I understand What happened to make him do that exactly?
I summon 3 blue eyes white dragons!
Yes of course sorry if i didn't reply to anything its just my life hasn't been all rainbows and flowers at the moment if you catch my drift Your...
In my eyes it has very little OTK strength If it was summon it the field then i can understand but its just to the hand HMm we'll have to ask jay
Hmm i uselly understand his ban meanings but this time I'm not sure
Stop by Mississippi Us down holm folks can invite ya to dinner and then rape you in the closet
Hmm we might have someone new for the leader board
5 . . . Yeah
Well do you accept?
:/gasp: I did not just go there
Zane I challange you to a duel! All or nothing! Terms! LP :8000 Customs: No Anime: no Video: No God cards: No Hand Refil: No First player: Me Other: None
Good then i have a perfect plan I am challanging him today then I got 1 of the ideas from your evil hero otk and nowi think i can win
I was thinking of activateing that card i do have a question Is spiritualsims effect negated by the forest?
Of course not I know that rule and i would never steal somones plan expecialy one so brillient I will tweak it with some of my personal touch. Be...
Thank you so much I might challange him tomorrow or the next day Afetr i think of the perfect plan
Oh you sneeky dog i like what your thinking a perfect spell and trap lockdown Exelent!
Damn straight I am getting tag force 4 soon =D
Thank you so much that card will be exelent! and yeah thats what i mean some old OTKs for me to study