Nny saw the blush as a sign of... something. Was it embarrassment or love that lightened those cheeks? Nny couldn't tell. But he tried to prode her a little more, trying to find out if he had lit anything up. "Well, did you enjoy it?" he asked her, very bluntly. Dr. Traken's eyes widened. "My, he entrusted that to you? He must have thought very highly of you? Any useful information so far?" "Don't worry about it." Legion said. "I will be watching you. When you succeed, I will be there to bring you back."
Nny realized that he had made a mistake in his wording. When he talked about the library he meant the library in which he kissed Shero, but Shero thought he was talking about the library she went to. Nny absorbed the information, regardless, and then corrected himself. "No, I meant the academy's library..." Nny waited for the incident to sink into Shero's mind again. "My, I'm so sorry." Dr. Traken said, giving his condolences. He then noticed her pull out the journal and couldn't help but get a little curious. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is that?" "Uh... no, that's about it. Oh! One more thing. I am not sure who is controlling these dark beings, but I'm entrusting you to get it done. Find him and stop him before things get worse." said Legion. He then flicked his fingers and the portal that transported both Love and Shero changed colors. "Now you must go through that portal and you will land on the other side. You should arrive near civilization, so you should be fine when you enter through."
"No." Legion responded quickly "They are nothing like the creatures you already fought. They are... weaker, I suppose. Still numerous enough to cause problems though. They attack with efficiency and cause havoc all over the planet. The planet is filled with a race of technologically advanced people compared to the people on your planet. Though they have never fought anything like this until recently. This darkness just sprung up a few weeks ago. Now I'm not worried about you fighting the dark beings, you should be able to take them easily. It's the person who's controlling them who might be too powerful. However, there will also be others there that will fight along with you. Use their strength to aid you in your missions. Understood?"
Nny sat next to Shero in the plane. "A library?" Nny's interest instantly stopped, he simply didn't care to hear anymore. It wasn't that he didn't like Library's, no quiet the contrary. But Nny realized that the entire conversation was just going to be him asking questions of things that he would never understand. He decided to change the topic. "So, listen. I'm just glad you are back." said Nny "But I have a question for you. Do you remember what happened in the library?" Nny couldn't seem to get a signal if this girl found him repulsive or liked him. But he figured that this question would answer any doubts. Dr. Traken sat next to Phisoxa. "I do not know how he could have survived, but there he was, lying there infront of me one minute, I turned around to watch the chaos, then I turned back and he was walking through a portal of his own creation." Dr. Traken shoke his head "He must have been very strong... especially since he killed Master Westus." Legion smiled "Good. Now I won't bother you with names, let us just say that there is this planet that has been experiencing an unknown threat as of late. And you are perfect for the job. This planet has had a surge of darkness enter. Dark beings have begun appearing in the form of fears and doubts. They have been causing terror on the land. I'm sending you and your gift in controlling the light, to weed out the source of the darkness. Can you do that?"
Dr. Traken shook his head and then said "No... the man who killed Master Westus is still alive. He left through a portal before... well, before I found myself here." Dr. Traken seemed to be unsure of the last part, he didn't know how he did end up here in the first place. One second he was watching the horror, ready to test his strength against the creatures, the next he found himself in the field with everyone else. Nny waited up for Shero before saying "So, you didn't answer my question before, how did you guys escape?" Nny looked at the girl and remembered the kiss from before. Nny would never admit it, not even to himself. But he began to like the girl and desired to kiss her again.
Dr. Traken turned to the girl and quickly responded as to not make things awkward between them and the soldiers. "Yes, we can trust them. I saw some of those things that attacked the academy. They were not apart of the Eclipscions force. Trust me, I know that. They were... something else... Regardless, I know enough to say that whatever those things were, they weren't for anything but themselves. Meaning they are an enemy to not only Janina, but to Eclipscion as well." Dr. Traken then gently pushed her from her back moving her towards the airship. Nny turned around to look at Shero and then shouted out. "Hey, you coming?"
Nny looked at the airship with shock. A response already? How could anyone have known about the school? Then Nny thought that maybe they were just passing by. Nny still wasn't sure if he should trust them though, sure they didn't seem like they were going to harm anyone. But Janina and Eclipscion had been at each other's necks for years. Even though Nny was thankful for their graciousness, he still couldn't help but wonder about the negative reprecussions. Dr. Traken had many of the same thoughts, but he gathered the students together and encouraged them all to board the airship. "Come, children. Do not fear, they are here to help us." Dr. Traken then said to the officer "Thank you" as he walked by with his students. Dr. Traken then motioned for Mixt and Nny to come along. Nny saw this and went onto the airship with the others. "That's the problem. I should scare you." Legion said. "And I need your help and would greatly appreciate it. I can assure you that Phisoxa and Shero are quite capable of taking care of themselves, and there will be no problems there. No, the real problem is there." Legion pointed up to his ceiling and into the stars. "There is a planet that desperately needs help from someone like yourself. It is not important to what is going on in your own world, but the mission itself will benefit you with knowledge. Are you willing to do such a thing?"
"Yes, of course they did. Why would they bring a sleeping person? Besides, I thought you wanted to go through my library." said Legion. "Oh, and I suggest not threatening me. That could have very bad consequences." Legion then went through his books again. "Now, they have their own issues to deal with. If you want to go with them, you may. I could use some help with my own agenda though."
"Well... it's not that hard to believe." said Nny, beginning to gloat himself, but then he stopped. "But uh... I see you survived as well. I'm glad to see that. How did you make it out of there? You don't seem to have been saved in the same manner as the rest of the group."
Nny didn't like that Mixt was suddenly putting himself in charge, but he accepted it for now. Nny motioned for the remaining students to come over and not make themselves scarce as they were with Mixt. "Fine. You better not try anything, though, Mixt. I am going to be watching you very carefully." Nny noticed the two girls appear from nowhere and was shocked. Where did they come from? Nny asked himself. Phisoxa fell on Mixt and Nny noticed Shero fell down nearby. Nny walked over to Shero and extended his hand to help her up without saying a word. Legion looked at him... "Dude, you have been asleep for like two minutes." Legion looked at the clothe and then poured more Chloroform onto it. He then teleported behind Allen and smothered him again.
"Dunno." Said Nny "Awhile..." Nny was very short with his responses but only because he felt the need to antagonize Mixt at every turn. It wasn't that he disliked Mixt, no! Not at all! But Nny wanted to challenge Mixt. He wanted to see what this guy was all about. It was a matter of personal gain, if anything. Nny knew he couldn't start the fight, no... He had to antagonize Mixt into initiating the fight. "I think a better question would be when do I not have it on me..." said Legion as he put Allen in his personal chair. "Now, if you have things to do, do them now, because I'm going to be calling on you soon."
Legion quickly teleported behind Allen and put a clothe up to his mouth and nose. "This clothe is drenched in Chloroform. I'm really tired of hearing the same thing over and over again, so I have decided for you. You are going to sleep and I will put you in my chair."
Bheliar attempted to sum up his story. "I can assume that they all came from the Saradi kingdom. I was only making a stop at the kingdom when the empire attacked. I found them out in the desert being shot at by an Emperial air ship and held it off until they could take me here. Now I am tired and weak from the trip and would like to rest. Would you know of anywhere I could sleep without being harmed?"
"No, you may come here if you want information, but that is all. Where you go for shelter is not my concern, it is yours. I have saved you from a terrible fate, and you will come with me when I have need for you." said Legion to Allen. "You may leave whenever you like. I can teleport myself in and out, but that door over there..." Legion pointed to a plain wooden door. "... will take you to the last place you were before you came to this dimension. If you want to go now, you can. It is safe again." Legion then turned looked at them all. "Balance must be restored in the universe and you all are the ones to do it." Nny was fighting those monsters, felt a hand touch him, and now he was standing in a field of flowers. What was going on? He stood up and examined his surroundings. He looked and saw the students he had been protecting before and then he saw Mixt lying down unconscience. Nny gave him a swift kick to wake him up. Dr. Traken tended to the remaining students, making sure they were alright. He had no idea what had happened, but he was certain it was the beginning of horrible things yet to come.
Rako took the punch in stride. It didn't hurt him, but Rako decided to back up regardless to get another chance to attack Robert. This time in full force. The message was made and now Rako was going to make him pay. Rako stood back and dismissed his two dark swords. He then raised his hand in the air and summoned pools of darkness to come out from the ground and harm Robert. Rako knew Robert would avoid or shield from these, but this was a two part plan, Rako was setting him up...
"Yeah, no, that won't help." Said Legion "And all I have here are books. I didn't plan on having you guys here long, just until the school is destroyed."
"Uh..." Vitan recalled meeting Suri and taking her along to help track down Alastair, but now that the Saradi Kingdom had been extinguished... What else could Vitan do. He was now an outcast. A remnant of a cause. But Vitan refused to let that cause die with his country. Vitan wanted to defeat the empire. "Well, as long as you are against the empire and not for it, then I would be happy to accompany you."
Rako created two dark swords and immediatly began slashing and hacking at Robert, not leaving any time to talk. Rako went easy on him, testing his abilities before he got serious.
Legion paused. "Oh... um, no. See I usually sleep in my chair. I do not have any beds, I'm sorry." Rako chuckled at his partners response and then waited for the light show. Then Robert showed up and acknowledged Rako. Rako thought it only fair to do the same. "Why, hello." said Rako to Robert. "I see my reputation preceeds me. How... careless... I make an effort not to be discovered by the world, yet it seems you already know who I am. Let's skip the formalities and get right to the point. What do you want, boy?"
Legion laughed as he walked showing Allen the library. "That's very doubtful Allen, and that's because it's a special incantation Westus put on the book. I don't even know what it is exactly." Legion showed him all the books he had collected over the years and explained to Allen that in order to be a Libra, one must read books on a daily basis to broaden the mind and sharpen skills.