Good choice but wait intill after i use it in a duel no one knows abotu it now and i want to keep it that way
Very smart Jaden
...Alright why? And what card do you think it is? xD
...Alright why do you sound pissed xD
It involvs this guy actually Picture wise [IMG]
No You'v probably never heard of it Its an old broken card from like 2000
No I'll give you a hint Its a normal spell card
Also I found an awesomely amazing card...but i don't want to show you cuz' i think you'll ban it I want to use it at least once xD
Also Heres an awesome card i found! [IMG] *gives card* it might be of some use to you
Liek a 2 on 2 and actually Roxas and naima said he'd team up with cubia
Its up to jaden
Hey man Do you think we should do a tag duel? I am bored as hell and i sorta want to do it now Like Me and you vs whoever wants to + Cubia maybe?...
Thanks ya know
~Edited for content/language - KHV is not the place for this, sorry~
Alright with this oil spill i thought of something Oil+ocean=oil in ocean Ocean+clouds=rain oil+ocean+clouds=Raining oil oil+ocean+clouds+LIGHTNING=RAINING FIRE!!!!!!!
bbs... No question
Shake your boota, SHake your boota
Hi...I've never really said anything here Most of you probably don't know me, But I've been here for awhile just sorta lingering in the background I live in a small town, and i mean you don't know the definition of small Intill you've been to Moss Point Mississippi Me and my family My mother who was adopted by an old couple when she was 6 moths old about an hour from Moss Point My father a "Quitting" alchoholic who has back injurys and can't work My Sister who is a demon child who can't handle no And me..the one lingering in the background Me and my family smoke marajuanna And my parent have been doing before they were even married My sister doesn't like to smoke but i am known by my uncle and his friends as "The Worlds Youngest Stoner" I'm 13 going on 14 And as not to be mellow dramatic...My life sucks I could never hold down a GF more then a week, Uselyl for her to find someone else I've thought maybe to go "The other way" but it doesn't seem right for me As seeing to guys even touch gives me goos bumps though i am all for gay rights My cousins gay But thats anouther story Anyways I go by bisexual because i am just not sure I don't have many friends, just one and i am afriad of talking to him to much as to drive him away i trust him enough as to tell him i smoke I only tell you people because its the internet They have entire forums for smokers And i have smoked with him at his house Honestly if i didn't have weed i probably would have killed myself by now that and my mother She always wanted a boy, it mught have been the first 3 years of hell with my sister that drove her to it and how our behavoirs are so diffrent But i have been depressed latly for many reasons and as to try to think happier i stopped to think of everything good in my life...and then it hit me I didn't have anything I tried and i tried but nothing, i had no reason to be happy. I had absuloutly no reason But then i just get really stoned and pass out The reason i posted here is because After hearing some of my story Maybe you people...can find something good in my life
Thanks! But now i have to go find my AR max and game