This thread is now about Britney Spears' tits.
3.3? I did NOTHING last semester and I still got higher than that. xD
Why did you post this in the Spam Zone? Are you insane?
I'm sorry, that was way awesome. xD
Hi. How are you VGN? I always think you draw VG cats for some odd reason. xD
It's time to International tit trespassing.
Just thought I should let you know that Ariel wasn't one of the princesses of light. That's all. >_>'
Honestly, I liked him, but not as much as others. I took this username only because Rosey was like "Z0mG S@1X iZ 0P32!" and I thought it was pretty neat at the time. I think you'd deserve and like this username more than I do. =)
Hello mam? Hello? Heeelo? Is this a prank call?
And has really low rep. What's the lowest message you can go when it comes to rep?
or death for a T-40 Motorcross Vehicle, please call now.
It's totally a scam. Don't listen to those commericals.
UNITE! Oh wait....
Fun. Is it emo hour now?
o_o. Correct.
Man... Alright, next entry 34,2,21,17,5,9
Nope, good question.
No, it is not Vatican City.
No, it is not.
I'm thinking of a city.