Now Saint ish alone. =P
o.o I use AOL for here when i'm sick of the slowness. XD I shall add you. :3
awww. Why not?
no. but i have an AIM.
That'll be interesting to see. XD Aww. Bye Aww~ Saint... You're not unwanted!
*doesn't resist* I need a hug anyway. XD Aww... Demi.. I ish no longer part of your location? TT.TT
hi Saint! =D
Hey everyone! ^-^ I haven't been on in a couple'a days... Sorry! ~.~ new AMV! I'm on a rolllll~ XD How ish everyone who's on? XD
Heheheh. I'm probably hated for no updates. >_> Well. Here's the thing: I haven't been able to write anything to the story since i last updated. ^^" I have state testing this month, which is just "ERGH!" I'll try to come up with a decent update this summer, so keep on the lookout! :D MEANWHILE: CHECK OUT THIS ROCKIN PICTURE A FRIEND DREW OF THE KH:AS CREW!!!!!! :D :D IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *squee* It's got like, everyone! ~.~ I'm sorryyyyyyy~
That sounds like a cool idea though! XD
My style is mostly: "Back off or i go all ninja on you!" Button masher. And proud of it. =D I only really use Curaga for magic. And that's if i run out of potions. XD And then i run away if i can't kill it. >_>
MEAN iPOD! It works on CD players. XD
That sucks. D: Maybe if you leave it off for a while... The battery will come back some?
XD Return to Evil? 'cause that's what it sounds like. =P Sorry. I had to go eat dinner. YES. DINNER! XD And i had this barbecue chicken! =D
Awww~ thanks you guys! ^-^
Large eyes are awesome! XD That, and it's an anime drawing. Naturally big eyes! ^^ Yesh. WE MULTI TASK 'CAUSE WE ROCK!
Wheee~ I have a new drawing for anyone who wants to take a look! ^^
*sigh* I really need to stop being lazy and go to post in threads where posts actually count. Time to hit the KH sections. =D Oh. While i'm thinking about it... I have a new drawing. :3 (even though this is the Writers fam. XD)
Oh dearsss... I saw that one coming. XD Your fault for having those initials! =P
*gasp* I couldn't live without dinner. XD And. Ew. Didn't need to know that part... DX