Same here. My mom has actually threatened to unhook the internet during weekdays while they're at work. D: YAY GENIUSNESS! Silly Demi, listen to Destiny! xD
I just stay on the computer or go to friends houses most the time. XD I only miss school because i miss most of my friends. >.> I DID TOO! AREN'T WE SMART?! XDD *listening to "Judah (Reprise)"* I'm so obsessed with it now since i watched the MEP from khfriends that i was almost in. XD
THE SKY IS UP. 8D And DITHy is doing fine~ =D
...DESTINY. :glomp: =D
D: Not cool. xD
... HI GUYS!!!! =D *waves* >.> *shot down* x_x
:O so thats how ya wanna go, eh? *tackle glomp* i win. :D and i'm gonna go ahead and get off the internet... *scared about that whole 'minutes' thing* See you guys later! :D
*glomps back* =D
*nod* Hey guys, if i suddenly am offline, it's cause it's getting cloudy out and the sattelite thing will probably cut off. -.-
I cheated and went to the Underworld cups and kept going to Master Form over and over and over until i finally got it. XD Sadly... I ended up getting Anti-Form like... 20 times... But then finally i got Final. xD
o.O XD That'd be even scarier..
Uhmm.. Church summer camp. I'm gonna get eaten alive by bugs... I just know it. =.=
I dunno if i did or not. o.o But.. atleast i won't be home next week... So i can save whats left of the minutes. XD
i don't know. it's never happened. XD My dad just told me that... and i was like... "o.O ... I haven't even been on THAT much!"
*pokes head in* I haven't posted in this fam for a while. :O Hola. =D And i really can't stay on all day... 'cause my dad said he got an email from our ISP saying that we've almost reached our montly allowance of internet minutes... o.O What the heck? I don't even use it, i just use IE. XD
Haha. I so got a 40. xD I paid attention. XDD
mine usually cuts off when i'm talking to people.. -.- 2 days in a row that it's cut off at like, the same time...
i'm not THAT dumb. XD =.= My internets been disconnected for like, what, an hour? D:
No... it wasn't blood and it wasn't a centipeid! XD the water was like... yellow... o_o