Sorry you know its against the rules But whatever I'm not a rule moderator
3 copys of a card You sent 4 flame menipulators
Spoiler 3 card Limit fail
Yeah I don't get on facebook that much even when i do i don't uselly have anything
Hey jaden You said you might be able to get codes for Yugioh TBOD you asked what my (m) code is idk quite but the one i have been using is like i...
I'm doing okay i guess Best friend grounded for something unspeakable Me bored to tears almost left KH-Vids Disided i have nothing better to do...
Bushido i cannot do our duel i am not ready, before i can i must train. You are one of the strongest duilests here and i only have 1 play that could kill you But i must save it, or it will backfire on the person i choose to use it on Do note this is NOT a forfight just...on hold ya see? But i do want to do something special . . . I WANT TO DO A TAG DUEL! Whos with me here!
lolz i like it
I'll redo it in a liottle while I'm going to go watch the wolf man
12. No unbeatable cards allowed. Is that what your thinking of Card not combo
We're not? I didn't see that in the rules
I understand
Alright Bushido Feal the rath of the Magicians of shadows! -draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby- -main 1- I'll start with my pot of greed! 7 cards in hand then i activate graceful chairty sending my Dark Magician and dark magician girl then i activate monsetr reborn to bring back dark magician girl then i activate sages stone to get from my deck a 2nd dark magician and now i tribute them to summon my sorcerer of dark magic then i activate my mirage of nightmare then i activate my field spell village of the spell casters then i activate swords of reveiling light then i set 1 card facedown and end my trun Feild Your move bushido
Dude shes one of my best friends Without her i probably would have left this place before i learned to love it I know you two are currently at...
Alright deal And sorry forgot to but who goes first I shall go first if you do not mind
Hahaha comady gold
Well don't because your important Who cares what Jaden says It doesn't matter You make people feel liek they belong even though you might not Its...
Hey hey don't cry Its gonna be okay
Ahh but your attacking with a warrior monster And my monsters are in the sky Mwahahaha BTW anyone up for a duel? Terms LP: 8000 Customs: Yes Hand refill: No Anime :no Video: No God cards: No Other :None
You still have friends You have me Sakuras angel Protecter Moshi (I'm not sure I've been offline for awhile) and thats what counts you have your...