Search Results

  1. Azure Flame
  2. Azure Flame
    Profile Post

    Okay, cool.

    Okay, cool.
    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Maka Albarn, Apr 26, 2009
  3. Azure Flame
    Profile Post

    I'm fine, you?

    I'm fine, you?
    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Maka Albarn, Apr 26, 2009
  4. Azure Flame
    Profile Post

    Hi there.

    Hi there.
    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Maka Albarn, Apr 26, 2009
  5. Azure Flame
    Yup, I will. See ya.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  6. Azure Flame
    Yeah, suuuuure you were. jk, I beleive you. That was my first battle against someone whose fc I put in, so I didn't have any taunts set up. When I first saw you say Hello, I thought you typed it up XD.

    Well, I g2g, it's almost 1 am and I need to sleep, I have to work 12-6:30, so I need rest. Night.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  7. Azure Flame
    Okay, I added you and am awaiting registration. Same with Trizzle.

    EDIT: Sorry I left so suddenly dude, but my dad told me to shut it off. Great game, though. I might be on again tommorrow night.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  8. Azure Flame
    Sure, just let me add you.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  9. Azure Flame
    3866-8774-9904 My name is DSK, my old username here.
    I may not be on alot, though. I'm currently working on Ocarina of Time and Devil May Cry 4 for the PS3. I also might pick up the first Sonic PS3 game again, since I have yet to beat it.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  10. Azure Flame
    I'm okay as Ganondorf. I like to use Link, Lucario, Pit, and Ike. I just picked the game up again and beat Tabuu on my second try. I'm okay, but not great. I try my best and have fun.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. Azure Flame
    Youtube has become an AMV maker's nightmare. Most of the AMV's I've put up have been taken down because of the songs, even after they've been up for months or even a year! Youtube has just become too strict.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  12. Azure Flame
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Magick, Apr 25, 2009
  13. Azure Flame
  14. Azure Flame
  15. Azure Flame
  16. Azure Flame
    lol *is a starwars fan*
    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Magick, Apr 25, 2009
  17. Azure Flame
  18. Azure Flame
    Profile Post

    *is glomped* ^///^

    *is glomped* ^///^
    Profile Post by Azure Flame for Magick, Apr 25, 2009
  19. Azure Flame
    But that was because we were controlling him. He pretty much loses any battle we don't fight.
    Post by: Azure Flame, Apr 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Azure Flame