Docyx monas and wakes up...."Moth, your here?" Then with all his memories he gasps "wait where are we which world?"
lol look them up they're cool and crazy
facebook mainly ^^
sounds epic!
I got online yay :glomp:
haven't got a place yet we're trying for one
what happened?
te he ^.=.^
with pies? I would rather white dragon fire!
lol I be full of wisdom
lol if everything was easy it would be pointless
"h-hey wait up! You can't say that then just run off!" Docyx takes her arm, in a flash hundreds of memoires flood into him causing him to collapse onto the floor
maybe I should learn one day
generally busy and I'm trying to organise me and my bf moving out and living together
^.=.^ I'm glad
got no requests hun