yep on it almost everyday!
it's always best to keep your options open me thinks
so do I, I don't get on much, and I'm doing good thanks for asking
he's a great kisser?
^.=.^ it's nice to be warm
you have now lol
thats more of a picture request but if you look on my albums you'll find sprite sheets with both sora and riku which you should be able to use to make the image you want, if you are unable to do it yourself I don't mind positioning the sprites for you
but why? *docyx says looking Moth in the eyes*
thanks ^.=.^
have you yet?
computer programmer.... some something about techies I like *te he*
thats gr8!!!!
............ @.=.@ confused
well it's about time i guess
I wonder if 'a lullaby for you' the song from the end of TWEWY will feature in Kingdom Hearts DDD
this is your history right? anything important happen at this time in your life?
town, drayke works in a town called Norwich or is it a city? Oh well we still wanna more there so he can still work
lol you would think the older generations would need more heat
veiwing a flat and me and drayke being together 6 months
lol but at least I talk to people and furries on fb ^.=.^