this is very well said ^.=.^ I have respect for you
*Docyx's keyblade still inhand flys up level with the keyhole and in that same instance the area grows darker with the many peering eyes of the shadows getting ever closer*
thanks ^.=.^
Me and my boyfriend have a polygamus relationship in that we *cough* have sex with more than just eachother, we even host orgys with friends. But what I wanted to disscus is whether or not people think a polygamus relationship can last? Whether people think monogamy is what SHOULD happen in a relationship and any other thoughts on the whole subject ^.=.^
Your experiance seem to closly match mine, though I came across some homophobic friends that knocked me back, *sigh* spent six years at school being the 'stay away from the gay you may catch it' type of social outcast ^.=.^ but that time has passed and I couldn't be happyer
It seems Mickey is gonna pop up in many worlds this time, I hope they exsplain how he does that. Cause timeless river was the past so he could be there as well as Disney Castle but the Muskaters AND the fantsia world? How is he in both?
*Docyx nods* It isn't a simple case of locking the keyhole we also need to rid the world's heart of the already preasant darkness, but I've done it before, the heartless will try and stop me, protect me if you please. *Docyx enters a trance like state glowing yellow keyblade pointed towards the keyhole*
^.=.^ your very welcome
I would love to join you
yeah and I'm kinda against advising anything that could get you hurt or worse
you've survived worse
agreed, but another in my opinion would be the Soul Reaver games, I love the dialog its so well proformed
I thought long and hard about my Nobody, infact his name is my username. Docyx (the no15 thing is the fact at one point there where 14 members of the organisation and I am the 15th) and since I'm not a very physical person I always assumed my Nobody would be a magic user with maybe a flaoting orb or a staff as his wepon
me to, lets cry about it together
*Docyx slays the creepers advancing upon them still focusing on what Moth is doing*
not much just mulling around our place
thats annoying, lol it would be nice to meet you rl
*keyblade in hand docyx follows being vigulant of the 'creepers'*
it was free hun
^.=.^ your welcome