I Think they'll continue through all the series, I don't even know if they are keeping record of the chronology of these 5 years Spoiler: ... First he said he was on the island for 5 years, than there was Sarah, than they split, by the end of season 2 he remembers leaving the island and learning how to pilot an airplane, but when the series started he was rescued from the island.. so he will go back to the island AGAIN after escaping?
The CAVE is SO AWESOME! I think I'll get Papa Yo, Worms , Double Dragons and maybe more.
I think multi endings are great! They are a stepping stone towards the "ideal" game where your actions on the game really matter and you are not just following some script. It would be like Mass effect + a telltale game. They also give you reason to stick playing with it. But with that said, it is the job of the game to "sell itself", if the game only becomes good after 90 + hours and three endings, it is a design fault of the game itself, not the reviewer. Nier as I recall had the opposite effect on me, in the first playthrough I was happy to save my daughter, but after every new ending I got a worse ending revealing the truth of that world ç.ç. But that is ok, I was already hooked on it by then.
MAKE IT HAPPEN! Seriously they would even do some "filler" like the manga did, giving a new take on the organization and such.. they could even put new worlds to Sora visit (like Hawaii to meet with Stitch!)
Slade has given this series so much life, I hope the next bad guy (maybe Ra's al ghul) will be so fun to watch!
Yes, as it is now KH3 is so possible to be released as it is the last guardian. We probably will know more about it when there is a release date, until them it might as well be 2016 or 2017(the point being, I will not be more or less excited until a new release date). But the multiplayer ability of BBS would give the game more life spam after everybody had finished the game, also It would be a cool new experience in KH universe. Also this will be the first time that a Final mix game will have less content than the original so they just should had done it.
I don't know if this a bad joke, or it was bad management. They launched a kickstarter campaign, on an american site, with a video that had english subtitles, and a english forum for the bankers. Most of the people who supported it speak english. So it was a fair assumption that the game would be in english, or accessible for english speakers (subtitles/no voice). Than after the people already paid for the production of the game they force you to pay more to understand the game, or you can try to play it in japanese(?)! I won't go in the subject of 100,000 being too much, I don't know it can be a fair price, what I don't get it, is how this wasn't planned at the original Kickstarter! And even when the game got 427% of what they asked for it wasn't enough for english dubs (so Japanese dubs are fruit of slavery?). I can't reason it, or they spend it like there was no tomorrow, or they didn't had idea how much they would need.
That's why I don't like big "companies" doing kickstarter.. Money is never enough? They even got more money than they asked for the first time =Z! They should had done better math beforehand.. Even though everyone is free to do what they want if their money, I am kinda sad that this could back a new idea/ip from a small developer that would not have this chance otherwise..
It has good points: 1) I liked how the couple was made, even though there were some "harem-like-situations" , It wasn't much. 2) Even though Kirito is too powerful Asuna has great skills and a major role in her guild, so they are "equals". ---- The bad: 1) Simple premise, the "good" from season one is taken away in season 2, Asuna becomes a damsel in distress 2)That MMO is too much broken! How can a single character be so OP? Though I understand that because there are no magic there must be less roles to fulfill, but even than there should be at least Tank/DPS/Healer. --- I've much prefered Log Horizon!
I got it, but it doesn't work everytime I launch it, it crashes ç.ç
Loved how they make this movie, they probably had major problems doing links every second past of the movie >_<! But I would prefer a movie where they showed the new content that KHII lacked.
The real problem? Our society is sexist and biased, this creates TWO DIFFERENT PROBLEMS: 1) Sexist people that cannot cope with a "physically strong woman", we all know that Woman are on average weaker than man, yet that doesn't mean that one woman could not be stronger than MOST man, even if the "strongest man alive is stronger than the strongest woman"... these people would say "She does not appears like a woman and could be replaced by a man" (like this was a problem, we are all humans in the end all or most roles should be interchangeable) This typical person is more likely to like characters like the "new Lara Croft" that was indeed weaker than the man in the island and had to use other resources to surpass them, But would not like characters like the ones that Michelle Rodriguez makes , or Brianne of Tarth from game of thrones (because they punch like a man!) 2) Feminists that think that everything made should be a political propaganda of women's strengths (not saying that all feminists are like this, or this is a bad thing per se) , they will not like if women are depicted as sexual objects even if they are objectified by their own choice , you know "The **** walk" , was about this! Men and Women alike sometimes devalue women that dresses like a "****" , as if they were less important, or that they were destroying the "feminist struggle and bending over for man, when in truth women should act as they like even if they want to be "****s". Sure one could argue that those "sexual objectified women" from games are made by man, and not have this behaviour by choice.. but we have to agree that there are woman that like to dress like that in the real world.
The whole problem with marvel cinematic universe, was THOR when they had the chance of putting MAGIC in that world they just made it TECHNOLOGY :(.. So it will be awkward when we see characters like Dr. Strange appearing, so I guess it figures that they will skip nova force. I am still keeping my expectations low, So I will probably enjoy this movie, but more important than the movie per se is how DC is all like "WE HAVE TO BE CAUTIOUS DEPICTING WONDER WOMAN SO SHE DOESN'T LOOK DORKY" and Marvel just puts a ridiculous raccoon and an Ent giving zero f* .
Too much fitness, too much dance. LOL this guys are insane ç.ç, still better than Nintendo.
I am in Brazil, and I am not watching them, never got all the buzz.
I HOPE MY BODY CAN TAKE THIS! Did KH 1.5 had a cd release?
Sony was awesome, but with a 2 hour show you have to be awesome >(! Microsoft really surprised me loved them! They even mentioned Nintendo and Sony (seriously sony, you don't need to keep trashing them anymore), that scale bound reminded me of: [video] Ubisoft: It was OK! But there was too much casual stuff like dancing and fitness, It is funny because they said "Yeah, this was Far cry 4, because here we start big, and GET BIGGER! NOW FITNESS STUFF!" EA: Sports, MASS EFFECT AND MIRROR EDGE, battlefield. Nintendo was the worst for me, everything they showed I already knew it would come, the only things that surprised me was ZELDA OPEN WORLD (Is it 2007 already?), and Spitoon (loved those squids paintball), all that thing about NOT ANNOUNCING EARTHBOUND/Mother 3, just sounded like "we are nintendo, and even us don't want to launch our titles in our crappy machine, why should you?". Sony gave us real new things, exclusive contents + Alphas and betas, exclusive games, PLAYSTATION NOW RELEASE DATE AND IT WILL WORK ON TVS! Ps vita tv, now only Playstation Tv, and some exclusive shows as well. The thing that I didn't like was not having any part of the show for our PS VITA SERIOUSLY SONY! I know that nintendo didn't mention 3Ds, but they are winning the race >_<! Give me some love! ANYTHING SOME VAPOUR WAR BS LIKE A GAME FOR 2017 ç.ç..
The mirage Arena was a hard blow on me.. since I've first played Kingdom Hearts I've always wanted to play with my friends and Girlfriend, we already have Goofy and Donald doing nothing. JUST GIVE ME CO-OP >_<! They could be just like tails in the second Sonic game, a semi immortal being that helps sometimes , but if you play alone the AI takes over.. The mirage arena was the first step towards that, I would hope that they would see the value in it and than make it to KH3 :(.. Also is the first time that the Remake will offer less content than the original that had online multiplayer :(.
About the age of having, or not having sex.... If you start dating someone you should be sexual attracted to them even if you are not going to have sex I mean, I always go 100% for a relationship, and hope that I get my "lived happily ever after", but even if you don't you don't want to be stuck with someone you don't desire, What if you stay together for years and when you finally wants to have sex, you are not attracted to that person? The longer the relationship the harder is to end it. About your problem, If I were you I would end it! I have a long distance relationship and we are way more distant them yours (27 hours by car, or 6 by air plane), and for much longer as well 4~5 years of long distance relation! But we had a couple of years of local relation before I moved to get my masters degree. I Love her with all my heart, I crave for her always, I desire her body every night.. and even with all that, most of time it feels like hell. When it started it was fun, I had time to do my things like playing video game and focusing in my study, and whenever she came we would do a lot more sex than what we did when we lived in the same place.. but when she goes away my heart goes with her, I don't even like what I research anymore, and I am trapped I still have to take more 4 years in my Phd, and she just started college , so we will probably be in this road for more 6 years, I love her more than anything, and I want to marry her and live with her for ever, so I could never break up with her, but if you are starting a long distance relationship with no prior relation I think you two would be happier If it ended now.
Though I would prefer 60 FPS, as a console gamer I am used to 30. This blood mechanics seems to me like Soul Sacrifice sounded like the first time I've heard >(! Hype is big!