Cookies! x333 Sorry... I was reading some other threads... ^^" And i gotta go to bed in a few minutes anyway... T___T
FAMILY!!! *glomps* ^____^
o.o How'd it go? And i gotta leave in a few minutes to go eat dinner... x3
I'm good. ^-^ How 'bout you?
Coco! I could never draw Link that good.. :3 It's a lot better than i could do. x3
Hi Cuppycake!!! XD Hey Vakh! ^-^
Sorry. distractions! XDD I'm getting ready to go out and eat dinner anyway. x33 I'm doing good. ^-^
Hi everyone. ^^ what's up? :3
lolz. i didn't bother to check. XD so yeah... *glomps* hi
Last time I checked you just said "wow you guys glomp alot" or something like that... >_> XD
Number one was AWESOME! :3 Even though it bugs me that everytime i watch a Crisis Core vid... I have to see the scene where Zack dies... -.- And i liked #5. <3 Oh.. And i think the link for #4 is broken. It took me to #5. xD Congrats to the winners! :3
True true. I still remember when she ate me for saying i supported SoKai... ._. And now i'm super glad that i don't have red hair!
i have a guitar but i have NO IDEA how to play it... ~.~ hi. XD
thank joo. x33 we watched the Wizard of Oz like.. Last week.. 'cause we have to play it.. D: I'm ashamed. XD I play the clarinet... ~.~
I prefer you call meh DITH... :3 Sorry... Just what i'm used to being called here. XD =O What movie was it????
Oh snap.. it looks like it... O_O *posting for teh sake of fam* :3 *looks down* Mommy was in a Sora fangirl mode... Wasn't she? o.o
*gasps* FELON!!!!! xD What'd ya do? o.o Hi everyone! ^^
Aww~ You didn't make me in by default??? *puppy eyes* How could you, Destiny? I was the one who gave teh idea for this! (For the most parttt!) Ah no... A form! D: Rank: Teh Random Glomping Sister Color of name: "Royal Blue" ('cause i'm cool like that! ^__^) Oh snap... DF's in this family? *runs away* HE'S NOT GONNA TICKLE ME OR HE'S IN FOR IT!!!! =D
yeah.. but this is something fun... :3
I'm leaving for a friends house in about a half hour... :3 We gotta work on this school project thing.