127, it's not eleven.
I cry for your enternal soul that will be cast into hell for homosexuality. *snicker* LOL RELIGION.
189, that's so fine.
"Go" should not be capitalized.
187, and you killed it. DUN DUN DUN.
185, this chain is probably going to die.
183, that's a me!
49(pi)/60 amidoinitrite?
EDIT: *Picks better number* 143
140, not sure....
It has obviously been exposed to mutant DNA and advanced enough to sustain intelligent awareness. Because you have pushed it's buttons, so to speak, it is now raged at you. It will now turn on it's master, and will not stop until you are dead. Or maybe it just felt like shouting. Who knows?
138!!! Look at all those awesome numbers! Ohhhh, yaaaaah!!!!
Ooohhhh boy. Sorry, this amused me so much. If I wasn't on Niquil at the moment I would have actually laughed. But then how do you know which personality is dominant, and which is the false one? And for that matter, am I/we/she a girl, or a boy? Or at least what I/we/she consider ourselves?
EDIT: Damn it, stole my prime number. D= 132
SRS ANSWR CUMIN OMFG!!!!! It's probably about how the events of WWI (or the Great War) catalyzed the political rise of Hitler's party and ideals; that's what I would do, anyway.
129, boring number.
Little late, aren't we? Happy 14th, in any case. :party-smiley-013: