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  1. TwilightBlader

    Aeron wasn't too sure that they should have accepted Brady so easily and wondered if it was the right choice to do so. By the end of this, those that survived would be murderers at some point. It was a fact that he had to acknowledge and be careful of. People were unpredictable and there surely must have been a reason why he was there.

    "Hey, if I may ask...just what exactly were you doing here and what were you doing with that body...also where is your group?"
    Aeron asked staring over at Brady. They were all divided into groups so there must have been some sort of reason for that as well. For Brady to leave the group only raised questions.

    If he would have guessed then it was the work of the captors, but what did this solve? was it preparation for another one of those challenges that Derron and the others took part of? or perhaps a trap? He knew banding with the others would be difficult and even doing so probably wouldn't solve much.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. TwilightBlader

    Regulus watched on as the battle commenced. With the initial blow having been blocked, the doll thrust it's other hand forward at Adam who had managed to step back and avoid the blow. In response to the blow, the doll began to back away and move with each stab towards it. The sleeves were being slashed apart by the blade and some thrusts managed to knick the doll in various places, but it did not even react to those blows as it dodged the blade and used it's bladed arms to slash away the mist that was fired at it. Though it could dodge, it hardly had the moment to attack, waiting for an opportunity to attack.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 8, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  3. TwilightBlader

    His interest was drawn away from the chimera that he was working on and Regulus crossed his arms and stared over at Adam as the doll stood forward dressed in a cloak with long sleeves and covered with a mask. "Go..." Regulus commanded and with the command the doll immediately bolted forward straight at Adam.

    Raising it's hand upwards, the sleeve fell downwards revealing metallic claws fused to the flesh of the doll's fingers. In a quick and fluid method the doll slashed downwards and reeled the other hand back ready to thrust forward at Adam should the attack be dodged or blocked. Unlike Regulus' other doll Antonio, this doll's movements were precise and smooth, as well as fast and strong.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  4. TwilightBlader
    Internet is down at my house so I will only be able to post once I'm at school. It should be back by the weekend
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. TwilightBlader

    He was damn sure that the girl died in the other room and her being here was unsettling as hell. Staring at the body was strange this time, it wasn't that he felt anger or hatred at the state of the body but this time just staring at it he felt nothing. In his eye it was nothing more than another body, he didn't feel the need to grieve for her. She was a victim, nothing more.

    He couldn't deny that he was ready to kill her at the drop of a bell. When he was told about what everybody had, Derron didn't protest in the slightest but merely thought of ways to kill the others. If he was to die then so be it, but he would drag the bastards that stared it along with him.

    "Alright, speak before some sort of **** starts up" Derron said not pleased in the slightest as he stared down at the boy with a narrowed eye. He was growing impatient with this boy and even now he did not know if this boy could be that of a threat or not. He was still on guard and ready to whack the fool with the metal sheet they had if need be.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. TwilightBlader

    A single slash and the demon before him was cleaved in two. He knew none of the demons before him ever truly gave a damn about their fallen comrades and he knew they didn't even hold a shred of fear. They were mindless beings and Alistair could not hate that, but pity it instead. There was a short pause of demons as they prepared for another attack but one of them near to him was killed as Richard made his appearance into the fray.

    It was inevitable that he would be asked such questions and truth be told he himself did not truly hold the answers himself. "It was simple...they asked first..." Alistair said closing his eyes calmly as he slashed a demon that tried to attack during the conversation. "I prefer to see myself more as the neutral party, even now... I am the host of Azrael, one who governs death, and let me tell you, humans are such disgusting...yet beautiful creatures..such contradictory creatures." Alistair said calmly. " this war of worlds...I desired to see the perspective of both sides" Alistair said before chuckling.

    "Regardless, it wasn't like I truly had much freedom, Temeluchas separated my heart from my body and held it hostage in order to have me do as she wished...As for why I am still alive? well it seemed Luficer desired that one of his generals would stay alive, but for the most part I truly worked under Temeluchas..." Alistair said
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. TwilightBlader

    There was silence from Regulus as he stared at the boy and his strange request. After a few seconds Regulus merely stared over at the sleeping chimera on the operating table and stared down at it. "Humans...are such interesting beings..the things they do due to boredom..." Regulus said before closing his eyes.

    "There is little you can help with..Your body is nothing more than a human's and I've already dealt with enough humans...should you desire any physical enhancements then I can arrange something of the sort, but for simple research I will pass..." Regulus said. "If you desire, you are free to fight the upper classed demon. Though not much, they will still form some form of challenge" Regulus said before staring at his doll "perhaps you will desire to face her? I assure you she will prove to be that of a challenge" Regulus said speaking confidently about his doll before turning back to the chimera.

    " can always face me if you desire, I've haven't had a true sparring partner ever since Alistair left, but if fighting will not ease the boredom, perhaps hell is not the place you should be seeking entertainment in..." Regulus said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 6, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  8. TwilightBlader

    How many days had it been since he had first arrived in hell? how many demons had he experimented upon. For him demons, humans and even angels held no real difference to him. His experiments on both Jehoel and the numerous demons had produced a great deal of knowledge, but with that knowledge there was few things that needed to be learned.

    A chimera was trick to deal with, but Regulus had slowly begun to get used to it as well as avoid the poisonous blood. The sample chimera laid on the operating table, sedated and breathing slowly as it's torso was held open by some clips. Regulus stared down at the cavity with his hand resting upon his chin as he stood next the doll that always stood beside him.

    A familiar voice called out to him and immediately the doll turned its attention to Adam as if preparing to spring straight at him. Regulus calmly glanced over at Adam and upon noticing who it was he immediately turned to face him and crossed his arms. "Beelzebub had quite the interesting workshop so I figured it would be best to overtake it with his absence.." Regulus sad closing his eyes "Now if I may ask, what brings you here into my chamber?" Regulus asked calmly, the doll beside him lowering it's guard and stood calm.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  9. TwilightBlader

    It was such an odd feeling to be fighting for what was right, but could he say such a thing? Alistair's view was still clouded, still unsure, but he knew what he had to do. A single person was the cause of his decision and with it he knew what path he would have to take. He was a man of war, a man that was made to obliterate. Azrael was his angel and he was to be fated with dealing with the dead. Everything had an end and Alistair knew everything would soon reach it's inevitable destruction. It was only a matter of time.

    Even so despite knowing this Alistair wanted to believe that he could at least believe in humanity before that time would come. The time he spent with Cal was precious to him, but he could not just sit around as the demons attempted to attack them. Maybe it was some sort of instincts that drew him to battle, but all he wanted to do was make sure these demons were dead, he wanted to kill them.

    Whether demon, human or angel it did not matter to him, death was all the same for them. Blades soared through the sky cutting and piercing the flesh of demons. Alistair stood among the hoard and cut his way with great speed through the hoard, dispatching away the weaker demons and preparing himself for the stronger ones. Thrusting his fist forward he grasped the throat of a demon and tightened his grip as the demon's body began to corrode. The body began to shrivel in his grasp and once there was nothing left but a husk, Alistair tossed the body into the crowd of demons and prepared to fight once more.

    Glancing over his shoulder, Alistair stared over at Leon and Samuel and merely chuckled quietly to himself. Throughout all this fighting Alistair could say that him and Samuel fought quite efficiently together. The two of them were a complete destructive manly force as they fought off the demons like manly men, doing manly things. Turing his attention back to the demons he immediately lopped off another demon's head and smirked. Samuel talking to Leon only meant more demons for Alistair to slaughter.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 4, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  10. TwilightBlader

    Aeron could only nod in response to what Anthony said, but Derron replied by slammed his fist against the wall. It wasn't that the brute didn't agree with his words, it was just that he as royally pissed. How long would it be until that fist slamming stopped? Aeron wondered this as he stared over at Derron and sighed.

    Derron was the first to rise to his feet and follow Jen while Aeron followed behind. He did not have much hope for whatever Jen had planned, but they really had no real option at the moment. There was no guarantee that they would be getting fed so food was probably going to be a problem for them as well.

    These captors desired entertainment, it was the only reason Aeron could thing of. The collars on their neck were sure to kill them if they did anything undesirable. He thought about what Anthony said and it was something they definitely needed to be wary of. Nobody could say that they were saint like and would offer their life randomly. He was sure as hell nobody was troll like that they would off themselves first for no goddamn reason. For now Aeron just followed on with his hands in his coat pocket.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. TwilightBlader

    Waking up in one's vomit was not pleasant, not pleasant in the slightest. It was a miracle that he got out of that bathtub and he figured that if he just stayed in there then he would have just died. It was a horrid day that he spent most of the day laying on the ground in his wet clothing.

    With his eyes opening the next day, Alistair arose to his feet with a groan holding his head. The effects were still there, but to a minor degree that would fade soon. Sleeping really did help and he was glad this sickness did not last as long. "well...that was shitty..." Alistair said. After a shower was taken he was out in a new suit as fresh as ever. It felt quite nice and the fact that he wasn't coughing out blood meant that the curse was gone.

    Rendezvousing with the other fallen angels, the group was soon off heading towards the other group. To be able to see Cal again was quite a pleasant thing and he was quite pleased to see nobody really rushing at him to gouge his eyes or something. "indeed" Alistair said to Richard staring ahead at what was going on. He really did enjoy fighting against Richard as it actually showed the group was competent. "well, shall we proceed?" Alistair said nonchalant as he proceeded down the stairs.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  12. TwilightBlader
    I'm thinking that aura of light was Terra's influence trying to restrain Terranort. MX then proceeds to attempt to remove Terra's heart from the body because he doesn't need the heart, just the body. It backfires and the amnesia is the result and I'm guessing the guardian probably chose to retreat them into the darkness since it's host is unconscious.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. TwilightBlader
    ehh, might as well~

    Unvote . : tale_wind

    Vote TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. TwilightBlader
    I'm not going to lie but I am very amused
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. TwilightBlader
    ...well...I actually didn't expect such a reaction...I really didn't put any thought into this and just thought..."ehh whatever its first day" and voted myself...anyways

    Unvote TwilightBlader

    Vote . : tale_wind
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. TwilightBlader

    "I don't think that would be a good idea..."

    Caius spoke up and made his presence known as he walked up to the group, looking quite fatigued. His hair was a mess and one could see how groggy his face looked. With a yawn, Caius covered his mouth and slapped his own face to wake himself up before starring back at the others. "Mali left us...she did it of her own free will..." Caius said softly closing his eyes.

    "Nagging Mali...bringing up bonds that she doesn't care about...its only going to be pushing her away" Caius said. Letting out a sigh, Caius took a seat on a nearby chair. "If Mali wants to join back with us it is up to her...we've done all we could...we can't just keep running after her..." Caius said.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 31, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. TwilightBlader
    aaaaaaaand random number generator saaaaaaaaaaaaays....unlucky 13...annnnnnnnd that is....




    ...goddamn it...

    Vote TwilightBlader
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. TwilightBlader
    This was all like some sort of television show or maybe some sort of video game. It certainly felt like this and the way things kept on proceeding it felt more and more like this. There was nothing special about them, they were just some teens who would now go on a life changing adventure and fight like in the shows. Dominik could not say he was frightened, more so he was interested in what was going on.

    A person had volunteered and left, the wait was killer and he was so interested in what she would do and when she would return back. He waited and waited and his eyes brightened as the girl came back. She was bleeding, which only interested him even more. From what she said it seemed somebody died, how sad, but interesting.

    Dominik wanted to see what happened, he wanted to learn more about it. He now envied that the girl was chosen, but could he volunteer himself the next time? he wasn't sure about that. He fiddled with the shirt he wore and listened to James congratulate Rae Anne. "Yes...she should feel proud that somebody died" Dominik said nonchalant as he continued to fiddle with his shirt
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. TwilightBlader

    "You sly fox...why didn't you tell me you were leaving hell?!" Alistair said

    "Well ... every time we planned to leave, it didn't work out. Plus you were busy."

    "well so long as you're finally out of are you doing out there?"

    "Um, I'm adjusting I guess. Everything's so strange. What kind of magic is this?"

    "ah my dear you have much to learn, I'll tell ya all about it when I meet up with you, that guy in the weird suit is your personal butler so if you need anything don't hesitate to ask him...he lives to work for you" Alistair said cheerfully

    "Okay. I'll remember that. Um, Alistair -" she whispered his name into the phone, "I still don't know what to do..."

    "Huh? talking about the phone?...or about the boys..." Alistair asked

    "The boys..."

    Alistair just let out a sigh "ah yes...the boys...well I'd rather you not date well...any of them, but thats because dads are supposed to be overprotective over their little girls....hmmm..perhapse you can try talking to the both of them? remember Cal, there is no rush in your least make the boys understand why its so difficult for you to choose otherwise they will be receiving some mixed messages and things will get to them....or kick them in the balls and tell them your not ready to have a relationship...I like the latter..." Alistair said

    "That sounds really mean. If I don't want to accidentally hurt them emotionally, why would I intentionally hurt them physically? Honestly, sometimes I question your judgement." There was a pause. "I guess... I guess I'll try talking to them. Um, Alistair? Will I - will I see you ... before it's too late?"

    Alistair began to chuckle upon hearing her words and quieted himself as the pause took affect. "Too late? what are you blabbing about? of course you'll see me" Alistair said reassuringly. "Temeluchas is gone...there isn't anything holding me back said you knew of a cure for my curse right? now'd be a good time to get rid of it...we'll be able to be a family..." Alistair said softly

    "Oh, yeah that -- um, about that ... Danel never told me what the cure was; just that there was one. Sooooooooo..."

    "..........This...this is not good..." Alistair said with a facepalm

    "Ahaaaaa, no not really. Have you tried asking Lu? She would probably know or maybe some of the other Dark Angels? There's an angel here. She might know something, after all, she got Bound to Lucifer and stuff."

    " dead..." Alistair said with a groan "an angel eh? well then I guess thats one of our only hope...put her on" Alistair said

    I have a hunch about who the girly is talking about...switch out...

    With a exasperate sigh the control immediately shifted and Azrael took control

    " that you?"

    "Yeah, it's me. What exactly is the problem?"

    "Come now, sure we can't reminisce for a bit? then I'll keep this short...My idiot of a host over here was busy getting funky with Temeluchas up in hell...I assume that you know what that means? I was wondering if you'd know of the cure for such a curse?"

    "What did your host see in her? Whatever, at any rate, I might know how to break the curse."

    "My host is quite the weird one, but nonetheless I'd be quite grateful if you would indulge me with the knowledge of the cure"

    "Well, from what I know, there are two things necessary to break the curse. First is that the one that cursed you has to be dead. The next part requires the cursed one to drink holy water and bathe in it. Considering that your host willingly went to Hell, I imagine it'll be a painful experience to say the least."

    "Ahh, indeed it will, but the the idiot deserves it so I must thank you for your help"

    The phone call ended with Alistair finishing his conversation with Cal and after bidding the girl farewell and telling her that he will be seeing the girl soon, the call ended. Returning the phone to Sal, Alistair sighed "I'll be incapacitated for a sorry for the delay in teamwork" Alistair said before walking off. There was things that needed to be done and not much time to do so.
    After a pleasant encounter with Xathanael, the girl was able to bless a bathtub filled with water and a step towards curing his cure was made. Alone and in the bathroom he stared down at the water and closed his eyes with a sigh. "You're really enjoying this aren't you..." Alistair said.
    Me? of course not! why would I take joy in watching you squirm around as your body rejects the water...

    "...your sheer voice is filled with glee.." Alistair said scooping up some water. "Oh well...YOLO...." Alistair said as he gulped down the water. Wishing to spit it out, Alistair swallowed and immediately began to cough a great deal. Holding his stomach he immediately collapsed into the tub and began to cringe.

    Oi! least take off your clothes if your going to take a you and suits just are inseparable...

    His body felt like it was on fire as he laid in the tub and continued to soak in it. He cringed, but refused to let out a whimper. This was his his punishment so he couldn't even make a move.
    Post by: TwilightBlader, Mar 29, 2014 in forum: Hall of Fame