Maybe they're new. They might not understand probabilities and all that.
Well, perhaps they're not competitive players. Maybe they just play with their friends, which would explain the Ojamas. However, maybe it would...
---------- Who is this "her" you speak of? Dinny Grayson? But anyway thanks. =) ---------- Nonononono. We were just partnered up in the Tea Party...
---------- But anyway thanks. That's all good to know. =) Still good friends huh? You're saying you've found a better friend than me now? Well I...
I don't have to bring you milkshakes. You'll come get them yourself. They bring all the boys to the yard.
Ugh, it's like they've taken over the damn site. I feel sorry for everyone else.
It costs $400,000 to smell axel-chanviii's hair for twelve seconds.!-Help-me-nooo.-Get-off-mee!!!-Off-with-your-head!!! You ready, partner?
I FINALLY got my lines in!
Expect my lines later tonight, Jayn! Sorry I've been late with them.
They said that we weren't lazy enough to beat this one ******'s record. Patrick Star or whatever the hell his name was. COME AT ME, GRAYSON!
*puts on robe and wizard hat* I'm behind the most powerful barrier in the world: FRIENDSHIP
Excellent. Keep up the good work. BRB CONTACTING GUINESS WORLD RECORDS Also, I hope Richard Grayson isn't getting jealous.
Nothing is more important than school. So you should focus on doing nothing first. WE SHOULD GET AWARDS FOR BEING SO LAZY.
Lucky. I spent it at skull school. I could have been doing more important things! Like nothing!
LET'S DO THIS. [video=youtube;ZU8_rQdsGI8][/video]
Mine is the same as each year. Single and not giving a f*ck. How has yours been? (I'm not good at thinking of questions, either hurrderp)
i this is but how i i i GET ME A 3DS. NOW.
So it has! c: I'm doing pretty well.
'sup ?