Hahaaha. I'm just SOOOOO funny! =D That's a song, Saint? o.o
Mine half the time never lets me... -.- That's why i took so much out of mine! YAY FOR THE AFTERNOONERS! XDD
No one can beat my story about how the elephant and the reindeer became the Eledeer! >D (If you're smart.. You won't ask... XD)
Yuck. I hate writing essays. Unless it's something for writing class that I can make funny... Then they're okay... >_> SAINT! =D
Spaghetti's awesome! =D Good morning to you too! Afternoon to me.. :3 Ugh.. I still have to do my math homework... -.-
Aww man... I just went to the fridge to get something to eat for lunch... And I was gonna eat the leftover spaghetti... But I just found out: THERE'S NO SAUCE! D:
Aww~ Thank you! ^^ XD That was random... But this is a family that doesn't seem like it'd fail! =O I thought my family was going to fail.... But it hasn't yet! (Even though it sometimes goes days without posts...) -.-
Good afternoon everyone who might be on! XD
Hey looks! New drawing! =D http://media-fanart.theotaku.com/520609-20080413083705.jpg Anyone hereee?
I'm not that protective of my crushes... But, like... yeah... *sigh* T__T And i gotta go. My mom's making me get off... See you guys tomorrow at some point! ^^
=D You know... All these comforting things would be SO much easier if i actually knew you! ^^" And D, my crush is now going out with one of my friends... ~.~
Yeah. 'Cause us girls are complex human beings! =D (I'm just trying to be positive! XD) You must've really liked him...
That's almost kinda sad though... Yeah... And another of my friends likes him too! She's more mad about it than me though... I'll get over it eventually.
Awww~ Vakh! *hugs* i feel sorry for you! My crush started going out with one of my so-called-friends yesterday...
Regular middle school drama. XD
Wow... That is kinda lame... :O
Yeah but i probably have them more than the usual person... >_> so, anyway, what's up?
you said you were in a car... wait... never mind... -.- agh. whatever. i'm having one of my stupid days.. XD
o.o? Are you on a laptop or a cell phone or something?