Not bad not bad Have you practiced Simple and Clean?
Hey whats up?
lolz i just went hunting and bookmarked mine when i started xD
Like who? I know some of your older friends don't talk to you anymore (Zane lil But thats normal for anyone trust me you have more...
I third this notion
Alright Dmans turn
Oh zeonark you have to post what cards you sent from mirage
I don't fucking know man, I don't fucking know
And who are you again?
alright then Your move zeonark
You can't summon in defence Fix your move
lol wut? Who betrayed you? I'll give them a shadow duel they'll never forget!
Yes with my Dark Bribe
I draw 4 cards Go ahead
Lets Du-Du-Du-Du-Duuuuuu-Duel! Alright lets get started then And BTW for you people who havent tag dueled Heres the rules on field control Alright so I went first then its fearlesses turn He summons a monster rather then zeonark saying "i counter with blah" I am the only one that can counter since at the momenti control our side of the field Then its dmans turn and zeonark went then zeonark is the only one that can count for our side of the field Undertsand? alright lets get started! My move -draw phase- 6 cards in hand -standby- -main1- I'll start by activaeing the spell card timidy! So till fearlesses endphase no one can destroy set spells or traps then I'll throw 3 cards facedown set a monster and end with mirage of nightmare And I'll end my turn -end phase- Also I suggest afetr each end phase we show our fields so our partner knows what they have to work with Feild Your move fearless
Alright Waits for Zeonorks agreement
Yes i noticed...Who the fuck is amy pond?
I sat around and looked cool o_O
Oh sorry I'll do that