There is no difference between virgin and people who had sex. The only thing is the pressure that society put us through, that lead us to high expectations about it, and make us feel bad because we are not doing it right, at the right time, at the right frequency, etc.. Sex is good? Sure! But there are alot of great food around the world that I've never tasted (because the world is big, and every place has its own food), but because there is no pressure to "eat it all" we don't care.If you let it, even after you have sex you will still "act like a virgin" (over preoccupied) because you will never truly know if your performance was great/ok/bad , or not following a norm etc. Just be happy, "saving it" or not will not make you a better person.
It is complicated, if you have gone through some deep **** that made you broke up, there is probably not a chance that some friendship survive it. Because you loved each other so much that you felt like you should be together for ever (or for a great period of time), most of the times it will not be a trivial thing that will break you apart. But there are exceptions, you could not be attracted to that person anymore (maybe you were never), but are good friends, or maybe you break up and met again years later when it was water under the bridge and that thing doesn't appear to be a big deal anymore.. or you both have found new person and left that petty argument behind and saw that things worked for the better. If one of the parties didn't had the same amount of commitment as the other, or maybe you were too naive when started dating, or even you broke up for third party reasons that had nothing to do with your relationship: 1) You have a son/daughter that doesn't want to date 2) Your life styles are completely different and you don't see as much as you want or have different views about the world 3) You have to move and the relation dies because of the long distance Most times when you say "We should not date anymore, but we can try be friends" is like saying "Your dog is dead, but you can still keep it."
Liked how we will finally be "100% Templar" FEEL SO RIGHTEOUS! But I waiting for someone to complain about no female characters >(!
Didn't like much the pilot, too "clean" and too much "Supernatural" I was expecting other tone to it, even though he is more alike than Keanu for some reason I liked the movie more.
Rukongai : 7301 Bleachforuns 7934 Kh-vids: 739
All kingdom hearts games should be played or Critical or Proud. Most of the game is piece of cake, the problem is the bosses some bosses are way overpowered (Organization and such), I am even discovering that Ansem from KH I is pretty difficult even though he has some easy patterns your MP/potions just can't keep up with that many life bars he has. Chain of memories should be always played at the highest difficulty as when you master the cards the enemies don't even touch you.
@Cloud3514 : Yeah that totaly bother me as well! All the stats and mechanics of all the games in SAO are poorly explained, since SAO when Kirito was able to take the full DEATH GAME solo and such. In this aspect I prefer LOG HORIZON, much more explained. About why GGO is a pro game and not a casual field, I guess the thing is: They attracted "Hardcore gamers by paying then" other than using a well established game as an e-sport scenario. The "balance" of the game is due to the atualizations, in previous version of the game a character that was all speed was the best (probably they added those physical damaging weapons after, since they are heavier). If you only plan for one situation your character will be rendered useless in the next atualization forcing you do make a new acc. A pro gamer would do it anyway because they can continue to gain money from the game, and a casual will drop it because of the pain of replaying. About the converting the problem is that when you go to a new game all your itens "do not exist" (like Kirito from Sao->LAO), he had no choice , but to delete his corrupted "Itens", probably nowdays the system does it automaticaly and everytime you change games you lose all your itens and money (but keep your stats), in previous episode Azuna mentioned that as well that Kirito would lose his itens (so he can't keep changing back because that would reset his itens and money). We have to think that his "Daughter" is a iten from his inventory as well so maybe she is stuck in ALO never being able to shift to another game. ps.: I am impressed that no one uses swords, and they have so many downsides and are expensive.
Well they are all "Super benders" (minus that air bending dude that wasn't a bender until last week), So the with avatar with them they would probably be the strongest group alive, but probably it isn't just that they have connections with people.. probably some thing like the spiritual portal that only the avatar can do it. Probably something that will give profit?
What it bother me about the guild talk before the hunt was that they needed to put a "Dumb guy", like "We do this every week, but I am scared we may fail" "Pft.. Dumb character! We got THE SKILLZ!!!! because of A and B, we can't lose even if C happens..." "Oh.. great! Almost forgot about it! " ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That could be easily fixed with "Ok guys, lets review our plan!" , It would sound more organic, and not something that they took out their assess 3 seconds ago and the dumb character forgot his memo. --- Other than that, I didn't like the reaction from the mother, and I do not see the necessity for her to overcome her fear of guns.. they are hard to come by in Japan, but sure is her only fobia so she got stick to it, but she could as well invest her time learning a second language or finding a job.
Never became the very best :(!
technically the ps4 will have a "suspend game mode" that wasn't implemented until now, but was promised when they announced. With that in mind..
Any version would sucife me, It pisses me off all the PSP games that are UMD exclusive making all that backlog forever lost.. this and that BS of one Account per VIta that doesn't give me the option to download japanese games :(. I've been playing all the old FF on my Vita, and those games just work better on a handled than in a TV, not only for the graphics (that obviously feel better on a little screen), but all this turn base games with 100+ hours play better in handled. I do own a Ps4, but I'll probably play it on my vita with the Offscreen.
Thank you! Muchas gracias! Obrigado!
This time around I don't think it is square fault, they couldn't just take a HD remake out of their assess, they probably played this for a while, but square enix always take ages to make anything that is why we've felt like they forgot.... This is different from the group that was remaking Chrono trigger, that Square has no intention of remaking. Ps.: It doesn't make sense, why can't we play it on our vitas :( ???
In an Ideal world yes, but most of the time people will be attracted to someone before and than making a more profound bond. Not saying that is not possible to fall in love for a friend, what I am trying to say is that Love will mostly develop AFTER physical attraction. It is possible to be emotional bonded to any people of any gender, but without sexual attraction it will be friendship. If you think about the issue, and reverse it "why would you not fall in love with a trans person (without the sex change operation)" Is like saying "So gay man could just love Woman if they tried, and thus 'be cured' ". So no, if you are attracted to a specific gender there is a genitalia expectation, (sure it can go well if you are pan/bisssexual). It is not like a few pounds more , being short or don't fit to a specific pattern of "beauty". Don't know how it works for asexual people, but for most is not just a matter of "man up, and forget that your love interest has the oposite thing you want". I would not fall in love for "pity" or such, for me love is all or nothing. ps.: bear in mind, that I am not calling Trans-women "not women", but I would be incompatible with one without a vagina, and If she still has male resemblances I probably would not be attracted to her at all ( and thus, not in love, but could be a friend).
DO WANT @_@! But I think that the "Game of thrones" from the previous was way better.
As the question was made , I would say no. As a heterosexual man, I am attracted not only to the woman's appearance, but their genitalia as well. However if this trans-person had already done the surgery I probably wouldn't mind (It wouldn't be easy, but I would love her so this would be an obstacle to be surpassed together). That being said I probably would be a bit sad about never being able to have children with her, but there are infertile cis-woman as well so this is a possible scenario either way (hell maybe I could be infertile myself).
I am glad that Naughty Dog was able to make this game run at 60 FPS/1080p. The developers where getting so "comfortable" in using the 30 FPS, and making BS stories about "Filmy Look", that I had some concern that this gen would die at 30 FPS like the last one. Making this a generation of "letdown", but as ND guys made it, it is clear that PS4 IS CAPABLE of doing it, the developers were not able to do it before, but there is still place for the ps4 to evolve! It would be sad to reach the limit in the first year.
There is any way to check this in the profile? I know I entered after 2008~9 don't know how much time after though! I am 25 (turning 26 on the 22 of july), and I am as much active as always have been, not much , not few. ----edit-- Now I see I've entered by 2012 so I was 23, but I remember using Kh as a source of Kh info, and mostly cutscenes.
Loved those! But I don't recall an Alladin X Hercules cross over.