I'm not worried ^.=.^ when ever you can
avatar: 7/10 original sig: 9/10 organisation 13 who else ^.=.^
*docyx takes her offer* how do we get out of here? I don't know what to do
thats a shame....
oh yeah ^^
I don't think I have you yet..... have you added me?
you got it right first time
I've been good.... fb is kinda taking over my life abit
sounds fun *te he*
that will be hard to do for me (gotta leave here on fb though)
*I lean out and breath my pure white and blue flames lighting the shadows*
I turn to my side and use my tail as a club and beat the bolders back at you
give it a try
*extends my wings riding the wind*
*I preform a barrel roll and head towards the ice at great speed breaking the ice into bits*
*I circle round the breath taking manoeuvres to dodge it*
flying is what we do, not gonna fall
find do what you want Purrrrr
what about you?
murrrr *trys to Throws you off*