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  1. Arch

    Thallasa lowered her keyblade realizing that there wasn't any way out of this while keeping the others safe. "Alright." She called off her keyblade and held up her hands. "Just don't harm the others. They're innocent in this. If you need someone to witness your grand schemes then just take me."

    "You do not give the orders here, woman!" The Horned King shouted in a raspy voice. "No. All of you shall witness the Black Cauldron's might." He raised his arms and the green smoke thickened spiraled around the group until it became difficult to breathe. Fflam, Eilonwy, and Gurgi were the first to collapse in a coughing fit. Taran tried to step over to help his new friends back up but in seconds he too fell over, unconscious as the mist began to put the party to sleep one by one.

    Illiana was the next to succumb to the Horned King's magic. Then Qamar was the next to be put to sleep. After Qamar was Aria who had held out several seconds longer. Thallasa barely kept conscious any longer than Aria before she too could no longer stay awake.


    Torrin would have backed away from Enzo, thinking him to be mad, but considering that they were trapped together and Torrin was bleeding out as he told his story through song. Maybe if he was in a better mood he would have found it amusing or entertaining but the dire situation of it all, and blood loss, kept him from doing so. Still, now that he thought about it this had been yet another person who had displayed some form of musical talent. For the briefest instant Torrin even considered that they should all get together and form a band of some kind. Of course, that would mean Torrin having to learn to sing or play an instrument.

    Torrin blinked at Enzo as he placed his hand on Torrin's shoulder and let out a small sigh. "Fair enough. You answered my first question, albeit oddly, so I don't see any harm in telling you where I'm from. My world's named Orphic Coast. I've just...been away from it for a few years now." He wasn't comfortable with elaborating further but he was fine with giving the details he did. "Alright. Your turn, Enzo. If we're going to be stuck here for a while you might as well tell me where you're from."

    Ardyn's sly smile vanished when Take stole his hat away. "How rude of you. And to think, I was being so polite in helping you. I have nothing but the best intentions for you children. I work for no one but myself." Ardyn glanced at Tinarah and raised his hands up as if he had given up dealing with them. "Oh the castle? It's over yonder." He waved his hand in the direction of the Horned King's castle. "That vile horned creature must be capturing your friends about now but...I'm afraid I cannot allow your continued rudeness to stand. It's time for a time out." Darkness swirled around his hand. Ardyn's eyes locked on Take.

    A roar echoed in the skies. A sound as loud as a thunderclap cracked through the air and soon the sound of earth being torn away could be heard approaching. Before Ardyn could attack a brilliant white beam of flame and heat carved a path through the forest and left a trail of burnt earth as the beam found its way to where Ardyn was standing, incinerating the man on the spot in a blaze of a sacred inferno. A blur of white passed before their eyes. The spot where Ardyn once stood was now smoking and from the direction the beam had come in had left a long scar in the earth and cleared a line through the forest. Darkness swirled around where the man had once stood and crept away into the shadows and even Ardyn's hat vanished in a puff of smoke right from Take's hands.

    Their savior landed before them. A large, ten foot tall dragon covered in fluff and feathers, its four wings folding on its back to keep from hitting the trees as the creature stepped closer to the group. It sniffed the air and tilted its head to the side, blinking curiously at the strangers. The dragon's tail flexed and swatted a tree branch knocking some leaves down. The tail moved to the other side and hit a bush. Then it moved back to the other side. And again. And again. Slowly, the dragon was wagging its tail as it observed the young keybladers that stood before it.

    Meanwhile . . .

    Master Thallasa, Taran, Gurgi, Eilonwy, Fflam, Illiana, Qamar, and Aria had awoken to find themselves chained to stone columns surrounding a circular dark chamber. In the center was the Horned King working black magic to awaken the Cauldron's magic. If the keybladers attempted to call for their keyblade or their magic, they would have found themselves unable to do so.

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Arch

    Castur tilted his head. "Reallyyy?" He grinned. "Still..." Castur's pace with rowing continued at a more leisurely pace as he shifted in his seat to get more comfortable, his voice relaxing when he spoke again. "At least something good came of this." Castur said, eyeing Karina. The rumble of the storm came closer the farther they got. He was starting to realize what was going to happen. It was certainly going to be an exciting way to be transported. "Hm. Looks like we're nearly there now. If we don't see each other on the other side, it's been good to get to know you, Karina. Really. I won't forget you either, Kar-Kiara." Not even seconds later the two had entered the storm and the force of the winds, the powerful waves, and the torrent of water capsized their puny boat in moments.

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Arch

    Castur gave her a nod when she told him not to be someone else. Playing the other role had been illuminating but it was exhausting for him. Having to hold back and constantly play dumb had been a true lesson in humility. One he was not willing to repeat any time soon. "Safer? Well I guess no one is truly safe from the wrath of the mighty Karina." His eyes flicked over in the direction of the storm and he narrowed his eyes at it momentarily before returning to the conversation. There was no turning back now. In more ways than one.

    "I learned that...and...the surprise and shock I had back then was genuine..." He moved one hand from the oar to rub the back of his neck. He shifted in his seat and chuckled. "I learned that..." Once more he found himself unable to finish the sentence. Speaking had been so much easier when he held the confidence of an ignorant idiot. Now that he was slipping into his normal self that was starting to fade and give way to pragmatism, skepticism, doubt, and the pessimistic realist that was buried within. "Damn. No matter how I word it the words just sound...dumb. Awkward. Childish. Maybe I let that misplaced confidence as Arctus go to my head." There were likely a hundred reasons why it would have been better to stay silent. None of it could ever go his way, he thought. Realistically failure was always more likely than any alternative. He bit his lip and his eyes darted from Karina to the oars and back to Karina again. Something so small had been difficult to say. Admitting his true name alone had been hard enough. Even so he knew that he was no coward. Saying something was the only option before him. "I learned that you were--are a good kisser. Back there that was...nice. Look, I know we'll likely be parting ways before long and I'm little more than a brief blip in your experiences. Naturally you have more pressing things to worry about but despite all the teases and annoying prods I gave you under a different name, that was something that mattered. To me at least." Castur looked back down and his eyes focused on the oars as he began to row at uneven forceful pace.

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Arch

    Castur leaned back once she had finished explaining. The look on his face briefly showing the shock he currently felt before being replaced with a grin and a raised eyebrow. "I suppose that makes me a monster then." He shook head head. "So far you mentioned at least two people you've inspired to see worth in you. Two people who saw something good in you and stuck their necks out to help you when you needed it most. Don't blame yourself for their choices. Appreciate what they did and try to look deep to understand what they saw in you. Never let a sacrifice go in vain." He lowered his gaze to the oars and took them when Karina stopped rowing so that he would row for her if only at a snail's pace to extend their private journey.

    "Believe it or not, you're a better person than I am. Not that I set that bar particularly high." He commented solemnly, his eyes fixed on Karina. "Hm. Would you rather I switch back to stupid happy-go-lucky Arctus? He didn't brood." Castur mused as he paused rowing for a moment to look up at the sky before returning his attention to Karina. A memory flickered into his mind causing his serious expression to fade. "Want to know one thing I never expected to learn from you? Something...I'm pleasantly surprised to know."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Arch

    The Light Chaser nodded slightly in acknowledgment towards Chyrs and clasped his hands behind his back as he continued to observe his students. As time continued to pass it became apparent that no one was going to back down no matter how weary they were starting to become. Their determination kept up with each bruise and cut they sustained leaving the master with a sense of pride in his students' willingness to push themselves. "That is enough." The instant he spoke the words the four students stumbled and even Koa lost his balance and feel on his behind from having to suddenly stop during the backswing of his keyblade.

    "Your exams are over. You may line up to receive my judgment." The man spoke softly unclasping his hands to rub his chin between two gloved fingers while the students lined up just a few feet in front of him still panting and sweating from their duels. The Light Chaser stepped over towards the blonde first and looked her over. "Avra, your faith in me has not been in vain. Your sisters will understand by the end of this journey why you have gone down this path."

    Avra lowered her head. "I...I don't know what to say."

    "I do. Congratulations Master Avra." The girl lifted her head to stare at her master, a slight smile forming on her face. The Light Chaser moved on to Zeno. "Ah...I remember when you were recruited to this mission not long after Chrysanthemum. You were so eager to fight for this cause that I initially believed you to be naive that things would work out so cleanly. Yet here you are still fighting. You too have earned the rank of Master."

    "Am I to assume Koa and I did not pass, master?" Pagos spoke up.

    "The exam was not to determine who held the most skill in battle. If that were the case there would almost always be just one person to pass the exam. There have been many occasions where both participants fail their exam. However, this is not the case. You have shown so much promise these past two years, Pagos." The man had moved to place his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You remind me of myself when I was your age. I too buried my nose in books whenever I could. Despite your age you have already shown incredible strength of character. Perhaps it might be premature given how young you are but I consider you a Master just the same as the others."

    And finally there was Koa. "You once doubted me. You doubted my abilities. You doubted this mission. You still doubt being on the opposite side of your sister. But you know that we serve a greater purpose. Even if your sister does not understand, she will be alive because we have fought back the darkness. You have proven your worth to become a Master." He patted the boy on the shoulder and stepped away from the others.

    "I suppose you are wondering what you will do now. For now, I suggest you get your rest. Everyone has earned it."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Arch

    Castur raised an eyebrow at Karina's response. He was glad that she hadn't decided to punch him but her anger at the situation was more than understandable and truth be told, he had no easy answer for her. "Honestly I don't know why he did the things he did. I could tell Lea was smart. He had a plan for doing what he did and maybe he just got dealt a bad hand and did the best he could under the circumstances. Bigger and badder things are brewing in the Realm of Light and I can just feel that this is where I'm needed most." Castur eyed Karina. "I think you being the leader was a good idea. You wouldn't have taken the role unless you were forced into it. You grew because of it and you're stronger for it." He walked over towards her and reached for her shoulder and hesitated before lowering his hand, feeling that such a gesture would be unwanted from him.

    "I've seen you grow in the short time I've known you. That's not failure. You are not a failure. Even if you refuse to call me by my name." He flashed a brief smile at Karina as the ship sailed farther and farther. "Yeah. Lea told me your name. I was hoping you wouldn't take that stab at your name for anything other than a lucky guess."
    He chuckled. "Besides. Karina's definitely a prettier name than Kiara. Not even sure why you wanted to change it. ...Yes. I realize the irony of me being the one to tell you this."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 14, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Arch

    Torrin reluctantly took Enzo's hand and shook it. "I'm Torrin." He placed his hand on his shoulder and slowly moved over towards another wall to lean against it while his back began to slide down against it until he sat back down. He needed a breather and standing was quickly draining his strength. Torrin blinked several times to clear his vision as he ran Enzo's words through his mind so he could form a response. "Unfortunate circumstances." Torrin muttered. "What about you? What are you doing here? Do you have any ideas to get out of this place?" Torrin took a deep breath and leaned his head back to look up at the roofless opening above them. It only frustrated him more since he could not summon his keyblade.

    Torrin looked back at Enzo and squinted at him for a moment "It doesn't look like you're from around these parts. Just how exactly did you end up here to begin with?" He asked, suspicion clear in his tone.

    A sudden increase in his weight called Ardyn to fall to one of his knees and grunt. "Well isn't this just delightful..." The man turned his head towards Take and chuckled. "My my. Aren't you up past your bedtime?" An aura of darkness began to surround Ardyn as he slowly stood back to his feet and overcame the effects of the spell. The aura disappeared and Ardyn readjusted his coat. The man turned, towering over Takehiko and gently pushed Take's keyblade down with a single finger. "Now now. Children shouldn't play with swords."

    "Oh!" Ardyn clutched his chest as he heard Boreas's words. "Your words wound me so! But alas, I have no intentions of doing you children any further harm. I merely sent a warning shot. Torrin was it? Yes. Torrin should be recovering back at the castle. In the other direction. In fact, I rather suspect that the other members of your party will be heading there as well! Perhaps if you head there now you just might be able to reach them before something truly terrible happens." The man touched the tip of Boreas's glaive and grinned. "Perhaps you might give the true enemy a taste of your blade."

    And finally Ardyn looked at Tinarah. "And you, fair maiden?" Ardyn bowed his head. "I would be honored to transport you but I'm afraid your last friend got the last ticket. No more passengers I'm afraid. But how noble of you to offer yourself up for someone who isn't even your friend! How touching. That kind of sentiment will you get killed someday, child."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Arch

    Arctus raised an eyebrow. "Hmph. Yeah I suppose that's why I brought this up to begin with. Nothing spooked me but I suppose it started with Lea's...disappearance. Or death? Whatever happened to him." He looked over at Karina. "I do think you are an interesting woman, Karina. I'm...fond of you. Not often I get to admit to such things." The ship began to depart. Arctus placed a hand in his pocket and anxiously tapped his thumb against his leg outside the pocket.

    "I was recruited by Lea specifically because I wasn't like the others. There's been some deception, and for that I'm sorry, but it was never malicious." Already he felt his anxiety rise and his stomach turn. If he had been in her shoes a few years ago he would have killed someone like him. "Never got the full details of my particular mission but I was brought into the fold because I was both an unfamiliar face to everyone and..." He summoned his keyblade in his hand. "A keyblade master. Lea needed me to put on an act to not raise suspicion and I was already capable of hiding my keyblade from that radar. So...thus Arctus was born. Acting was never my strong suit to be honest. I kept it going for so long because I felt like I had to. Lea was gone but whatever he plans he had for me must have still been in motion. But I waited. And waited. And my patience ran out. So now I'm telling you this." He let out a sigh.

    "Look you can hit me if you want. Or hate me for lying, even if nothing really came from it. But I'm here to help now and I've always been on your side." He gave a short pause. "My birth name is Castur. My homeworld was a mess. I was a mess. I took this mission to prove I could be better. That failed and, well, even if I don't get a second chance I'm going to keep trying until I'm dead." Castur scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry. I never wanted to put on this mask to begin with but what happened back at that huge Heartless battle...that was honestly the first time I've ever had fun in I don't know how long. Regardless of how you feel, I've enjoyed my time with you Karina. So go ahead. Punch me now if you want. I know I deserve it."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Arch
    A deed had been done. woo
    Post by: Arch, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Arch

    Arctus stepped towards the boat and glanced over at Karina, unsure of what to say towards her. "I..." He questioned the worth of what he had to say and found it wanting. His expression stiffened for a moment before it was loosened with a small hint of a smile. "You're not as bad as you let on. Not quite." Arctus tried to make it sound positive but he knew nothing would change the circumstances. After a moment of hesitation he walked forward and soon stepped on the boat.

    "This assignment has been a complete mess." Arctus let out a sigh. "Never thought I'd be a part of another that would fail tremendously." He muttered mostly to himself. "Maybe it was a sign. Hm." He shrugged. "I suppose there's things better left unsaid. Though I could offer to be more open if you care to listen. I know we haven't really known each other too long and you'd much rather be with your other friends'd be nice to air some things out."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Arch

    Arctus folded his arms and blinked eyed the newcomer with some curiosity. Karina picking Koa didn't surprise him at all. It was obvious Koa was more suited to the task...if not by much. If things had been different, he had known that he would have been the most capable to take the mantle. But his place was elsewhere. And this act was growing tiresome. Appearances. Did it even matter anymore? With Lea gone, he wasn't so sure anymore. Perhaps it was out of guilt that he kept it up. He didn't know. He should have felt free by now but all he found himself doing was going through the motions.

    "Hey, Melus!" Arctus called out. "Here's a little present." His hand shot forward and a dark purple wave of energy shot forth, striking the girl. "I'm sure you understand the gravity of what you have now. Take care of it and use it to keep the others alive. Right? Right. See ya around." After a short two finger salute he stepped closer over towards Lynn while Karina began to approach the two. "I'm all set to get moving. I don't want to stay put here any longer."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Arch

    "Hm. Olympus Coliseum? Sounds familiar but I don't think I've ever visited." He shrugged slightly. "As for this element, I'd rather hang on to it. But if I had to give it up...eenie meenie miney mo...I pick you." In a few short seconds he wound up pointing right at Melus, seemingly choosing the girl at random. "I kinda feel guilty for...." He looked at Karina and cleared his throat. "Nothing. She'll do I guess. The girl could use some offensive juice. Especially seeing as how one of our own turned on us. Not that I particularly trusted Luther to begin with." He sighed.

    Artcus folded his arms and looked at Lynn. "Melus is about to understand the gravity of the situation, so to speak. As for anything beyond that? Vallus gets my vote for leader. But I suppose Karina has the final say." He glanced over at the young woman, somewhat curious as to where she had gone but he had done enough invading of her privacy to even ask about it.

    Post by: Arch, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Arch

    Minutes passed. Avra and Pagos seemed evenly matched despite their difference in size and age. Pagos's magic kept Avra at bay but her durability kept her going even when she took a hit. Meanwhile, Zeno and Koa were locked in close combat. Though Koa was apparently more skilled with a blade, Zeno was faster. As the two circled each other continued to clash in an intricate dance of swordsmanship, Zeno would often quip about how he was enjoying the challenge. Out of everyone, Zeno was the only who spoke so much during their exams.

    More time passed. As their duels progressed everyone had begun to slow down. Finally, the Light Chaser spoke to Chrysanthemum. "Allowing their exams to go on longer than yours was done to evaluate them more closely. Each pair are closer in skill level than you and I are." He explained. "And there's the fact that I did not need to see much more of you for your exam. After five years, I was already completely certain of your worth. You are worthy of the title bestowed upon you. The others, however? I know they will pass but they need this. They need to see it for themselves." He nodded slightly to himself.

    "Hm...while we're waiting I suppose I shall tell you of a small thing that caught my attention when I recruited you." He turned his head towards Chrysanthemum and from underneath the darkness in his hood a pair of blue eyes flashed. "Perhaps it was fate. Or perhaps I had already heard of your name before and that is why I chose you. But there was another with a name very similar to yours. A keyblade master who was important to me. Her name was Chryssa. A name like that holds nearly the same meaning as yours. I suppose I had hoped you would be as strong willed, as good, as her. While you are not the same, I have not been disappointed in who you have shown yourself to be. For that I am proud of you, Chrysanthemum."

    Post by: Arch, Sep 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Arch

    Torrin squinted as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings. He hadn't been sure if he had passed out or not but considering he had no recollection of how he got in such a cold place he knew that he must have passed out for a moment. He tried to sit up but as he moved his right arm he winced and turned his head to look down to see a long straight gash that had torn through his coat and left a long deep cut stretching from his upper chest and into his shoulder. His hands felt wet. Torrin sat up slowly ignoring the burning pain going through his body at glanced down at the blood he found himself sitting in. He touched his left hand to the wound but when he tried to call for his magic nothing came. "Damn!" He growled. The stone prison he found himself in was illuminated by a distant hole in the ceiling. His way out.

    He tried to call for his keyblade, anxious to return to the others. That too failed him. His keyblade was just out of his reach and he had no idea how that could have happened. Just as he began forcing himself onto his feet, intent on punching a wall in frustration, his eyes caught sight of something. He was not alone in this dungeon. With him in this prison was a young man with blonde hair. There was a faint scent of darkness to the stranger but Torrin ignored it and turned towards the stranger. "Have you been here this whole time? How long was I out?"

    Ardyn smiled. "I suppose he should be bleeding out by now in a dreary dungeon. I suppose he should have been more careful where he–" Boreas's glaive drove straight through Ardyn's chest and the force of the blow causing the glaive to go all the through and pin the man where he stood with the shaft still buried in his chest. Ardyn went silent. Then he spoke again. "Oooh...that stings. Emotionally, not physically of course. To think that you children would be so rude to a complete stranger. My! Where are your manners?" Ardyn looked Boreas in the eye as he gripped the glaive's shaft and began to pull it out from his body. A thick black liquid poured out onto the ground when he ripped the blade from his body and held the weapon out towards Boreas as if it were a mere trinket.

    "You'll find it a great deal more difficult than that to place me in a permanent slumber." The hole in his chest, and even his clothes, began to heal leaving no trace of the injury he had sustained. "Ah. I trust you got that out of your system then?"


    Thallasa looked at the Black Cauldron and narrowed her eyes at it. "Perhaps my keyblade would be enough to destroy it."

    "I wouldn't count on it, lady!" Doli flew over in front of the woman. "You heard those witches! They were right in what they said. The only way you're going to make the Black Cauldron useless is by having someone climb into it!"

    "I will not allow anyone to be sacrificed. That is not an option."

    "Well you can't move it somewhere else! Leaving it in tact is just askin' for trouble! No matter where it is!"

    "Hm..." Thallasa's thoughts were interrupted when Aria spoke of her concern for the others. "What were you–never mind. Perhaps they are traveling to meet with us. The other group has two formidable keyblade wielders amongst them. Have faith that they will return. By nightfall if you still have not heard back from the others then we shall seek them out."

    Taran smiled at Illiana, beaming with renewed confidence, and attempted to fix his hair after she had ruffled it. "R-really? You would do that for me?" He looked at Eilonwy and grinned. "You hear that Eilonwy? I'm going to get a new sword! And this time I'll practice every day to keep you safe!"

    "That's nice...wait...what do you mean Taran? I don't get captured on a daily basis." Eilonwy frowned.

    "Well you won't have to worry about that anymore with me protecting you!" The boy pointed at himself.

    "Oh Taran..." The girl smiled slightly at Taran's eagerness.

    Thallasa couldn't help but share in the two youths' happiness as she walked by them towards Illiana. "You snoozed? Why I didn't even notice. But that was a good thing you offered for the lad. I suppose once the Cauldron is destroyed he will insist on following us when we take Eilonwy to the Council...but I suppose they would not be too concerned with the world order when they see us with another Princess of Heart. So that just leaves–"

    "My Cauldron!" The clouds overhead thickened and thunder echoed. Before the group a green mist began to rise and from the thick cloud of mist came a tall and thin robed skeletal man. Taran moved in front of Eilonwy immediately while Gurgi and Fflam ran to hide behind Aria and Qamar respectively. Doli vanished in an instant to hide from the sorcerer. "Foolish mortals! You have found what I could not." A leathery flapping sound could be heard above them. In the sky were three small dragons circling the group. The Horned King pointed a single bony finger to his pets. "I knew you would come for the Cauldron so I sent my pets to follow you. Now you will be forced to watch as I summon forth my undead army!"

    Out from the mist stepped at forty or fifty of the Horned King's soldiers, each holding a spear or sword that was now pointed in the direction of the group. They were completely surrounded in seconds. Thallasa summoned her keyblade and prepared for battle. "I have seen your power. Perhaps you could defeat my men. Perhaps you could even kill my pets. But could you do so while protecting the pig boy? Or the scullery maid? That pathetic musician? Or even that disgusting rodent?" Thallasa growled as her blade lowered. She knew the sorcerer had a point. There was no way to keep everyone safe. The Horned King's men took a step closer, closing in the circle they had formed around the group. "What is it then? Surrender or death?"

    Post by: Arch, Sep 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Arch

    Torrin glanced over at the others upon hearing Boreas's comment and nodded in agreement after seeing them for himself. "They don't look as awkward anymore. Though I suppose the disappointment of not having the fairy's magic help them fly is keeping them distracted." He spoke with a hint of amusement. "Soon enough they might even be better than you. Take's a little on the short and young side...but considering that he held his own against you at all, maybe in a year or two he could usurp your position in the Emerald Company." Torrin joked.

    "Hm. That would be a good idea. The last thing we need is to find ourselves in an ambu–" Torrin's eyes flashed up towards the clouds overhead. He blinked and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and squinted as he stared intently at a particular cloud that seemed to have an odd look to it, almost something had passed through it and left a trail of water vapor behind. "Huh...I could've sworn that I saw something there..." He shrugged.

    "Alright Boreas. Go ahead and scout on ahead. We'll keep a steady pace as to not lose sight of you. Whenever you're ready–" A shining crimson blade shot up through the forest below them. There was a splatter of blood. Torrin fell from his glider and his keyblade vanished as he plummeted to the ground below, his vision beginning to blur in the sudden daze he found himself in. Torrin fell faster and faster and his body disappeared beneath the thicket.

    "Bah! We have no interest in silly little trinkets like that, child!" Orddu scowled.

    "Yes! Didn't your parents teach you the value of priceless relics?" Orgoch waved a crooked blue finger at Aria angrily.

    "That hardly makes sense." Thallasa spoke, raising her eyebrow.

    "Who asked you!?" Orgoch glared at Thallasa causing the woman to narrow her eyes in return at the hooded witch.

    Taran looked up at Qamar then back at his sword, a frown beginning to form on his face. What she had said had been true but even so he had barely had a chance to prove himself. He stared at the sword wondering if such a chance would ever come again. "Hm..."

    "It will be okay, Taran. By giving up your sword you are helping to save this world from the Horned King. Try to think of that."

    The boy sighed and nodded realizing there was no other way to get the Cauldron. "You're right. You both are." The boy slowly stepped forward, holding up his sword in both his hands. "Alright. You can take my sword."

    "Is it of your own choice? Remember, with this sword you could be the greatest of warriors!"

    "Yes..." The boy nodded solemnly and held up the blade higher towards the witch. "I offer this sword in exchange for the Black Cauldron."

    "Agreed! You have made a bargain." Orddu's magic made the sword disappear from Taran's hands and she and her sisters started to cackle as the three witches disappeared. Around everyone the house began to shake as pots, pans, furniture, ordinary cauldrons, and every inch of the abode was ripped up and sucked out the front door in a violent wind.

    "Taran watch out!" Eilonwy cried as she clutched Taran.

    "Duck!" Fflam shouted as he dove for the ground. In a matter of seconds the entire house and the tree which it had been built into had been uprooted and sucked into a whirlwind that disappeared into the distance leaving the group in the middle of the marshes with nothing to be found around them. The ground shook once more.

    "Look!" Eilonwy pointed at a nearby hill as dirt shoot up and through the very depths of the world the Black Cauldron began to tear itself from the ground and rise to the top of the hill, leaving burnt earth beneath it.

    "Don't they know the black cauldron is indestructible!?" Orgoch's voice echoed from the skies.

    "The black cauldron can never be destroyed. Only its evil powers can be destroyed." Orddu's voice joined her sister's.

    "Then it can be stopped!" Taran looked up, his eyes full of hope.

    "A living being must climb into the cauldron of their own free will! However they will never climb out alive!"

    "We had an agreement!" Fflam protested upon hearing the witch's terrible warning..

    "You said we could have the cauldron! What use it to us if we can't destroy it!?" Eilonwy shouted at the witches.

    "We only said we'd give you the cauldron! It's not our fault you can't do anything with it!" Orgoch laughed.

    The other two witches joined in as their laughter echoed in the skies. Their voices faded away with Orddu's last words being, "Goodbye! And remember! We'll always keep a bargain!"

    Post by: Arch, Sep 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Arch

    The Light Chaser used Dentro's keyblade to deflect Chrysanthemum's attack as they came in with a newfound ferocity. Despite whatever revelations were clearly going on in the girl's mind the master casually parried each and every one of her blows. Still, he could see within her eyes that she had been coming to some kind of resolution of what she was willing and not willing to do and his efforts to push her had not been in vain. Just as expected. The girl was going to hold true to her own moral compass.

    "Good." He uttered the word as he called off the keyblade just before Chrys's spell had left her hand.

    "Master!" Koa called out upon seeing the man lower his guard.

    Chrys's spell struck the Light Chaser square in the chest and exploded into a brilliant spectacle of dazzling magic yet there he stood as if nothing had happened. "There is only so much a teacher can impart on a student." He spoke calmly. "Much must be left up to the student to figure out on their own. I gathered you all for a single purpose but if I had been looking for soldiers I would not have trained you the way that I have. You see, I do not require nor wish for blind obedience. I have done my best to demonstrate the reality of what must be done but in the end it is up to each of you to act as you see fit. is unfortunate Dentro had gone down the road he did, and I wish there existed a possibility for me to save him from himself. But I could only ever help him hone his skills. Nothing I could have done would have kept Dentro from being who he was."

    The man placed a hand on his hip and looked at Chrysanthemum. "Ah yes...before I forget, the exam for you is over." He turned towards his other students. "Avra and Pagos. Zeno and Koa. You pairs can begin your exams now that I am once more free to observe."

    "Wait!" Avra called out. "Master you can at least let us all know whether she passed!"

    "Don't keep the girl waiting." Zeno said as he folded his arms.

    "Oh? Defiant today aren't we?" The man glanced over at Chrys. "Unfortunately, Chrys's status as student is still unchanged. I am sorry, Master Chrysanthemum."


    "If I'm flying it's going to be with something I know to be reliable. Soaring through the air with nothing beneath me? Not a comfortable thought." Torrin answered Boreas, giving a small grin. He shrugged. "Besides. Our gliders have served us so far. Why use anything else?" He gave a short wave to the elder man and the fairy. He summoned his keyblade and jumped into the air to call on his glider.

    "My goodness!" Dallben exclaimed.

    "Don't look so disappointed you two." Torrin directed towards Take and Tinarah. "We can fly with these and you three need the practice." He waited for a moment for the others to summon their gliders as well before taking off in the direction of the marshes.

    Beginning to look around the area, Taran opened up a chest in hopes of finding the real Black Cauldron only for him to be knocked over as nearly a hundred frogs came leaping out from their prison. Eilonwy screamed and backed away as she watched the frogs escape the house.

    "They're only frogs Eilonwy." Taran said, trying to calm her down as he stood back onto his feet.

    "Those were people!" Doli shouted to correct the boy.

    "You mean...they were turned into frogs?" Taran asked, looking in the direction the frogs had escaped to.

    "AAAHHHH!!! THIEVES! THIEVESSS!!!" A woman's voice shrieked and echoed throughout the house.

    "Someone stole all our frogs!"

    A purple mist filled the room and in an instant three blue-skinned women in purple robes appeared before the party.

    "Evil nasty people! You shall all be turned into frogs and eaten!" The one who seemed to be the leader of the bunch, a tall thin woman wearing a purple headband pointed at the group.

    "Nice and tender!" The hooded woman grabbed Taran's arm and attempted to take a bit out of it.

    "Stop that!" Taran snapped his arm back away from her grasp.

    "Just who are you anyway?" Thallasa asked, unconcerned with the witches' apparent appetite for frog-turned people.

    "The Witches of Morva! Who else would we be? I'm Orddu. That's Orwen," she said pointing to the fat witch who was beginning to eye Fflam, "and that one wearing the hood is Orgoch."

    "So nice to meet you ladies. Uh...hehe...goodbye." Fflam tries pushing the group out of the house.

    "Wait! My...aren't you the handsome one!" Orwen pulled Fflam towards her and embraced the bard tightly enough to squeeze air out of him and ignored his attempts to push her away.

    "Bah! Enough of that lovesick nonsense!" Orgoch pointed her finger at Fflam and a bolt of magic zapped Fflam, instantly turning the man into a frog. Orgoch chased after the frog as it fled. "Quick! We're going to have toad stew!"

    Orwen shoved Orgoch out of the way with her large frame and picked up the Fflam-frog and cuddle the poor frog closely. "You're not going to eat this one!" She placed him on the ground and magicked him back to his human self before embracing him once more. "Come here looooveeee!"

    "Enough!" Taran leapt forward holding his sword out at the sisters causing Orwen to release the bard. The boy's sword began to glow as a warning to the witches. "We've come for the Black Cauldron!"

    "Why no one has asked for the Black Cauldron in over two thousand years!"

    "It's a trick!" Orgoch grabbed the robes of Orddu to bring her down to Orgoch's height. "We're not going to let them have it are we?"

    Orddu pushed off her sister and her eyes widened as she gazed at the boy's blade. "I don't believe it! I've never seen a sword like that. I've got to have that sword!" She turned her back on the group and brought her sisters closer to whisper her plans to the other witches.

    When she finished Orddu exlaimed, "You shall have the Black Cauldron!"

    Eilonwy's face perked up and the girl smiled. "You mean you'll give it to us?" She asked hopefully.

    "Ahaha!" Orddu pointed and laughed at the girl. "That's not what I said! We never give anything away! What we do is bargain."

    "Well you'll not have my sword!" Taran gripped the blade defensively at the only thing that had ever given him a chance to protect his new friends.

    "May I ask you ladies to at least consider this magnificent harp?" Fflam timidly asked as he pointed at his humble instrument.

    "A harp!? When we want music we send for the birds!" Orddu conjured up a birdcage in her hand and a flock of pink birds burst into existence, flying out over Fflam's head and escaping the house. "What would we do with a simple harp?"

    "Wait! Gurgi will trade is crunchings and munchings." Gurgi cautiously went up to Orddu holding up the apple Taran had given him with several bites already having been taken out of it.

    "Who would want that!? No sword! No deal!" Orddu folded her arms.

    Post by: Arch, Sep 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Arch
    This month we are doing an Organization XIII theme for the themed pins. There are also new rotating pins and a new 1 Munny pin up that are now available in the pin shop. So head over and check them out!
    Thread by: Arch, Sep 1, 2018, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  18. Arch

    Torrin nodded at Boreas. "Yeah. From the looks of things I'm going to say we're just going to have to ignore the whole keeping the world order rule and use the gliders until we find the others." It seemed that everyone else agreed with his course of action and headed over towards the house. He looked at the others and, when no one stepped forward he knocked on the door. He stepped back and waited for a reply.

    There was the sound of shuffling on the other side. "Taran is that you? Have you returned already? Thank goodness, boy, I had begun to...oh?" An elderly man had answered the door, his leg bandaged with a splint and a walking stick in his free hand. "More strangers? Are you with that other group? A group comprised of mostly women dressed strangely just as you are came by here yesterday."

    "Yes. We're part of the same group." Torrin looked over towards the others. "Could you tell us which direction they went?"

    "Well I believe that wouldn't help at all." Another voice spoke.

    "Thanks but I'll be the judge of that, tiny flying man." Torrin blinked. He did a double take. Beside him was a floating fairy in red and underneath him stood a pig looking excited to see the elderly man. "Waitwheredidyoucomefromandwhoareyou?"

    "Hen Wen! Thank you so much for returning her! But if she's here...where is Taran?"

    "The boy and his friends journeyed on to find the Black Cauldron so they could destroy it." The chubby red fairy spoke.

    "Wait wait wait. Can one of you explain what's going on? We're lost. We've only just arrived and it seems like you already know what happened to our friends. Can you fill us in?"

    "Ah! I'm sorry! Apologies! I am the King Eidilleg, ruler of the fairies. I can do my best to tell you what has happened. Any friend of those courageous enough to stand up to the Horned King are friends of mine!"

    "And I shall do what I can to fill in any spots that my new guest has. I am curious to hear what has become of my dear assistant as well." The old man spoke.


    "Why thank you both very much." Fflam spoke towards Thallasa and Qamar who had helped him regain his footing. Upon seeing the house up ahead the bard gulped loudly and reluctantly followed behind the others.

    Thallasa looked over at Doli who motioned for them to go on towards the house. "Then this is it." She sniffed the air and squinted. "Most...unpleasant." She gave the door a quick knock and waited for a moment. There was no reply.

    "I don't think anyone's home." Eilonwy spoke as she peered through a cracked window.

    "Let's go in." Taran said.

    "I agree. The only way forward is to go in." She opened the door which caused it to creak loudly. A frog leapt at her. Thallasa stepped to the side and narrowly avoided getting smacked in the face with the tiny creature. The woman blinked and tilted her head curiously. She looked back inside as she cracked the door wide open for everyone to enter. Inside the abode was a mess and covered in dust and cobwebs. Towards the back there seemed to be a small mountain of cauldrons piled up against a wall though none looked to be particularly magical.

    "How will we ever find it in this mess?" Eilonwy frowned as she stepped forward with Gurgi still clutching her dress.

    Meanwhile . . .

    "Alright...that explains a lot. There's still a few blank parts but that's enough for us to get moving." Torrin folded his arms and racked his brain as he went through the events the others had gone through. An evil sorcerer known as the Horned King had sought out Hen Wen, a pig with the power to show visions of the future, in order to find an item known as the Black Cauldron to summon an undead army. The old man, Dallben, had sent out his young assistant Taran to hide Hen Wen away when Thallasa and company had arrived and startled Dallben causing him to injure his leg. Thallasa's group had went out to find Taran and, somehow, along the way they decided to find the Cauldron first to destroy it by the time they had stumbled across a pond that pulled them into the fairies' domain where they had been hiding from the wrath of the Horned King.

    "So we just need to head to these...Marshes of Morva. They were off in that direction right?"

    "That is correct, yes."


    "If you would like assistance I could provide you all with the power to fairy you there swiftly!" They fairy king waved his hands and blue sparks of light surrounded the group causing them to float a few inches off the ground.

    Immediately uncomfortable with the thought of flying without something tangible beneath him, or the poor pun the king had made, Torrin exclaimed, "No thanks!" The magic was suspended and they all landed back softly on the earth beneath them. "We'll manage, thank you."

    "Are you certain...? As you wish. Safe travels then, young heroes."

    Post by: Arch, Aug 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Arch

    Torrin waited for the others to enter the portal before he made for his exit. "Just one more thing." Edna spoke up just before Torrin went through the portal. He raised an eyebrow and turned slightly.

    "I'm pressed for time. I don't know what happened with the others."

    "I know but tell me one thing before you go."


    "Those cloaks you wanted for your friends. The material you had me fabricate is highly unusual. Wherever did you come up with something like that?"

    "I didn't. There's only a handful of people who know how to make them and I learned about it you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

    "Try me darling."

    With some reluctance Torrin nodded. "A...fairy in purple told me how."

    "Bah! If you will not tell me then so be it!"

    "I'm serious! I'm sorry but I need to leave now. Our friends could be in danger. Thank you for your help Miss Mode." Without another word Torrin stepped through the portal causing it to close instantly.

    "Curious...most curious..."


    Time passed and some of the group were beginning to grow weary from the journey. "I think we're lost." Eilonwy frowned upon seeing nothing but more marshes ahead of them.

    "Are you sure you've been leading us the right way, Doli?" Fflam asked, taking a moment to catch his breath as he stepped up a hill to where Doli was hovering by.

    "Of course I'm sure!" The fairy angrily responded.

    "Well if you ask me–AH!!!" As Fflam stepped closer to the hill's edge the mud beneath him shifted and his foothold crumbled sending him tumbling down and taking Doli with him as he frantically tried to regain his balance. At the bottom of the hill Fflam laid still and groaned in pain.

    Trying to push himself out from under Fflam the fairy cried out. "Watch where you're going! You big o–oh...we're here. This is Morva. This is where the Black Cauldron is hidden." In the distance was a large old tree with what looked to be a decrepit hut built into it. Along the path leading up to the ancient abode were several wooden spikes decorated with web-covered skulls.

    Thallasa leapt down the hill to assist the bard to his feet. "That is...quite foreboding."

    "Gurgi no like this place." The furry creature hid behind Eilonwy as he shivered.

    Meanwhile . . .

    Torrin arrived behind the others just before the portal closed behind him. Before them was an a wooden house with a roof made of straw. A small stream ran along the front of the house and several feet away was an empty pig pen. The air was peaceful and nothing seemed out of place. Yet as Torrin stepped forward he could sense the weight of darkness that gripped this world. He tapped on his communicator again but heard nothing but static. With a sigh he shut it back off and shook his head. "No good. At least it seems safe here for now. I don't imagine we'll be fighting Heartless around this area. We'll have to track the others the old fashioned way. But if the portal they used opened up here too then whoever's in that house probably has some information for us."

    Post by: Arch, Aug 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Arch

    Choma shut the book he had been combing through to look at his two visitors. "Thank you for your offer but I don't need something to take my mind off of things."

    "So you'd rather sit in a stuffy room all day and worry about your kids?" Thyella folded her arms.

    "The last news I have received was that the group had separated. So until the Council has more information I would rather be left alone."

    "Most unwise." Varos spoke up, the large man eyeing Choma directly in the eye. Though both of them stood at the same height Varos was of a much heavier build.

    "And what do you mean by that?"

    The woman sighed. "Jeez old man. Thought you'd know what that meant. Why would you ever waste time sulking here instead of training when we have a looming threat like the Light Chaser ready to wipe us all out? It's a poor use of your time."

    "And in the time you two have been training, have you noticed a perceivable difference in your power?"

    "No but what does that have to do with anything?"

    "You'd be tiring yourself out for no reason. Perhaps you two should be studying in your own library rather than going for a brute force approach about your problems. You might find something of value there. If I had accepted the position within the Council I was offered when I was younger than you, I would have already held a position of seniority over you. While I thank you for your concern, child, I do not require it. Now leave me to my worrying."

    Thyella glared and stepped forward. "Why you condescending as–"

    "No. Leave him. Clearly Master Choma knows what he is doing. We should be returning to our training anyway." As Varos spoke Thyella narrowed her eyes further at Choma before walking away without another word. Varos and Choma gave each other a slight nod before the man left Choma to his own devices.

    Post by: Arch, Aug 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena