JUST ASK THE WOMAN OUT ALREADY, AMAURY! You want that Gym Leader booty and errybody knows it.
**** that ****. I'd turn the alarm off and just sleep in. No regrets...for now.
Thank you for the birthday wishes, guys and gals. It means a lot. <3
I hear the magical powers of contraceptives are capable of soothing your pain and rage.
like Xemnas, B-Boy of the In-Between
Oh god, this thread just oozes with irony. But the fact that Misty made it makes me laugh even more. xD
Could you source that please? From what I've read, while you do get fined, it's the same amount($95) each year which is almost nothing for somebody who makes the average income. And for those of you who come from other countries that have public health insurance and think that it's morally wrong to force people to have it, then I don't understand why you guys would support public health if the government is forcing you to pay for it through your taxes. EDIT: And also while Obamacare is forcing people to buy health insurance, it's also making it a lot more accessible for the average American who could've been refused health insurance for a medley of idiotic reasons in the past. By making more people buy it, it ends up making it more affordable. It's officially called the Affordable Health Care Act for a reason.
How is Obama to blame for this? There are valid reasons for hating the guy but this just goes beyond stupid. If there's somebody to blame, it's Ted Cruz for believing that this stupid political move will actually work. It won't. The insurance exchange will go up tomorrow with no problems and Obamacare will continue to exist. The thing is that even a lot of Republicans are like "CRUZ! STAHP! THIS **** IS STUPID!".
*****s died .
Has the Spamzone become Amaury's diary or captain's log? I never got this memo.
y u so homophobic, science?! like omg stop being such an oppressor, you white cishet scum!
You're not really being a good sport though since you told Bueno that it was KS. YOU RUINED THE GAME, AMAURY! THIS IS SOME SERIOUS ****!
not cool, bro. not cool.
dick move, bro. dick move.
Is Kites a ghost? So pale.
How isn't Vivi winning this award?
I've got essays to write but expect some sort of response later. Bet on it! How is it a paradox?
Nice read, James. I agree with you on most points. I'm just a little bothered by this part right here. Statements like this have always annoyed me. No, this doesn't give women ample reason to hate men. It gives them ample reason to hate certain men but not all of them. People have got to learn that just because certain members of a group act a certain way, that doesn't mean all of them do. Hate simply begets more hate and lashing out at the whole for the actions of the few is just stupid. In the end, you become just like the people you hate. If a woman hates me on a deep and personal level or is scared of me because of some picture on the internet, then honestly she's not worth my time anyway. Just like the people who came up with these pictures. I'd wag my finger and disapprove of the actions of the former just like the actions of the latter.
No, they should be up today.
You should've told them that you were joking and then triple the price.