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  1. Scott Pilgrim
    **** that, we're making you a nominee anyway c:
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Scott Pilgrim
    Thats really sweet. c: I just feel all "committed out" after my last relationship. :| is that bad?
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  3. Scott Pilgrim
    Are you....calling me un attractive. loljkily<3
    I gotcha. People like you make me feel like what I do it loser-ish. No offense xD I just feel like I should go with the normalcy of relationships, rather than this.
    Like the chances of seeing the one Im with are pretty much in the red zone. Not looking too well.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  4. Scott Pilgrim
    Wow xD I really need to buy some ****ing game system so I can play this. That chick's voice is so ****ing obnoxious tho.

    Anywho, here you are. Had to bring down the quality for the size of this clip:

    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Scott Pilgrim
    avy: 7/10 i like your power ranger c:
    sig: 5/10 ive never seen this power ranger before o:
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Scott Pilgrim
    oh yea, I dare ask khv for relationship advice

    So I recently got kicked out of a solid relationship that lasted for over a year. This was over the internet and JUST within 2 months of seeing each other for the first time. So I'm a free guy right? Single, got over the break up etc. In another internet relationship now that also looks solid. Lots in common, great personality, lots of chemistry going on, and the girl is beautiful. My question is, because I'm not repulsive irl, or for that matter, insensitive (in fact I'm usually over-sensitive). Just wondering if I should really stick to these e-lationships. I don't mind them. Actually, it just seems to be my forte at this point. Only I worry because I'm 16 and I get plenty of looks from girls and everything, but is it bad I try not to take any notice to them? or the fact that I find the e-lationships more "captivating" because everything seems so much simpler? I have the ability to get a girl in real life and I know the girls that would be willing to go along with it, but so far, it seems I've been in more internet ones than real life ones.

    I guess my MAIN concern is, am I wasting my life on this while other people are kissing and having a good time while I have to stick to webcam and phone calls? I get that feeling from time to time, but just go along with e-lationships because they seem simple and not as serious I suppose. Also, am I bad person for thinking that way (thinking that internet ones are far less serious)?

    or am I just scared of commitment? idk I think Im far more a friend to commitment than most are

    And yes I did just invent the word e-lationships. fuck off xD
    Thread by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010, 17 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  7. Scott Pilgrim
    doooooone with the gif :B
    Profile Post by Scott Pilgrim for reptar, Jun 5, 2010
  8. Scott Pilgrim
    Hope 250 x 140 is okay. c:

    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Art Shop
  9. Scott Pilgrim
    avy: ****INGFIRESHEEP/10
    sig: LikeThisOnFacebook/10
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  10. Scott Pilgrim
  11. Scott Pilgrim


    I just heard. :\ he will be missed

    wtf then dont fucking post. xD
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Scott Pilgrim
  13. Scott Pilgrim
  14. Scott Pilgrim
    Profile Post

    Why? Do you?

    Why? Do you?
    Profile Post by Scott Pilgrim for Nova, Jun 5, 2010
  15. Scott Pilgrim
    Um....all of them? Sorry, but the vast majority of all Disney sequels are shit. This, especially, applies to those that release straight to DVD, which most do.
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  16. Scott Pilgrim
  17. Scott Pilgrim
  18. Scott Pilgrim
  19. Scott Pilgrim
  20. Scott Pilgrim
    Drugs are serious, Misty. >B|
    Post by: Scott Pilgrim, Jun 4, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone