Whats with all the empty threads with people that don't exist?
8/10 nice gif =D
Why so British Jaden? (random YGOTAS)
Hiya welcome to kh-vids
Welcome to KH-vids! Your home for all your kingdom hearts needs...and the spamzone
I think in some of the sub sections they should Like the competitive arena Its not all spam
Epic responce time! Thanks!
Thank you Now once everyone else agrees we will start
Alright guys terms for the tag duel LP 8000 Anime Yes Video Yes God No Refill No Customs No Other - None The rules are We share 1 feild each feild has 1 graveyard 1 fieldspell 5 S/T 5 M 2 extra decks 2 Deck zones We may talk to your partner through PMs only The player lne up will go Aster Fearless Zeonark Dman Understood?
Yes...as in frying...-_-
...My name would have been Pan
Umm...does this count as a necro bump xD Signature Size:Average Image: http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h261/Angel_BlueRose/Yu-Gi-Oh GX/ThinkingAster.jpg Text: I make my own destiny Font: the battle countenouz (if ya have it) Details: A silver/Black theme to it with a jaget look over the edges of the picture Other: Thats good
Oh I friend of mine on a forum i used to go to made this But he puts his own little mark on everything
Hey check it out Its a little...going away present ---------- [IMG] ----------
He got that pic from the new movie didn't he -_- i wanna see that
Alright So its Chaos Destiny - Infernitys VS Evil Heros - VWXYZ/Armed Dragon
Alright I'll have to go find a new partner then And no i love the sig you gave me but..i just am one of the people that likes having diffrent ones
Gotta wait for Jay So i guess tomorrow morning
Alright seems like we have a tag duel on our hands
Hmm Chaos destiny and evil heros vs evil heros and...chazz