The man shouted out to him "Actually, I'm not even sure it will be a week! I'm not really sure, it may be a day or even sooner! Don't worry, you'll know what I mean later!" The man then dissappeared off into the distance.
The man paused as he listened to Allen and then took a few seconds while he contimplated his response. "Wow... you know, I, at first, realized I had made a mistake and come here a week early, but then I figured I could get this whole team sorted out ahead of schedule. But you guys are really smart!" The man then began to level with Allen "Alright, here's the deal, you have ask many very good questions! However, most of which I am not able to answer... For reasons you would understand, but shouldn't understand, at this time! I can answer a few things, however, your role in the team would be the same as all the other team members, to work efficiently towards defeating your opposition. And no! I can not tell you who your opposition is! Look, I know it all sounds shady, but I'm not asking you to join right here and now. I'll give you a week or so, okay?" The man paused "And actually all the stuff that I'm not able to answer now will be answered by then... Okay?"
The man got excited "Ah, who indeed! That question will have to wait, for you see, the nature of my visit to you can not allow me to tell you who I am." said the man. "Now you might as well think of this as an interview, for you see, I am gathering a team. A team of people who I know will do remarkable things, and above all continue to keep balance in the universe! You, Allen, are a person of such." The man then put his arm around Allen in a friendly fashion. "Now, Allen, as I've read, you are a kind and very sensitive man. Admirable traits, however, what sticks out the most is your bravery in battle, your willingness to do what is neccesary to win, even if it's short term. I watched your fight with r- oh! Caught myself, almost gave away plot points!" The man then stopped himself before shouting out "Spoilers!" and then laughing. "Anyway, I watched your fight with Mixt and I was simply amazed, and I think you would be a perfect fit for my new team! Waddya say? Want to join?" The man extended his hand to Allen as a sign of whether he would join or decline. The choice was up to Allen to make.
As Allen walked around a strange man who was wearing a white coat and hood came up and started walking right next to him. It was the same man who had talked to Phisoxa breifly before. "Hey there uh..." The man pulled out a binder from seemingly no where and started going through it while mumbling "Hmm, let me see, who are you? Who am I talking to?" The man finally got to the page he was looking for "Ah, here you are! Allen Tor! That's an interesting last name..." The man then put the binder behind him and it dissappeared. "Anyway, hey there Allen, how are you today?"
Vitan made a mumbling after both potions had been applied, but still would not wake from his unconscience slumber. "It does not seem he will awake. That may have at least eased his pain..." said the unknown man. "Here, I will take him as I was before. We will wait and see what this town has to offer us. Hopefully they will be willing to help us." The man said this, but he had his doubts. He worried what the townsfolk would do to them. The man picked up Vitan and began making his way towards the town.
"Aw crap! Are you serious? I'm like a week ahead of schedule!!! And no, I am not trying to sell you anything... listen, I... Just, okay, you never saw me! Remember that! I was never here! I will see you in a week and until then... well... uh, just keep your light magic handy! See, I shouldn't have said that! I am already giving away more than I should!" The man continued to mutter to himself as he quickly walked away from her.
The man layed Vitan down infront of Suri, so that she could do her work. The man then looked onto the town ahead of them, wondering what sort of strange people lived there, and what kind of problems might arise from seeing a group of beaten men and women walk in.
"Well uh, yes, it's actually what you need! You see... well, hold on a sec, what's the date? Do you know what today's date is?" The man seemed very disorganized in his thoughts. The man then pulled up the sleeve on his right arm and looked at a watch attached to his arm. "You know, these things tell the time, but never the date, it's very annoying."
A tall man wearing a white robe came around the corner of the hallway. He stood up right and held his arms behind his back. A hood was attached to the robe and the hood was over his face. Now, while the outside of the robe was white, the inside was black, so that this way no one would be able to see his face. He whistled at Phisoxa, in order to get her attention. "Hey! Ssspptt!! You! I need to talk to you in private for a second, come over here!"
The strange man walked up to Alastair "If only I were a healer..." He said "However, I am no healer. Though I know magic, that is one magic that has always alluded me in understanding. I believe I can offer my services in one way, though." The man picked up Vitan, suggesting that he would carry him. "I will take the boy and follow you. I trust you know where we are going?"
Rako was shocked and, admittedly, over joyed. Rako looked at his opponent and smiled. "You know when you first started fighting I thought you were just a cocky child, but with that last move you showed me that you are actually smart and cunning. Traits I find admirable in others. I do wish to fight you another time, hence why I will not kill you. But what I do next you may not be allowed to witness." Rako then teleported behind Allen and knocked him out with the bud of his blade. Rako then did the same for Mixt, teleporting behind him and knocking him out. Then the same for Phisoxa. And the same for Drei. All of them were excellent fighters, it would be a shame and an outrage if the world was deprived of such talent. Rako decided to absorb their likeness's into his being. To see what they had, and to see how they could be used to his advantage. First he absorbed Allen into him, then Drei, then Phisoxa, and finally Mixt. Within Allen, Drei, and Phisoxa, Rako found hope and light. He saw goodness triumph over evil. He saw kindness and compasion lead their thoughts. However, in Mixt, Rako saw something entirely different. Something that filled him with joy. Rako picked up the unnamed student he had beaten before and sat him up. Right then and there, Rako took Mixt's blade and stabbed it through the heart of the student, killing him. Rako then placed Mixt's sword next to him. In Rako's mind, all the memories of Allen, Drei, Phisoxa, and Mixt swirled and danced around him. Rako stared at them, then plucked the most recent events that had transpired. The appearence of Rako to the students, the grand battle they all had. As Rako took them away, the memories of these things vanished as if they had never happened. Rako then created a new memory in his mind that all the participants of todays battle would remember. A new memory of Mixt mercilessly slaying the student with his own blade. All would remember this event and it would never leave their heads. The horror of true battle. Rako even left something special for Mixt, a feeling of joy and comfort while killing the student would also be engraved upon his particular memory. Rako, then having completed creating the false memories, gave them back to all four students. All Allen, Drei, and Phisoxa would remember about today is how Mixt killed a fellow student. And all Mixt would remember was him enjoying his kill. With his mission complete, Rako teleported away from the scene. Then, most of the students who had seen the light from Allen's attack, rushed in to find a horrible sight. A student slain and Mixt's sword dripping with blood...
The dark magic in Rako's hand absorbed the light and gained more power from it. Rako's dark sword which had been sent flying in the air came back at Allen and stabbed him while he was at the peak of his jump. Rako then fired dark magic which was in the form of a ring that encompassed the Allen and the area in the sky around him.
Rako smirked "How childish." Rako tossed his dark sword at Allen, but before it reached him, it gained a mind of its own and started attacking Allen as if a person was there wielding it. Rako, who was controlling the sword from afar, began focusing dark magic in his hand.
Yep, here I am...
Regardless of Allen's words, Rako ran right up to Phisoxa while she was distracted and slashed her back with his sword of darkness, knocking her away. Rako then held a ball of dark magic at Allen's face. "Another one?" asked Rako "Where do all you pests keep coming from? Regardless, you shall all suffer the same fate... well..." Rako chuckled "Maybe not all of you." Rako then fired the dark magic at Allen.
The strange man held onto the dragon as it crashed and only got off when it was fully stopped. "Wonderful creature!" He exclaimed. It had managed to save everyone by using all of its effort. Vitan, who was unconscience, was held by Alyssa's claw and was jolted into the ground when the great dragon crashed. However, he still remained unconscience.
Username: Ansem59 Name: Nny Age: 20 Gender: Male Race/Species: Unknown. Claims to be a God. Side/Affiliation: His own. Weapon/Power: Nny has countless abilities. He is simply known for his legendary swordsmenship. His weapon of choice is a special steel sword which has been enchanted to endure any force. Rank: As of now he attends the same school as Mixt and Phisoxa. Personality: Nny is cold and calculating. At times, even rude. He speaks to no one and expects no one to talk to him. Bio: Nny appeared at the school when he was 17 and attended it. Before hand, his where abouts were unknown. Nny has aced all grades and all tests with flying colors. Taking entire teams out single handedly. But he refuses to make any friends nor talk to anyone. Theme song(optional): Mute by Drowning Pool Username: Ansem59 Name: Legion Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race/Species: Libra Side/Affiliation: Which ever side is losing. Weapon/Power: The Balancer (A sword of mysterious talents)/Legion has many powers, including an exceptional ability to bend reality. Rank: No rank understood by humans. Personality: Legion is normally serious about all things. Regardless of the situation. Bio: Legion is a Libra. A gaurdian of the universe who's only goal is to make everything equal. This makes his alliance with any side uneasy, for as soon as that side begins gaining more than the other side, he switches. There were once more Libra's but they became extint due to time and endless conflict. Theme song(optional): Prohibited Art by Koh Ohtani
Rako having not yet recovered his footing was shaken up by Phisoxa's spell. He fell to the ground but quickly got back up. Rako then quickly created a sword of darkness and put himself in a defensive position. Since Rako had finally stopped moving, he began to feel all the pain he had endured during the fight. The most painful injury was the one on his back, recieved by the boy. Rako felt his back with his hand to see how bad the wound was. When he pulled back his hand he was surprised to see blood on it. Rako looked on the blood with anger and frustration. "This is unacceptable..." Rako whispered to himself. How could Rako be being hurt by two simple children! It was unheard of! Rako could not stand this! Then Rako shouted into the air "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!" Rako let out a yell of rage. He then recomposed himself "Okay... my turn..." Rako calculated his next attack. I will go after the girl first. She is obviously the weaker of the two. Rako Thought. The boy is the more cunning of the two, so he will obviously attack me when I'm dealing with the girl. I will set up a trap for him. Rako ran directly at the girl with only one sword of darkness in hand. As he was about to make contact with her, he used his other hand the fire a small bit of black magic into the ground next to him. Rako began slicing at her, expecting her to parry his efforts.
Alright, sorry about that man. If you ever need additional information you can always contact either me or Riku1186.
It was mentioned in an earlier post. And you were cutting down soldiers like it was nothing, that is kind of god modding. Listen, I don't know...