Bheliar noted her strength but would have let her pull him aside regardless. "Thank you, I hadn't realized that this town was... um, off-limits." Bheliar told the woman "What is your name? You can call me Damian."
Bheliar casually walked up to one of the gaurds, "Excuse me sir, I'm new here, exactly what is this town called?"
DEAD... or alive... 3
Music: As Bheliar travelled through the desert he came across a few people here and there. He made sure their souls were his, and their bodies were reduced to dust before he was done with them. Bheliar travelled through the one place in the world that contained barely any humans. It almost gave him joy to be able to be in his natural form and not have to worry about people seeing him. The desert offered Bheliar some refuge from his enemies, something that would be valuable later on. Bheliar soon found a town. He changed his appearence to a man and walked casually through it. It was now time to find out where he was, and what his next step would be.
Bheliar ran through the desert with haste. He needed to get to the Vision Kingdom and fast. He decided it would be best to follow the shoreline, as many had told him to in order to reach the kingdom. However, Bheliar wasn't certain on weather he was following the right shoreline. If he was incorrect, then he might end up in Aria... Bheliar just hoped he would be travelling in the correct direction.
The punch did nothing to Bheliar, but the sword caused a scar on his chest. Darkness poured out of the wound, instead of blood. Bheliar quickly used dark magic to seal up the wound so that it may have time to heal. The black goo was of no consequence. Bheliar actually figured this incident could be used to his advantage. No doubt, Bheliar was going to be tracked by the Sephrim government. The other demon would serve as a decoy for them to track down. "Laugh while you can, brother. For it is obvious that your time here has made you weak... not the lack of your heart. When you are ready to die, come track me down. I will be willing to end you." Bheliar then turned into his human form again and began making his trip across the desert.
I appreciate the offer, and I went and looked at your RP thread (Not the OOC one.) And I'm sorry to say this but I'm not interested. I'm busy with...
Thought about it once or twice. What were you thinking about?
Bheliar laughed as the fire came hurtling towards him. He knocked it aside with his hand. "Your lack of a heart makes you weak... However, it's not your heart I'm interested in." Bheliar came closer towards Istven, then held his head with both of his hands, pointed his eye's to look directly into Bheliar's. "I don't want your heart... that's your concern. No, I will take YOUR SOUL!" Using his dark magic, Bheliar began to suck out Istven's soul through his eye's.
Bheliar turned into a shadow before he hit the wall and crept onto it. "I never said your powers were gone, I said they would be gone... Once I kill you and take them, OF COURSE!" Bhelair cast a darkness into the room eliminating any light that Istven had created. Concealing both of them in darkness "You have lived among the humans too long brother... You rely on light as a source of power. SO DO THESE VERMIN! I will show you how darkness is a more powerful ally." Suddenly the darkness began growing spikes in the room and stabbing Istven.
"I see." Bheliar simply said. He acted as though the story had not satisfied him. Bheliar then smiled and reached his hand over to the man. Gently held the side of his face. "Then you are useless to me... your power is gone... and whatever power you have left, will belong to me!" Suddenly Bheliar's eye's turned dark and darkness began spraying out of mouth. Bheliar then tightened his grip on the man's face and then banged him into the ground.
The man smiled before he transformed into his natural demon form "Ah, you noticed! It seems you are still on par with your own kind even though you have been living with these vermin for countless years. Tell me brother, how is it you did not get pushed back into Rai when the war was over? How did you manage to slip by their forces and continue to live among them?"
"My, that sounds like a splendid idea!" said Bheliar. "You lead the way out of here."
"Well, it's always been a belief of mine that the quiet one's are usually the most interesting. Am I right?" asked Bheliar.
Bheliar did not pay attention to the man, only to the more sympathetic occupents of the bar. They told him everything! Everything and anything he wanted to know. They were all so gullible... Once Bheliar had gotten all the information he needed he began to focus on the evil he had sensed nearby. "I thank you all for sharing this information with me!" He addressed the people "It's been so long since I've had contact with others. Perphaps you..." He pointed at the man "... might be able to converse with me while we drink?"
Some men lifted him up and took him over to the bar, where the bartender immediatly gave him water. Bheliar drank it up with no haste, even spilling it over himself a little. "Thank you for your kindness!" Bheliar had exclaimed "I have been out in that desert for fifteen years now! You see, I was on a mission from my king and-... Oh... OH no! I don't even remember which kingdom! Well, I was out there and my men and I were ambushed by some knights! They took a royal letter! They thought they had killed us all, but I survived! Found an oasis and have been there ever since! I recently got enough supplies to go out on my own, and barely made it here! And it is good to be back in civilization! Thank god!" Bheliar's lie was well made up, and well acted. Even another demon would believe him. Bheliar then began asking questions on the current events of the world.