oh u
I like how she keeps track.
Naughty Dog has flunked out the last two Jak games so I wonder if they'll do the same here by adding their little twist. Ive been a fan of the Jak games for as long as I can remember. Same applies to Ratchet. However, this looks **** by the 40 seconds of footage they actually gave us. Trailer is self explanatory. Saw the thread a while back pondering this partnership so I figured Id look into it. Sly + Jak + Ratchet
Misty, did you steal those from IMAX? ._. Haley, we need to start a hippie commune. just sayin. DP, I thought those were gaming headphones until I read the caption. Shits intense. ps I want that shirt <3 Only9one, you have a nice taste in hats. (: Now I got something new for ya. posting gifs instead. y so srs: http://i.imgur.com/wUt8w.gif THUMBS UP BRO: http://i.imgur.com/zNjRQ.gif windmill windmill for the landdurpgetiitbecauseitsgorillaz: http://i.imgur.com/AXlkd.gif widescreen action, man: http://i.imgur.com/9izQ1.gif
Oh haha I know youll get this AFTER the exams, but good luck <3
lol youre the greatest! Howve you been? (:
idk you seem the type to enjoy that stuff. and i found that at like 3 am. seer what i do for you? D:
Yay for those with common sense in this thread. I think Ive given up on BBS. Try as I might, I cant stop myself from watching the cutscenes before I buy the game.
Pretty sure Im the only one who came in here expecting a JuliansmithTV thread.
So this post contributes to the thread how exactly? Yea break the rules you're trying to enforce. You do that. xD As for me, I recently viewed the A-Team. Pretty good step up from the original thing, though I imagined it would be hard to match up with it. I was right. The flying tank was nice though.
[IMG] Thought you might enjoy this. hi c:
no one gave me cnc so </3 hoping for the best here
lol @ wolfie's reaction no seriously, if anyone was meant to be banned it was me back like a year ago. now I just dont give a ****. do whatever...
As much as it pains me to say this, I was listening to that too -_- Now chilling to the entire Passion Pit "Manners" album before I go see em tonight. BE JEALOUS!
We have the same glasses and you look like this guy on youtube...da hell? Spoiler
Gracias for the kind words. As for yours it's equally, if not more attractive to my eye. Just, as stated, not a fan of the stuff coming off the confines of the tag itself. Get those 2 short clips of words into the tag and I think it'll be perfect. (:
Why? lol
cnc here? or is it good? 2nd attempt at PS in the past 6 months wooooooo
Pretty much the same. Concert tomorrow for Passion Pit so Im excited.
Oh hey (: how are you sweeeeeetie?