Hey D! ^^ my lunch was a piece of pizza from school... ._.
Try: i went to the last page in the thread where all the members and stuff are and read it there. :P HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAINT!!!! :D
FAMILY! *glomps everyone* I just got home from school! =P What've i missed? Oh yeah.. And i got tagged... =.= And i think i'm gonna end up tagged back 3 MORE TIMES! T___T (that's 15 more facts!) http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z3q3NBzCiks Ohmigosh! We have a short story contest? =D *thinks* I wonder if i could come up with anything good...
That truck annoyed me, being right there next to Memory's Skycraper and all. I sat there for like... 5 minutes one day staring at the blinking tailights. <3 I really don't think it had too much of a meaning. At first I did think something similar to what you thought, but gave up on it. You might be on to something though. We'll never know for sure unless Nomura says anything about it. Very nice observation though. ^^
As long as it keeps you from being emo, i don't care! =P XD *glomp*
OMG. THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! DF. You just rock. =D Die Yamikai! XD Even if she's awesome. <3 Kairi's drive form was like. WOW! =D I read chapter comments before reading the chapter and i figured you'd given her Valor form... :3 (Did ya see Dead Fantasy II? :D) AWESOME JOB! I can't wait for the next update! ^-^
NO! BAD DEMI!!! *pulls hair*
me either. i'm just SUPER MAD at my computer
T___T GET ME DOWN NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO! *crawls into emo corner* T___T
ERGH!!! *screams* I STILL CAN'T GET THE FLASH PLAYER TO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What if i can never get it to work? And i can never watch videos again!? T_____T This sucks
I didn't have school today. :3
Aww~ Have fun. XD Yeah... so i uninstalled it And now i'm trying to download it... >.<
Family! x3 Anyone here? My computer is being a big fat meaneh and won't let me watch any viddies 'cause it says: "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. " DX
Awww! Doggehs! =D And now i gotta go to bed. XD Night fam! ^-^
and that was random. XD I don't have school tomorrow. <3
:3 It was yummeh! Bwahahah! JOO CAN'T HAVE ANY BROWNIES!!!
XD You people shoulda seen me at MiniSociety today! =D I ate like: 2 cookies, 3 brownies, a cupcake, 3 snowcones, a milkshake, and whipped cream off my face (our business was throwing whipped cream pies! XD) Wasn't nothin healthy 'bout it. :3 I usually eat pretty healthy... ^^
well... now we know what to give Saint instead of cookies! ^-^