namechange holy ****
More like a day-care center.
Once you kill someone, they don't come back. You act like a lack of empathy is always a bad thing. Laws are largely based on feelings anyway. Sure, crimes are crimes are detrimental to society, and that's independent of subjectivities, but if you were incapable of feeling bad that your father had his life taken from him unfairly, if I didn't get upset were my sister raped by a mob, etc we wouldn't have laws because nobody would care. I don't think that it's wise to let feelings completely cloud one's judgement, since that's one the big reasons why some people support this in the first place, but acting like a robot about it doesn't seem all that good either.
That sums it up for me.
Whether that makes our lives meaningless or not (and really, that's quite debatable) is completely unrelated to the question of whether god does or does not exist. Nobody said the truth had to be comforting, and often, it isn't. The idea of life having some grander purpose and there being some great deity watching out for all of us certainly sounds nice, but I certainly don't support the idea that you should believe certain things simply because it makes you happy to do so. Otherwise I might as well start believing in Santa Claus again.
The truth is important, so yes.
The future is both not completely up to chance, nor completely in the individual's control. I don't really believe in predestination. Just because something happened doesn't mean it was meant to be that way, and not everything happens for a good reason.
The fact that threads like this exist is exactly what's wrong with KHV.
Fucking great music.
Not really. Nothing is eternal, that's just the way it is. Which is really why life has any value. If life is really so pointless we might all might as well just kill ourselves now. Nothing we do will ever matter anyway, right? I like living, therefore, I live. Good enough for me.
that's more like it
middle of the year for me lol
Best one ever.
Her element is officially listed as Light. Well fancy that.
The videos also prove that people did get to the end of the game in 2 days. We'll see if it's all true or not when the game gets released in NA/more information comes out. Also: Final boss, first time roxas dual wields in the game
Well, see, Nomura writes the main plot points for ALL the games, the scenario writers just write how they get there (as in, the dialogue, etc), which makes a big difference in the quality of the game's story. For refference KH1 was written by Watanabe in conjunction with another man named Kazushige Nojima, CoM was written by just Watanabe, and KH2's was just Nojima. And yes, he's writing the scenario for coded and BBS (thank god). I don't believe so. So, not exactly what you'd expect, but i'd say this confirms everything, considering how xion's mecha form looks like sora, roxas absorbs her, etc.
Someone on YT is posting ripped music from Days: A few samples (forgot how to do the YT tags) Final boss music: Xion's theme: Riku's theme:
Basically, Xion is an incomplete replica/doll of Sora, composed of his memories, made by Xemnas. She was shaped by Sora's strongest memory, Kairi. As Namine rebuilds Sora's memories, she starts becoming more and more like the original Sora. Xemnas' plan was that Xion eventually absorb Roxas and "become" Sora. That way, the true Sora would be stuck in his pod forever and the Organization would still have a keyblade wielder to gather hearts for them. The revelation of what she is drives Xion nuts, and she tries to kill Roxas. He's forced to kill her and, out of respect, absorbs her remains so she can live on in a way, inside him. Absorbing her gives him the ability to dual wield. This info was gathered from GameFaqs by people who supposedly beat the game. I've been a member of that site for a while now, so I know about how the community is and what kind of people report these kind of news. While it *could* be fake, it's most likely true. Something note is that Days' scenario was written by the same man (Daisuke Watanabe) who wrote CoM's; and this definitely sounds like his work. Uh, I don't think any of the sources said Xion was MADE to be absorbed into Roxas. That's just what ends up happening.
Yes, it is. Now whether it's good music or not is a different discussion.