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  1. Ansem59
    Vitan took cover as well. A dragon?! What was that doing there? Vitan looked over to the man "Is that your beast? Why did you bring him here?! People are going to be really upset and if you don't get that thing out of here soon, the military will come and take you and it out! Don't you understand that this is seen as a threat! Especially coming from a man from Seraphim!!!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    A hush fell over the vendor and Vitan when the man mentioned Seraphim. However, that silence was quickly broken when the "gaurds" came along. Vitan was completely unaware of what was going on, but he was suddenly put in the middle of this affair and he didn't like it. "Um, are these friends of yours?" The gaurds surrounded him and the man. Vitan held his sword, ready for any approaching attack. Yet he felt he should be more scared of the man from Seraphim than the gang of riff rafs.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
    Vitan was almost shocked. He had knocked this man over, yet the man was handing Vitan food? "Uh, wow, thank you sir! Thank you very much!" Vitan took the sack of food and then began eating some of the fruits. Dirt was common on most of the food Vitan ate, but these were especially clean even though they had been dropped on the ground. Vitan looked over then man as he ate. Black hair, black outfit... this man was dressed very unusually. He also had a very nicely crafted sword. Vitan could tell since he had helped his father work on swords for so many years. As he observed the man, his curiosity grew. "So, where are you from?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ansem59
    Vitan examined the man and noticed his... oddities... Then Vitan looked down at where the man was looking. Vitan felt even worse. "Oh my... listen sir, I'm sorry, I have some loose change in this can, take what you lost, if its even in there." Vitan offered, honestly. He couldn't believe that this had happened! What if he lost all his money to this stranger? 'Oh! Why did I have to be so nice to this nobody!' Vitan thought to himself. He still needed the money for his potions.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    Vitan walked through the market place gathering supplies. Who knew when they would depart for battle? Vitan had to be prepared at all times. Vitan moved through the hustle of the street, attempting to get to his destination. Suddenly a man cried out "GET BACK HERE! YOU DIDN'T PAY FOR THAT!" A woman suddenly ran towards Vitan and pushed him out of the way. Vitan was then knocked into a man wearing all black. Vitan quickly regained his footing and turned back to the man in black. "Oh, sorry about that sir."
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ansem59
    Just going to throw this out there: Forze Del Mal

    Awesome song... I can't wait to hear the Remastered version for it!
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Music
  7. Ansem59
    Music: Moonlight Sonata

    Vitan looked up at the sky wondering how much longer he could look at the world, how much longer he would have to wait before he saw his father again... if there was anything after death, that is. Vitan had been day dreaming for a while, but he decided to review his surroundings. The city was ever so busy with criminals and mercenaries. But that was normal... what wasn't normal was the military presence. Even though it was the Saradi army, it was still strange to see. Vitan had already signed himself up, but he had never been in battle. Vitan knew that only his sword could help him in battle... if he only knew how to use it.


    On the Sealed Isle, behind all the walls and magnificence of the Citadel lied the demon gate, unused for years since the monsters who enslaved humanity had crept back into their own realm, to face the demons who had rebuked such horrid behavior. The gate showed its age and its decay... however suddenly, old cogs and gears began to turn. Darkness started to spew, a portal formed, and a creature crept out of the world he called home and into a world filled with humans. Bheliar walked out of the portal, his intentions clear, and his demeanor somber. Bheliar noticed a gaurd sitting by the gate, asleep and unaware. Bheliar quickly and quietly snapped his neck and turned himself into a shadow on the wall, attempting to escape the fortress.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    Profile Post Comment

    Why is everything upside down?

    Why is everything upside down?
    Profile Post Comment by Ansem59, Apr 1, 2013
  9. Ansem59
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Ansem59, Apr 1, 2013
  10. Ansem59
    Name: Vitan
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Weapons: Aura, an enchanted sword, capable of controlling the wind and the air. Vitan's father crafted and enchanted the sword solely for giving it to his son. Vitan's father unfortuantly died due to old age soon after.
    Appearance: Vitan wears mostly rags, but they are bound together well. They also allow him to be more mobile on the battlefield.
    Nationality: Saradi Kingdom
    Personality: Vitan is a boy. He was trained in swordsmanship by his father but he has never experienced war. While he is worried about his own skill in battle, he holds no qualms about dieing for his country. He is faithful to the end. An admirable trait in any situation.
    Bio: He was raised in the Saradi Kingdom by his father. His mother had already passed before he was too young to remember. His father tried to teach Vitan respectable things such as honor, courage, and responsibility. Vitan grew to know these things well, and on his 19th birthday, his father gave him The Aura as a present, believing his son to have finally become a man as Vitan had learned honor, courage, and responsibility. However, that very night, Vitan's father passed away, leaving Vitan with no one... Vitan sold everything he owned for food and shelter, except for his sword. But he slowly realized that he could not make enough profits as his father had with his blacksmith job. Vitan became homeless. He daily held onto his sword and a bucket, begging for loose change. Soon there came a call for war, and Vitan, homeless and penniless, realized this was his way to make a decent living. He signed on and this is where his story begins...

    Name: Bheliar (Holds another name in cases of hiding identity: Damian)
    Gender: Male
    Age: Timeless
    Weapon: Dark magic
    Appearance: Bheliar can change his appearance to anything he likes, he primarily changes into a man with long dark hair and blue eyes. He usually likes to keep the look of the higher class in order to achieve instant respect from commeners and noblemen alike.
    Nationality: Demon
    Personality: Bheliar is cruel and evil, truly one of the worst demons to ever cross into the Fare plane. He will manipulate anyone and anything he can in order to accomplish his goals, but rarely ever works in a fashion that draws direct attention to himself.
    Fighting style: He is a magician and prefers to attack from afar rather than up close. But he hold many tricks, and many ways to manipulate the darkness. Caution is needed when fighting this tricky foe.
    Bio: Bheliar once punished the humans in his possession with pride, honor, and joy. But when the humans rebelled He fought in the war against them, but with their strength in numbers outweighing his own, he was forced to flee back to Rai with his fellow demons. However Bheliar has now come back, unbeknownst to the humans, in an attempt to manipulate and turn them against each other.

    Name: Atrox
    Gender: Male
    Age: 37
    Weapons: Atrox holds with him a massive hammer which he has practiced with ever day of his life to master. He is capable of moving his hammer faster than most people can swing long swords. Making him a quick and deadly opponent.
    Nationality: Serephim
    Appearence: Atrox is big and muscular and always wears noble men's clothing. He is always keeping his appearence in check to fit his bravado personality.
    Personality: Atrox is unkind and ruthless. He always attempts to shift himself into the spotlight even if it means killing or harming others.
    Bio: Atrox is a warrior who, for a long time, fought no wars. Atrox has since been forced to offer people "protection" for their benefit and his own. However, since this war has started, Atrox has attempted to shift himself in a position of control and power, wanting to get involved in a way that better suits his lust for authority. He has been vying, unsuccessfully, to persaude His Majesty Emperor Gabriel into giving him a position of worth in the army. Particularly that of a general's rank. And Atrox will only keep attempting to do so until it is seen through...
    Post by: Ansem59, Mar 31, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ansem59
  12. Ansem59
  13. Ansem59
    Dude, Lightning? Really? I actually don't like Lightning, but I guess I'm in the minority. I wish they would put Garland in there as a super hard extra boss or something.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jan 23, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Ansem59
    Do you have any idea about what kind of effort it takes in order to remake a game in HD? It's an extremely painful and long process. That's why it will be released in the international market, because a ton of effort went into it, where as the final mix editions did not have much effort. HD collections are especially good for let's players, ect. because it's an opportunity to offer a game that looks horrible (compared to games now) and make it look twice as good. (Like games now)
    Post by: Ansem59, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. Ansem59
    Look, Ansem the Seeker of Darkness is probably the most important antagonist in the ENTIRE series. And when you listen to Billy Zane and then listen to Richard Epcar, you lose some of that villianous manner that Billy Zane has to him. It's not so much about the voice as it is presentation. Richard Epcar just sounds... I don't know, uh, forced? Something about his voice just sounds fake, and that ruin's the presentation.

    I just thought of another one, this has to do with gameplay though. Does anyone remember what the triangle button did in KH1? I remember, it was a function you could use in order to stratigize your teammates combat functions. If you were standing in a battle and pressed the triangle button, Donald and Goofy would fend off heartless near to you. However if you were locked on to something and pressed triangle, Donald and Goofy would disregard all other targets and begin attacking the one you locked onto. Now, if the triangle button in KH 1.5 ReMix is for special abilities, then what's going to happen to this function? Will they just get rid of it? (Because honestly, I found it incredibly useful at times. While it wasn't that great, and you could go the game without it, if they had improved that function in KH2 it would have added a certain amount of control to your allies, who are sometimes fighting stupid random things.)
    Post by: Ansem59, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. Ansem59
  17. Ansem59
    So I saw the TGS trailer for this yesterday and after talking with a friend about this upcoming game, he and I came up with a few concerns. While it was nice to see that they will be implementing the triangle button into gameplay, and the graphics look SO MUCH BETTER with the HD, there were three things that we were curious about. And whil I know no one here can answer them, it's just interesting to ponder. Those three things were:

    1.) The inclusion of Tarzan.
    Seeing as how Square lost the rights to Tarzan, which is why it wasn't present in COM, then what will they do now? Will they simply pretend like there was never a world there and leave you with only three worlds to begin with? Or would they go out of their way to make a whole new world in order to keep the pacing of Sora's leveling up? I'd like to see them just buy back the rights and keep it in there, but who knows what will happen!

    2.) New Cutscenes
    It was stated (somewhere...) that there would be new cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. What kind of cutscene's would they possibly add? My friend and I calked this one up to them making new cutscenes to establish the connection with the first one to the newer ones like Birth By Sleep or to hint at the plot of KH3.

    3.) Billy Zane as Ansem
    Now this one is a little out there, but hear me out. When KH 1.5 HD ReMix does come oversea's, there will probably be added voice acting, seeing as how that's what they are doing over in Japan, so with these "New Cutscenes" that I mentioned above, do you think it might be possible that they will replace Billy Zane entirely with Richard Epcar? I mean, if there's one scene that requires more Ansem voice work, and they bring in Richard Epcar, won't they want him to do the entire game to keep continuity?

    What are your guy's thoughts?
    Thread by: Ansem59, Sep 25, 2012, 33 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. Ansem59
    Bheliar simply smiled and said one word to explain himself "Revenge..."
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ansem59
    "Well, I could tell you. But now I'm curious, why have you gone through such great lengths to contact me?" asked Bheliar.
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    Bheliar simply told her what he knew seeing as how she already learned of his real form "I have learned that the humans have been having some territorial issues, as well as places, some names, some people, some demons, and much information on particular countries and which position everyone in the war holds. Now, what about you? Who are you? A demon?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home