because. is it a bad thing...?
didn't do anything
yep ^-^ it had just fallen last night ^-^
I'm cold >.< just came in from the snow.
that sounds cool ^-^
nya, I wish I could go nowhere, that would be cool ^-^
yesh ^-^ I think you'd like it at least,
yup, Lag Seeing. the guy in my sig is Gauche (same anime)
lol, It's lag from Tegami Bachi
lol, happy thanksgiving to you too
yeah, someone subtitles the translation.
nya~! Thank you ^-^
no... T^T I wish, but I'd have to pay for it in order to have it again...
that's good ^-^
lovely >~<
probably just a cold.
okay, I guess. I've been sick, so I don't feel too good.
nope, probably not, just a small one.
x3 I see, I see! nya, nothing much. probably just staying home
pretty~! ^-^