I'm not particularly concerned, I'm not even keeping up with news I liked Haruhi and everything but i can wait
What does it matter? Even if it was stated in the Illiad that Apollo was the author I doubt you'd think the supernatural parts of the work were any more real. A book can't be used to prove itself, if I wrote a book that said i was the master of the universe, raised and sold albino tigerbearsharks for a living, and had fourteen dongs with enough wenches to service them all it wouldn't suddenly become true Also, for all intents and purposes, god is a character in the bible, and men wrote it, even if they were inspired by him
Well, Apollo has the Illiad, but I don't think you take that as proof of his existence.
No, faith isn't about believing in things only when provided with proof, because that's kind of the definition of faith in this case. Still doesn't make it smart or justifiable. Or necessarily dumb. It's a pretty big assumption as far as I'm concerned, but whatever. What exactly does the FSM doesn't have going for him that the christian one doesn't? Or hell, what does the christian god have that all other deities and supernatural entities don't?
Your point being?
Only played 4, haven't finished it yet I dig it. Nice story, art style, music, and balancing your shedule and charming the laydays is pretty fun
Too bad rep is worthless.
We won't have to worry about Mickey's voice suddenly being gruff as balls in his next cartooon, since Disney trains replacements and all that, but this is still pretty sad, he was great at what he did. I grew up with the man's voice, it feels weird that he's not around any more.
Haha, Nicky C, you crack me up
If people want to be vegetarians, cool beans for them. I know I could never be one though, I love my meat and in general don't really like vegetables.
I discovered KH-Vids by myself one day, I joined because I wanted to ask a question about Kingdom Hearts (I was still a KH-tard back then). It got answered and I left. Never dreaming i'd ever come back, TMM told me about his exploits on this site and I figured I might as well participate and make some intelligent contributions to this place (which it kinda doesn't have a lot of).
Then don't complain about people not liking you here.
constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. But uh, KHV isn't a country, so uh not really
Yeah, I didn't really like my old name. :/ Sup?
If you keep telling yourself that, you probably never will be.
That Squall in your signature makes me chuckle.
She hasn't met a man with a big enough top hap yet
I'm kind of surprised anyone could remember their dreams in such detail. Maybe it's just my luck with them. :/
I dreamed that something funny happened in the Spam Zone. The thought still makes me chuckle.