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  1. Ansem59
    Rako was unprepared for Mixt's attack and fell onto the ground completely. Rako was in disbelief, these two together had proved to be an actual challenge to him. Rako considered using his trump card for a moment before realizing he didn't need it. Rako then leaped off the ground to the right side and recomposed himself. Rako then noticed the girl charging at him. Rako quickly created another spear of darkness and threw it at Phisoxa, but the spear was merely a means to an end. Rako made the spear explode when it got close to Phisoxa in a desperate attempt to halt the charge and give himself more breathing room.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    Rako quickly brought down his dark sword onto Phisoxa's fist. However, the impact didn't hurt either of them but simply created a shockwave from the two powers colliding. Rako then summoned another dark sword and made a quick slash at Phisoxa.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
  4. Ansem59
    Rako had the hieght and the advantage. He leaped over to the top of the dead tree, and then jumped down over Phisoxa. Rako created a sword of darkness in his hand and then put his arms to his sides and his legs straight. Rako was attempting to increase his velocity and strike down on Phisoxa regained herself. In addition, Rako decided to throw down a dark magic ball behind Phisoxa to keep her from running away. The blast that came from the dark magic was minor but enough to keep Phisoxa in place. This left Phisoxa with only one choice of defending as he came down on top of her with his sword.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    Wow, yeah, sorry about that. We've done a lot of posting. It sometimes doesn't notify me either. I'm sure you can jump right back in though.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ansem59
    Rako saw Mixt coming from the corner of his eye. Rako then turned the palm of his hand towards Mixt and unleashed a form darkness at him. Now this darkness didn't harm Mixt, but what it did do is slow him down from arriving at his target. Since Mixt was in mid-air, Rako was trying to slow him down to a stop and force him to fall.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ansem59
    Suddenly another bombardment was upon then. However, a man appeared out of nowhere and raised his hands up at the approaching attack. The man let out a yell of pain and anguish as he created a massive shield of dark magic to deflect the on coming attack and he did it, successfully. However, the man was in horrible shape. He began running towards Alastair's group "Please, I beg you, take me with you!" the man said to Alastair "I am weak now, but I have been doing much fighting. Take me with you and I promise I will be an useful asset!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    Rako was excited when Mixt ran at him. He couldn't wait for what the boy had up his sleeves. Rako summoned two dark swords to combat Mixt's swords, however, he noticed what the girl was doing. Rako quickly jumped into the air and onto a tree branch nearby. He then turned his dark swords into spears and tossed both of them at Phisoxa.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ansem59
    Vitan sniffed and for a few seconds he was quiet. He had made a terrible mistake. Vitan realized that he had been brash and foolish. It had become clear that he attempted to attack an innocent man. Vitan continued to walk towards Alastair with his head held down. And when he got to Alastair, he looked him in the eye's. "I'm sorry." Vitan said. Vitan looked away for a moment, looked back into Alastair's eye's and then looked away once again. Vitan then began walking towards Suri.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ansem59
    Vitan barely managed to get up. "You... said you were... from Serephim... You must have been a spy, telling the army of our strengths and weakness's... that's the only thing I can think of.." Vitan walked slowly, with a limp towards Alastair. He used his sword as a crutch. Even though he was coming at Alastair he was hardly a threat... "Now, my home is in tatters... and there was nothing I could do to stop it." Vitan began tearing up at the thought.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ansem59
    At first, Rako used a shield made of magic to stop the fire from hitting him, but slowly the shield wrapped around the flames and contained them. But before they became extinguished by the lack of oxygen, Rako decided to fling the flames at Mixt, hoping he would be too busy protecting himself from the front to avoid an attack from the side.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ansem59
    Rako turned around and saw Phisoxa and Mixt. Rako realized that in challenging this fool, he had completely disregarded the possiblity of others. A mistake he would take care not make again. Thankfully for Rako these two other students had engaged each other. Rako halted his attack on Drei and charged his other hand with dark magic. He fired his a blast of dark magic at the girl and then readied the other blast for the boy.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ansem59
    "Wait!" Shouted the Dr. Traken, and as Juno stood there, the doctor ran into his lab. After a few breif moments, he came back out with a bottle. "This is an Elixir of Truth. Simply have a subject drink a drop of this and they will have no choice but to tell you the truth, whether they want to or not. I would suggest pouring a drop of this into a drink and giving it to your targets to find out if they have any secrets to hide." Dr. Traken then handed the bottle over to Juno.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ansem59
    I loved Kingdom Hearts 1 immensly, and Chain of Memories... even though I didn't like the card battles, I thought the story was awesome! Kingdom Hearts 2 though... Kingdom Hearts 2 pissed me off. I loved Roxas's story, but I was pissed off because through out Roxas's story, you have Roxas asking "What is a Nobody?" and you genuinly wonder what they are, but when you play as Sora, Yen Sid immediatly tells you what they are... And then, Sora is constantly being reminded by Donald and Goofy or whoever that Nobody's don't feel anything and Sora is always like "OH YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, I ALMOST FORGOT!!!" Sora just gets incredibly stupid compared to the last two games, the nobody's aren't a secret or a mystery that you COULD have been solving through out the course of the game, and in the end, the final boss does the exact same thing as the final boss in the first game. Use Kingdom Hearts against the hero... albeit in a different way. Also Xemnas's boss battle was way too easy... Kingdom Hearts 2 altogether was easy. I should have started it on Proud...
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Ansem59
    Dr. Traken sighed in relief, but to Juno it was just a sigh. "No, no. I understand it is for a good cause. Unfortunatly I have no knowledge of such thing. These days I have just been here, hiding in my private labratory." Dr. Traken looked down at the broken jars and the ingrediants they once held. "And fortunatly you didn't break anything valuable. These ingrediants cost next to nothing." Dr. Traken began cleaning up the mess. "Now, I hope you don't mind me saying child, but I doubt you are ever going to find the spies this way. If you ask a spy if he's a spy or knows anything about spies, what do you think he'll say?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ansem59
    "An officer of the law? What sort of strange goings are you supposedly inquiring about? Maybe I might be able to help." said Dr. Traken, but he had no intention of doing that. If she was here for what Dr. Traken had thought she was, he was in big trouble. He had been allocating funds to himself for weeks now trying to get the rare ingrediants he needed for his elixir. If that was found out, he would lose, not only his job, but any hope of becoming immortal and escaping the coldness of death.

    "You are very nimble. However, you won't avoid me forever." Said Rako... Then Rako threw his sword of darkness at Drei, but the sword unexpectedly stopped in mid air, right infront of Drei and began attacking him, as if a person was holding it. Rako held his hand out, controlling the sword of darkness from afar. Meanwhile, Rako began charging some form of dark magic in his other hand.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ansem59
    Rako then decided to mix things up. Jumped back and then started charging at Drei again. Rako then appeared to attack Drei when suddenly Rako vanished... it had been an illusion! The real Rako appeared behind Drei and tried to slash at his back.
    "Who's there?" a voice came from the darkness. "Hello?" The voice got closer until Dr. Traken appeared in front of Juno. "You, what are you doing here? This is a private labratory and you are destroying some of my ingrediants!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ansem59
    Rako smiled and then laughed. "Don't you go and die on me now Rako then leaped at Drei, resuming his attack from before, with only one sword this time. Rako was, of course, playing with Drei, and as their fight went on, Rako intended on making it more difficult. But how would Drei do with just a standard sword battle.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ansem59
    Rako halted his attack. Rako then did something very odd, he threw one of his swords to the ground by Drei's feet. "That sword is made by black magic. I created it myself. From thin air. I want you to use it now to attack me, because watching you dance around is simply not fun. Trust me, you have my word that it will work for you as well as mine will work for me." Rako then waited for Drei to pick the sword up, so they could continue their battle.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    The Captain ran out of the city with a few of his men. The captain was crippled and walking with a limp. He screamed out to Eins and Zwei "LEAVE! GET OUT OF HERE! THE CITY HAS FALLEN! THERE IS NOTHING LEFT! LEAVE WHILE YOU'VE GOT THE CHANCE!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home