>.< lucky!!! I've never gone to any of those things ;.;
he's so cool~! nya~!
that's cool ^-^ like what?
sure. Has anyone seen the human version of Hyourinmaru? =D
uh....... eh?
Mm.... What?
Yay!!! You're back!!! ^-^
hey, does anyone go on this group anymore? or did it die.... again....
I haven't changed my username at all, so everyone should know who I am. >.< if not, then that's sad ;.; my b-day's next month as well. though my sister has a b-day on halloween @.@ I'm kind of dreading it.
>.< no, I sleep until I can't stay asleep anymore. though I'm going to start school soon. It's Gauche from Tegami Bachi
sweet! ^-^ congrats~ Me, I'm moving today, actually moving right now, about to head out in a bit.
wow.... how long has it been since I've even looked at this family? >.> Hey guys, how's it been?
Konata's the best! and is best to relate to since she's into the manga, anime, and videogames, like me ;P
No, I don't like beavers. What's the point of living?
no, not really, or at least that's what I asume, I technically haven't started yet. my avvie?
I miss you too!
I'm a less hyper person >.>
I'll make sure to look it up ^-^
..... L? o.0
lol, what's it called? ^-^