said scratching the back of his head lazily as he took a step forward "Oi if I don't return make sure you damn well kill these mofos" Derron said walking until he reached the box that he was instructed to head towards. He loathed taking orders from these mysterious people but there was not much he really could do at moment. He needed to continue to live, it was simple as that really. Derron would not die here, but if he did he sure as hell will not die easily. Opening up the box, Derron curiously raised an eyebrow as he stared down at the headset before shrugging his shoulder and placed it on over his head. Derron continued to walk towards the challenge room and during his trek a voice spoke from the headset and began to speak to him "Oh is that so? well then thats...interesting" Derron said silently with a smirk as he began to crack his knuckles. There was so many ways that he could go about this and despite being royally pissed, he was actually quite excited about whats to come. He continued to walk on but suddenly paused and stood in one spot.
Stay salty my friend
"Those damn sons of bitches" Before he could even fully awaken the sheer swear had been ushered out of his lips and Derron's body began to move. Eyes shut tight and teeth clenched tight, Derron stumbled up to his feet and rose up and scratched the back of his head, grumbling a great deal of swears. A flurry of rage burned deep inside the teenage and nothing more all he wanted to do was strangle the damn bastards that dared to capture him He had heard about these bastards and their damn idiotic games, but he was like the others and didn't expect this in the slightest. The bus driver was shot and what he hated the most was how helpless he was. He damn well did not go down without a fight that was sure, he did his best to at least do something to his captors. A punch was sent towards a captor but force hit his back and caused the pain to grow. He was confident in his power, but they had weaponry and numbers. He was overpowered and everything was a blank. Once the rage cooled down a tad he glanced over at the others residing in the same room and narrowed his eyes with a small smirk " bastards are here as well..." Derron said without any real disgust. He was quite glad to see Jen and Dominic as he sure as hell knew that the two could rile up some trouble. His eyes glanced over at the others and noticed the silver haired brown kid standing silently. He knew his name was Aeron, but the kid was pretty silent and kept to himself. Before he could say more the voice coming from a speaker made itself known and Derron glanced upwards to acknowledge the message "Alright...which one of you wants to raise hell?" Derron said.
With the question said and finished, the situation suddenly got a great deal awkward with the sudden silence. He did not know exactly what to say at the moment and that was definitely not gonna be good for his nerves. Scratching the back of his head, Caius nearly jumped the moment Richard asked for his name 'Huh?! my name? oh! its Aster..." Caius said continuing to scratch the back of his head. He wanted to return back to the other nephilim, but he needed to at least get to know the other angels so he wouldn't be so nervous around them. He didn't understand why there was so many idiots in this group, but he was glad that he managed to drive of Lucius...for now. Brandon seemed at least competent...for now, and Lauren was not in the proximity...for now, so at least William had some chance to think in peace. The others were more experience and had a better chance at figuring this out, but he knew he couldn't just rely on the others for everything. "Well then...lets see..." William muttered as he grabbed himself a pen and began placing an x over the places the group has been. "hmm...I don't know that much about Christain mythology...but from what I've seen it tends to refer to the middle east..." William said circling the area on the map "I'm pretty sure we've haven't entered this area...that or Africa...there is a chance it can be in there...but it's only a guess" William said
Midword or Hell, which one was the most preferable place to be at. Excluding being a traitor to Lucifer and all, things were sure to have been in chaos and there was to be no real safe haven. Though it wouldn't be instant, Leviathan would soon begin to be a threat. There was no guarantee that Temeluchas would succeed with taming the beast, but Alistair could not truly tell what to expect when it came to Leviathan. Rising up from the bed, Alistair smirked as he glanced down at his hand and clenched it. It felt quite wonderful to be at full power once more. The curse was too much of a pain and he sure as hell did not wish to go five days without returning to hell. Any more than five days and his life would be endangered. "well then, if our business is finished here, why don't we head off to do whatever it is you have planned" Alistair said glancing over at Temeluchas.
Is it Basra?