Brb, I'm on it.
I think they do have a purpose. Image is important in many academic cases, and uniforms tend to do a good job with managing that. Even though on a singular level, some people think they look awkward by themselves, the point is looking good at a whole. I had to wear a horrid uniform for performances when I was in concert choir. I hated it, my friends hated it, anyone who wore it hated it. But at the end of the day when we are all lined up on the stands, the group looks picture perfect.
Okay in all seriousness, I'm in like with you. Can I hav yo numbah? o.o
So I take it it's on.
Dinosaurs Go Rawr by Amy Can Flyy. Yep, definitely that one.
I live in Connecticut and there is snow everywhere. Everywhere.
It's painful, but I'm going along with it. I understand the distasted for the new policies, especially for the big time YouTubers on the site. I could see it ruining several channels there, so I suppose a movement like this could work wonders for the long run. That is, if it works at all.
Cariad cronoking Famous+ Kid Hero Nightdream O R A N G E+ Roxas Sora51 Roxas_the_Key_to_Destiny T A F F Y シ Vertigo Haven Wooo.
This is a dangerous question considering I desperately wish to see so many. Panic At The Disco - Again. Sorry, I just can't help myself. Hollywood Undead - Is it so impossible to get a gig in the general New England area? Escape The Fate - But not their whole new whatnot; been there done that. I wish to go back in time with Ronnie lead singing. Amy Can Flyy - Seeing them in concert would make me smile quite a lot. Chiodos - Again. They have an amazing stage presence. Silverstein - Same reason as above. Danger Is My Middle Name - Great songs. Seriously. Ready Aim Fire! Phantom Planet Avenged Sevenfold Sick Puppies Daft Punk Motion City Soundtrack Boys Like Girls Hellogoodbye Alright I'll just stop listing now.
Freaking a. I watched this movie for the first time with my roommate a while back. One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. It made me realize how much I love prison movies.
Just a thought; winter depression. I only say this because you've been fine in months previous, but now that the dark dank wintery season has arrived things are turning down again. There is not much I can really suggest to you since the best advice I have to offer has been disallowed. The sole thing I can say is that getting out of this current state of yours will take time and effort. It's not just going to disappear on its own, so in a way Spitfire does have a decent point. Take control of the situation, worse comes to worse at least you can say that you tried.
Ronnie's voice made my life. Not to say the new CD will suck (I know it wont, the songs released so far are bangin'), but without that unique emotion behind Ronnie's vocals, it's just odd to think of. But anywho, Four days.
Indeed. It has always been you.
I've been listening to Shinedown for several years; how many, I cant say. I actually just wrote a paper last week that made reference to lyrics from "The Dream." Not going to lie, that intro freaked me out when I first started listening.One of the reasons I like Shinedown so much is their distinct vocals and guitar. I give mad props for that. As for favorite song, I'd have to go with "45 (acoustic)." Not really sure why but that one has always struck me.
Meaganlikesmen. (8 That is all.
Ohai family! G'night family! :D
No real surprise; I've been mad inactive for the past few weeks. xD; And the rhyme gave me a small chuckle. (x