sweet! Club Otaku's up and running! ^-^ nya... I wish I could have seen it open up... how many members do you have? yes! yes! I'll ask my parents...
I see, I see ^-^ eh, not much. gonna have a dinner with my fam and that's about it.
sure, sure! but I got a new cell phone, skitz,
woo!!!! ^-^ I'm awesome!!!!
^-^ woo! I'm awesome!... you're the first person to say that ._.
xD nya! nuuu! dun go blind on me!
xD Nya~!
Oh! Oh! That reminds me! I drew something a while ago and just scanned it ^-^ I drew my fav character from Bleach!
cause it's not eng dub.
>.< well, I found out that there are 5 episodes of anime for it so far.
went out with my sister, dressed like a bloody alice from alice in wonderland ^-^
>.< nice. so how was everyones' halloween?
I'm most likely going to be the one handing out candy this year. either that or taking my little sis out to go trick or treating. Though I'm still planning on dressing up a little. It's a wonder what just a little everyday make-up can make you look like ;P
nya.... tis fine ^-^
grr.... *sniffs*
I like older Sora a lot better, I started playing kingdom hearts 2 before I played kingdom hearts 1. His overall design is better, he's a lot more mature (well, maybe xD)
;^; THAT long?!!!
>.< no thank you. I'm good! no, it's a manga. there are OVA's for it, but it doesn't have anything to do with Gauche.
Yay~! =D *runs around like crazy otaku*
I probably won't ever get the chance ;.;