lol what thread
...You have to discard something Jay
It seems uncomfortable
Sorry i didn't make a vid My friend was having his birthday on friday and i stayed the night I'll make it tomorrow
lol that makes me feel loved xD
Wow happy day I beleive it would have a major effect on the nation Most people can't live without electricity for a week let alone 1-2 months
So how was your vacation?
Sup suppity sup sup
Yeah thats why i am online more
No that ended awhile ago
That might have bee the funniest youtube video i have ever seen that didn't involve someone getting hu-Just watched the ending...Fuck *throws in pile of other once funny videos now dead to me*
I always kill threads
Hey whats up
Also No card images and No chance to chain
Where is
^_^ I will teach you Notes Chords How to read tabs Possibly how to read music And all that good stuff
Not at all Just go to the account you watched my tutorial on every friday m'kay?
Never give up Look if you really are thinking about quitting I can give you lessons I won't charge anything and I'll do it on youtube Just once a...