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  1. Cyanide
    That's the problem with counting on religion or more specifically, prayer to solve problems and give answers: it's not reliable.

    Which is not to say that scientific answers are always the best answers or that they work 100% of the time, but with patience, testing, and research, we can perfect them and we have some guarantee that they will work. And when they don't, we try to find out why it didn't so we can try and make a better solution.

    With prayer you're literally left in the dark as to whether it's going to do anything or not. If it works, yay, God is great and merciful. If it doesn't, it wasn't meant to be, his ways are higher than ours, etc. And it's impossible to prove this wrong because it's outside of empiric jurisdiction. We don't have any way of investigating how and why it works, who heard the prayer, why it worked, how it worked, etc. By its very nature it prohibits us from learning anything about it at all and using it to make our lives better.

    That's why science rejects these explanations: they're worse than false, they're useless.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Cyanide
    Well, actually, many findings in quantum physics prove that this isn't always the case. With particles appearing seemingly out of nowhere and all that.

    Also, energy can't be destroyed or created.

    Time didn't exist until the Big Bang, so asking what happened "before" it is pretty meaningless.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 22, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  3. Cyanide
    Who cares?

    SE is the last thing on my mind after E3.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  4. Cyanide
    I like what I'm hearing and seeing.

    Just need orchestral music announcement now...
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 20, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  5. Cyanide
    Twilight Princess takes place after OoT, in the Child Link timeline.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  6. Cyanide
    Saw it yesterday. Even with the nostalgia from the first two movies, this still holds up really well as a very well made and heartwarming conclusion to the story.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Cyanide
    It takes place before Ocarina of Time. Link lives in the skyloft with the oocoos, finds the sentient skyward sword, it takes him to a world below the clouds, which is filled with evil. That girl in the concept art we've all seen? that's the form the sword takes when it's giving you advice.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 19, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  8. Cyanide

    Oh god Miyamoto I love you so much.

    EDIT: I just found out that particular article was derived from a roundtable Nintendo had earlier; in a more recent interview Aonuma said they were still talking it over.
    Thread by: Cyanide, Jun 17, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Cyanide
    \o Fck yeah br power.

    I don't really keep up with soccer and usually don't give a sht about it in general, but in this case even I want Brazil to win, although just a little.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Current Events
  10. Cyanide

    E3 2010

    I'm glad someone else feels the same way.

    Nintendo BY FAR had the best conference, I cared about everything they showed except Wii Party and Dragon Quest. Even the mario spinoff looks like a decent time-waster. SO EFFING HYPED for Skyward Sword, Donkey Country Returns, Other M, Kid Icarus Uprising and Kirby's Epic Yarn. Best. Conference.ever.

    Officially my favorite gaming company of all time until further notice. If you'll excuse me I'll go out and buy (see: not pirate) Galaxy 2 while fapping to the 3DS.

    I might feel differently a while from now, but for the moment Microsoft and Sony can go blow me.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 17, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  11. Cyanide
    It's Lelouch from Code Geass.
    Profile Post by Cyanide for Ars Nova, Jun 6, 2010
  12. Cyanide
    Never been in an e-relationship myself, but I have friends who have been. If their experiences are any indication, it's not really the best of ideas. 99% of the time it didn't even last a year, let alone half that. The strain was too much, they just couldn't make it work.

    Personally I don't see how anyone can say an e-relationship can be better than an IRL relationship in the long term (or even short term) unless the latter absolutely sucks. You'd be surprised at how much having your partner actually be there makes a difference. It's much healthier and easier on the people involved.

    I would say that yeah, preferring e-relationships over IRL ones isn't something good, in the long run.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Help with Life
  13. Cyanide

    I took a look at the site the picture is hosted in. Just from a cursory glance at a few pages, I have a sinking impression that it's just another creationist website that spews half truths and/or outright propaganda and lies to further its cause (even if it says otherwise, the very wording on the pagse is utterly biased and bigoted and makes it clear to me that the site probably isn't worth trusting). It clearly doesn't have any respect for the idea of evolution or the scientific community or its method, and tries to make them look like something they aren't at all.

    So if you got your information from there you've probably been misled. Let me put it this way: if you want to know about a religion, what would you do? Go to a church. Similarly if you want to know anything about evolution, go read a scientific textbook.

    Furthermore, if you had read any of my previous posts, you would know evolution has already been "proven" (ie there's enough evidence behind it to consider it true). It's something we can clearly see happening in the real world, we make medicines based on it that work and we can avert disasters using its principles.

    All evolution (which is not the same as common descent, which is what you actually mean when you're saying "evolution) says is that populations suffer changes in gene pools over time. That's it.

    The fact that we don't know everything about human evolution (or evolution in general) doesn't discredit it at all. As an fyi, fossils are pretty rare.

    I don't think you understood the significance of what I posted. :/
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 5, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Cyanide
    While I understand where you're coming from, I hope you're aware your personal experiences don't necessarily reflect the entirety of the poor/homeless.

    Hardly "most". Many sure, but I don't feel comfortable affirming more than that.

    I watched a report recently about trash collectors in the poorer parts of my country (fyi I live in Brazil). People who are so poor they only can get their basic necessities by picking apart the trash all day long and hoping to get lucky. They live off disposed clothes and a rotten chicken is considered a delicacy to them.

    Usually what happens is a child will be born into such a family, and from an early age will have to help his/her parents with trash collecting in order to provide for the family. Because of this they usually don't receive much schooling, dropping out early on in order to make ends meet, and without the necessary education, they have no choice but to become trash collectors themselves. And so will their children. And grandchildren. And so and so forth. It's a sad and miserable cycle.

    Considering the fact that they're willing to pick apart trash the whole day in order to live, I don't think they can be accused of being lazy or doing nothing with their lives, they're just unfortunate enough to have been born into a poor and decadent social background that discouraged them from seeking an education.

    I didn't see the guy, so I wouldn't know, but that particular situation is realistic enough.

    It's something I personally hear about a lot: a person (often, someone poor) commits a crime for whatever reason, gets sent to jail. Once he gets out, he isn't able to get any employment because of his criminal record. So left without any other choice, he goes back to crime.

    I understand the hesitation in hiring someone with a criminal record, people just like to be careful, but the whole point of the prison system is to help people back into society. If we don't try and give them a second chance we're never going to save them and we won't be fixing the problem at all.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 2, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  15. Cyanide

    The bible


    Punishing people eternally for not returning your love is...well, questionable at best. Don't we usually frown on that kind of behavior, and have laws to prevent it?

    What exactly is the point of hell anyway? You're not going to be able to apply anything you learn there elsewhere, you have no reason to want to learn anything, because you're going to be there forever anyway, with no chance for redemption. It's punishing for the sake of punishing.
    Post by: Cyanide, Jun 1, 2010 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Cyanide
    Doesn't seem like there'd be enough activity for that, but I'm not a "KHV'er" per se so what the hell do I know.

    I post here because I get bored.
    Post by: Cyanide, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Cyanide
    It's kind of boring right now, tbh. KHV's activity has consistently plummeted since Xaldin left. About 2 years ago, it wasn't very active, but a lot moreso than it is now.
    Post by: Cyanide, May 31, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Cyanide
    They're good games, but I hope you're prepared to swear a lot because most of them are pretty hard.

    Not that hard if you know what you're doing, but for someone who's never played them before, they take some getting used to.
    Post by: Cyanide, May 30, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  19. Cyanide
    Yeah, Megaman Zero is pretty tight.

    Been looking forward to this for a while now, as I currently don't own any of the games and would love to be able to replay them.
    Post by: Cyanide, May 30, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  20. Cyanide
    I don't mind the more minimalist approach they're taking here, but the UK covers are still top-tier.
    Post by: Cyanide, May 30, 2010 in forum: Literature