*turns hat backwards* Go, Pokeball!
Totodile, use Scratch and think of something witty for me to say!
Alright. Totodile, use Leer!
WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SCYTHERS ON ROUTE 1 WHAT IS THIS WHO HACKED MY GAME *cough* Anyways, what moves does Totodile know?
Time to take my first step into Route 1. The step that starts my quest to become a Pokemon Master. The largest step, and the most difficult one to take. Surely, this journey will be a life-changing ex- F*ck it, just walk into the grass.
I dunno. There's just been a lot of sh*t in my life and I've been too preoccupied with that to talk. Part of it is that I've been swamped with...
Shiny? Let's head on over to Professor [insert name of some random tree here]'s lab, get some balls and a Pokedex.
Totodile, I choose you!
Could I reserve: [I remember doing the Time Warp Drinking those moments when.] You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation. Let's do the Time Warp again! (The green one right after the duet and before the solos)
Doctor Whooves, hands down. If I have to choose one of the Mane 6, then it's kinda hard to decide. My list goes: Tie for 1st: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy 4th: Applejack 5th: Twilight Sparkle 6th: Rarity (It's not that I hate her. I just consider her overly dramatic.)
So you specifically entered a brony thread just to hate on it? You entered this thread, knowing it was about bronies, when you could've been the bigger man and just walked away. And, for the record, I would have posted if I hadn't already seen the picture.
If this had been released, then the artists would almost have no need for a record label, since they could sell their music on Megabox and keep most of the profits, therefore cutting out the record labels entirely. Record companies don't like losing money, so they shut down Megaupload before this could happen, keeping themselves in business and ruining a major money opportunity for the artists.
1. Disguise yourself as a pizza delivery girl 2. Deliver to Torchwood 3. ???? 4. Profit
Lol, I just finished watching that video. xD
I want to attend, but I don't have a partner picked out. So, if anyone wants a partner, I'm available. I'll be sure to wear my best bowtie and fez.