Good for you CtR, this sounds like it'll be rad fun. xD Just keep in mind, stay safe and remember to come back to us. o:
Well I just saw The Omen the other day and I do believe it fits under this category. Spoiler Just as I thought Satan's child was going to get the spirituality stabbed out of him, Damien goes and posseses the president into adopting himself.
Everywhere I Go ~ Hollywood Undead Just released this morning, all I can say is ace.
Flash Flash Revolution I believe it's called.
I think it also depends quite a bit on how the injured person views the situation. If the person hurt is in obvious pain and/or is frustrated with how it happened, I'm clearly going to feel sympathetic for him/her. BUT, if the injured person is capable of finding the situation humorous, that changes things a bit. It might not make the injury less serious or more funny in that offense, but at least you're laughing with the person as opposed to at them. Eh, it should also be kept in mind that 'laughter is the best medicine' and all that whatnot.
I hardly draw as much as I wish I did. Like... I think the last thing I did was a month or so ago. x__x; Weird thing is it was probably one of the best things I ever drew. << I suppose I tend to only do it if I'm in the mood. X|
Hmm, well what kind of realism are you going for? Detail-wise, it's looking good. But if you're going for accuracy some features might want to be fixed up. xD; But either way it's tré cute. Love the eye.<3 I somewhat prefer drawing realistically. o: I dunno why, it just feels easier for me. xD
...My [old] school sounds like a rambunctious pile of hookers compared to the way you describe yours. (8 It's funny how those kinds of things happen, I knew a girl in my grade who went through the same thing. xD Hola! How'd it turn out? o: We're talking about schools and their oddities, as well as how tall we are. xD
Only slightly dumb. :P I once went to a school where hoodies weren't allowed to be worn, kinda ridic as well. You were about 5'3" when you were ten? o.o Jeez you must have looked tall compared to classmates. xD
Thread title is misleading.
...The heck?! o.O; What did two chicks get into a stiletto stabbing fight or something? Oh well that's not too bad at all. At the moment I am smack in between my parents; taller than my mom, shorter than my dad. xD Not to get into genealogy or anything, but usually the direct parents' genes are the most dominant. I'd imagine you'll [hopefully] range around one of them sooner or later. (:
Hmm, well high-heals are a thought... though personally I'd never go out in the things. xD; Lol, are your parents tall? Perhaps there's still hope.
Excluding only one girl (she's practically 6' ;_; wtf that's an outlier that is) I'm astonishing the tallest amongst my friends. My height really isn't that bad I suppose. I used to want to be taller, but recently I've realized I'd much rather be short. (x I mean who'd want to be taller than their boyfriend? That's just awkward. D: /preference, lol But if you want a growth spurt you had better eat all your veggies and whatnot. Quick! GOGOGO! D< I kid of course. x3
5'4" and only just starting college. It's a pleasant height I suppose. <:
Skinny jeans = <3
... *Glomp tackle eats* >D ohai!
I really like those, especially the second one. :3 Btw, is the writing in the first one from a quote? It sounds mildly familiar, though I can't quite place it... ._. Oh jeez. Kawaii is the only word coming to mind at the moment. x3 I'm really loving the hair on the boy, it makes me smile. (: Demi does seem to have a bit of a point about the neck... but it's not really something I'd get too too fixated on. xD
Real name? Meagan Nicknames? Meg, Ginger, Mam (initials), Megster, Magina lol << Alias? Ginger An object you would name yourself after? Hmmm, perhaps a shamrock or clover What name would you give to a kitty? Pickle maybe, it's hard to say since it really depends on the cat itself
Pink you say? Bring it on, girls will be swoonin' for miles. ;D As for a disadvantage* probably a scar in a prominent area (arm/face/neck) would make him more unique and signature for you. If it had a spiffy shape and/or meaning, that'd be sweet too. xD
I've liked Flyleaf for a bit of a while now. I don't listen to them quite as much as I used to, but I still think they're grand. I can't really say I have any favorites, it's more of a joint liking. Oh, and Lacey's voice is kind of really amazing in my opinion.