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  1. Menos Grande
    Shadow of Mordor I've been throwing my money on the screen , but the game doesn't appear :o !
    My only concern is what "liberties" the designers will have with the original work:
    1) They would totally destroy tolkien's work
    2) In the end all your progress doesn't mean anything since Frodo have to destroy the ring.
    If they can make like they Did on Star Wars force Unleashed I'll be happy!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 18, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande
    The problem with Amazing Spider man is that they're doing a fast pace to create a huge universe (everyone wants to be marvel, without actually doing the work marvel made in the last decade). Exemple:

    Uncle Ben's Death in the first trilogy : Awesome! Spider had a great saga discovering that "with great powers come great responsibilities" (minus the **** they did at spider 3 changing the robber). We actually FELT SAD for it!

    In the new saga: Boring, fast! I didn't even liked Uncle Ben before he died, it was TO RUSHED! And if they didn't want to kill Gwen in the first movie they could AT LEAST give us some time with Uncle Ben , for us to feel the grief!

    Gwen's Death: That one was ok, the problem is that they kept TOO MUCH in our faces that she would die, they could just made her do that speech at the beginning, and then show it again in the end... there was no need of spider man being haunted by the ghost of Captain Stacy ç.ç!
    Electro was Ok! But the Green Globin felt a bit odd as well.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 14, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Menos Grande
    Spider man is better now (doing jokes and stuff), but the movies are worse than what they were in the past, not only that the super hero genre is way better now, so Spider man needs not only to be better than the previous spider man titles, but akin to Avengers/Batman and such. They raised the bar.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande
    I thought it was a chick name when I heard it, sound like Michelle >O!
    Don't know what to expect... but a open world game the size of europe seems like far fetched.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  5. Menos Grande

    oh my god

    O brave new world,
    That has such people in't!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Menos Grande
    I thought the game pool was ok. But what was really great was the "virtual coach", the games that I want I already wanted before like Far Cry, Shadows of mordor etc.. Loved HELL BLADE
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  7. Menos Grande
    Didn't they told there would be no guards on rooftops?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  8. Menos Grande
    Everything is on FIRE!!! Kinda reminded me of Soul Sacrifice... but the original feeling that SS gave, not what it became, true enough that is a fun game as it is, but when they advertised it seemed like you would be sacrificing your friends and yourself a lot and that would had a huge toll. In the end you receive premier bonus for being sacrificed/ or sacrifice and revives at a cost of a lacrima and such... in Bloodborne it seems you are gonna be a dick to your friends .
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  9. Menos Grande
    Communist minecraft? It is interesting that we do have to play together in communism and resource gathering.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  10. Menos Grande
    Don't know how much of the game will be streaming and how much will be downloaded, at playstation Far Cry 4 will give you the option to play along with friends (don't know who thought of it first, but as it is exclusive to the playstation I'll give the credits for sony). Maybe you could download a "light" version of the game so there is no need for much streaming?
    Either way this sets up the bar! Virtual Couch is the best idea of this generation so far.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  11. Menos Grande
    I am relieved, but If we lose Lara, we still got Drake
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  12. Menos Grande
    Seems so cool! I've throwing money on my screen, but the game doesn't appear
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  13. Menos Grande
    I think is just like the "tesseract powered weapons"(that shield/hydra had built), the gems have awesome powers, but they are also a "infinity power source"
    (like the bs that Nick Fury said to Captain america about using it as a clean energy source for the world).
    Just imagine how much energy would be necessary to create a portal that links earth to the chitauri army. I think the staff has the mind control power because it derived from Loki's power, just like Hydra is using the staff as power source to create inhumans/mutants (scarlet witch and quicksilver).
    Humans never fully grasped the real power of the tesseract so they used it as a "cosmic energy battery"
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Menos Grande
    The title is "Batman V Superman" , but in truth will be "Batman Vs <-Uperman" (now that the joke is explained there is no fun whatsoever)
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Menos Grande
    It was mostly general, but the last part that I quoted you (not to try expose you or something, but because you where the one exemple in the thread! ). Actually you didn't need to respond to those questions, but you did it so well and honestly that I guess it illlustrate what I was thinking so Thanks!
    While doing this exercise, I was imagining "What if my bride and I broke up?" And tried to go back and forward to picture what scenarios
    would be "acceptable", and in my present brain storm, most of the scenarios would play bad , even though I love her more than anything today and can't picture my life without her it would be most of the time a bad ending....
    Maybe because I love her such, that for us to break up she would need to DO SERIOUS **** or , dump me.
    Either way It wouldn't pay off for me remaining friends, because I would torture myself to go back to her, or would be so pissed about what she did that wouldn't want to see her again. If we eventually "fall out of love" like you, that maybe the case to remain friends if we are so used with each other that friendship is possible...
    But that falls to what I've said before about "third parties fault", like you like this person , but got a job opportunity and have to move there is no hard feeling , but you need to break up. The opposite is true as well, mutual friends could make you keep your old date as friend, because breaking circles of friends is something awful! At some points of your life those guys will stick with you for the rest of your life so a compromise between you two is better than make the friends choose between you two.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  16. Menos Grande
    Don't know if is sarcasm, but self oppressing/self hatred it is possible and it happens. But I see your point, there are lots of topics in here that there are obvious "right" and "wrong" answers, and going against it is declaring you are either naive or bad, thus making the discussion pointless as it will be none or few.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Menos Grande
    All that you're talking is great! But I should mention some scenarios:
    1) Why did you break up? If you LOVED HIM SO MUCH, It probably won't be a trivial thing that make you both split.
    2) If things just got boring, maybe you don't like him so much, so why bother keep him/her as a friend?

    Sure it is possible to remain friends, I even point out some scenarios that may work:
    The final thing is, why they hurt you so much that you would not want them as friends, or they didn't and you don't care to keep them as friends... If there are some things that made the breaking up process easier, especialy TIME (if you see him/her after both moving on) sure it is possible! The truth is you don't know what is passing in your (ex)friend's mind so you don't know if she/he is having false hope of getting back just like:
    If both of you didn't get new bf/gf after 2 years, It seems to me that maybe both of you (or at least one) is still hoping to come back together, And if It does not happen both of you will be torturing yourselves even without knowing for ever.. if you became friends again after some time (and preferible after new bf/gf, but for moving on doesn't actually need a romantic pair) that friendship would be much more healthy to both!

    This falls to the category of something that is a little off-topic:
    The mystical land of the "friendzone" there are two kinds of it, the imaginary one that is widespread through the INTERNET that says "I am such a nice person why him/her doesn't want to have sex with me?"
    Like if people where machines where you put coins, and eventually get sex of it they call themselves "nice guys" , but are actually ******bags.
    The true friendzone is when someone is AWARE of your feelings, and like to have you around exploiting your feelings and doesn't want you to have a GF/BF, thus stopping your love life of happening being a toxic friendship to you... this one is real and widespread! I think you are unintentional on this "friendzone" , as you were a couple before there are feelings that both of you are aware, and you admit that don't want him to get another.. maybe you should let him go
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 7, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  18. Menos Grande
    Actually is Batman Vs uperman, it will be a gigantic plot twist because people would think Superman would fight against Batman, when in truth he will team up with batman to destroy the evil Uperman.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Menos Grande
    Great game! Don't know if I would replay it!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  20. Menos Grande
    Not because something is "the law" is morally right. I mean, it is not like they ripped off the ideas of SNK and made a copy game of it, they are just "making art" and mangas often reflect the pop culture as whole, it seems cheap when they have to say "Pop Cola" or something to not use the name everyone is thinking of. If the witch hunt starts that is nothing stopping the video game companies from shutting down Twitch, and taking money from the Youtubers that do Let's play.. or even Battlefield from shutting down Call of duty (or even this forum, we could just say that we like that video game that has influence from japanese video games, and american cartoons).
    In "arts", and "science" there must some courtesy, some share of information, without it their development will cease.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Aug 6, 2014 in forum: Gaming