The trailer looks great. The only thing I didn't like was the lag later on, and that YouTube sometimes gets choppy on my computer. I may have missed something, but I seriously doubt you can play as Donald and Goofy. They're asleep for most of the game, and when they aren't, they're with Sora before they go to sleep. They don't even encounter Roxas until near the end of KH2, which is after this game. I don't think so. Riku isn't a memeber, he just has a coat given to him by DiZ. And in none of the scans and videos show him as a playable character, but in the trailer, it looked like Xion was one of them, which means Xemnas might be the one left out in multiplayer. I'm not sure, but I think it was confirmed that only 13 characters would be available in multiplayer, meaning the Organization minus one member.
>_< I remember that one from 9th grade science. It actually showed the head coming out. Luckily it was the end of the period and everyone was at the door not watching it, but I caught a glimpse of it. There are things you just can't unsee. >_< But showing a guy jack off a bull? That's just wrong. Did it actually show it?
Exactly .
OOC: They're both humans.
Not really. Since it has Vexen clones after Vexen died, from what I heard. There are no Vexen clones in KH2 at all, and it's the KH2 Manga.
Manga doesn't matter, since it's not canon.
OOC: Well, my character did cut you off and talk to you. But it's too late now. BIC: Arwin had caught up to her, but acted like normal, as to not raise her suspicion. He went into the shop and smiled at her. "Hi there!" he said.
XD That's perfect!
He was fast asleep. He slid down so his head rested on her shoulder.
Ah, okay. Thanks.
It's not Magick Gay, it's Malchik gey. There's an English and the original, which I think is in Swedish or something. I have a version which is both combined. Some parts are English and others are in the original language. Original is Malchik Gey, the English is Malchic Gay. It's about a girl in love with a gay guy.
OOC: Yes there are. As well as commanders and generals.
OOC: Okay.
OOC: You don't have to delete your posts, just start over from the begining.
OOC: If you mean start with a different first post, yes please.
OOC: There are other characters that are human fighters. Have him hang out with them.
OOC: But he shouldn't be there at all, since he's fighting in the war, and all he'd do is cause trouble from the sound of your posts. The hidden cities are were the peace lovers can relax without fear of battle. I set the rules up for a reason and I take it very seriously.
OOC: You're in, sorry I haven't been on, my internet had stopped working. And Xaren, I already told you once, only the peaceful ones are in the hidden cities, where Ireth, Grey, and Arwin are. Your character is a fighter, so he wouldn't be there and wouldn't even know about it. BIC: Arwin sighed, getting tired of the game. He ran ahead and cut her off. "Hey there!" he said, smiling. "That was a fun game."
He smiled, starting to take a nap.
Same here. I actually joined shortly after you did, according to our join dates and member numbers.