The "Land of the dragons" is sensational! I loved the new instruments!
It is true that Soul eater is not a Keyblade, but it was used as medium for Riku's way to dawn, just like the wooden sword was used to make Sora's Kingdom Key. But the fact that soul eater is NOT a Keyblade and has zero conection with Zehanort just shows how much it's eye is not connected to Xehanort's Keyblade as well.
What would be even cooler? Make it for Ps Vita so we can brag about it ç.ç no fair that nintendo handled has more love than we dot.
I think is "safe" to assume that the special power of Xehanort's Keyblade is the power to "split hearts", we all have seen he do it with the organization in a Horcrux scenario, and with Ventus/Vanitas , but we thought that this could be one hability inherent to all keys, so technically even "Mickey" could do it if he was evil, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Xehanort plan seems to be collect those special keyblades that have habilities that could help his plan: 1) Xehanort keyblade: Can split one's heart, making he able to be imortal by changing bodies (not only for vanity sake, but he should not know how much time he would need to access kingdom hearts). 2)The X-blade: Has the power to summon Kingdom hearts giving him the power of a god, I think that due to his experiment with Ventus/Vanitas both Sora's and Mickey's kingdom key -keyblades are result of the destruction of the X-blade, thus why only both of them together had the power to close Kingdom hearts (if it was only a matter of two keyblades, King Mickey already had his, even if he needed one from the dark realm and another from the light , he could trust Yen sid to use his one at the light side, so probably IT NEEDED TO BE BOTH KINGDOM KEYS). 3) The key of people's heart: Not only it has the power of opening the door to darkness where lies Kingdom hearts, It also has the ability to "open one's heart to the darkness", a good power to have when you can put yourself inside the other person's darkness and take their bodies when they are consumed by darkness, work perfectly with his first Keyblade, and probably why he created the heartless in the first place (Is the same thing done artificially). Other important Keyblade is Eraqus Keyblade that could seal Castle Oblivion/land of derpature, inherited by Aqua and now Sora, probably has some ties with the Keyblade war as well.
Never saw any kingdom hearts on digital release in over a decade, I don't think they will never do It (something about too many rights that never covered digital release). I would prefer a digital release of BBS if they are starting to do it. I am thinking they will give us in "film" version.
I really doubt they will do that and I am not even talking about they bitching that "we can't make it in game form, so that we don't delay even further KH III". The problem is that this is 2.5 remix, so the next would be... 3.5 than 3? Or maybe 2.75 >_> ? If we are lucky well get it a "film" version of 3D bundled in KH III.
I lost this topic, so I couldn't discuss it anymore! Spoiler: FInal toughts For the most time I really tought Death Gun was Agil ,his voice sounded the same and it would be great that an old friend could be the culprit... I could even see that he liked to help the noobs only to kill them after like a Hisoka cernario (from Hunter X Hunter). But it was a random guy that we never saw before ;(... Kirito could somehow win 1x1 all SAO, but has difficulties with some player that should be many levels behind him.. guess he didn't gain that much XP in the break from SAO and ALO, having to manage his family and such.. Though I liked the end, It is far inferior than the original season. I am much more excited about Log Horizon.
I would cry if you had a trophy for being rescued by King Mickey, while other to play "without dieing" ç.ç... Glad they got rid of those! I didn't remember Ansem to be so OP in my original playthrough, but to go against him with 15h and no changing the equipament ç.ç as well..
In portuguese works the same way "pegar" can be pick/catch/have sex , I thought of coger, because there are many countries that speak spanish, but only there coger has this meaning (so a cultural thing). Line (of people standing in line) is also "Fila" In Brazil, but "Bicha" in Portugal (that has an ill homossexual conotation in Brazil). Anyway, I've always just "laughed" and explained the situation, It is not up to me to change the cultural background from someone.
I don't really know how much more insulting is the c word in this or that country, but if the person was upset by it, it was probably because he/she was american. It amazes me that this cultural phenomenon also happens between english speakers, the thing about internet/games is that most people are EUA-centric so their values are taken into account before everyone else, that is why they won't be happy if you start speaking other languages. Most people end up talking in english due to the facility of having one language for everybody, but it sure is a pain to have to abandon some of your own culture in favor of others, and still respond to the "internet police" if you trespass too much. I can imagine this situation with Spanish though! (even though my mother language is portuguese!)The word "coger" means "catch", but only in Argentina it means "to have sex with", so I would not use coger in Argentina, but even if I did they probably would laugh a bit, than we would explain eachother and continue our lives... that should be the case of the c-word (IMO), If there is no intent on it as it is on US, there is no need to reprend it (without sound like a dick). In Brazil, we have one equivalent to the C-word, but there is no taboo like in US, even though there were slavery, the intent of your speach will tell if you are being a racist or not, exemple: You CAN say the "name of the color", of the skin, you can't however imply some poor judgment of the person because of it, like comparing with a animal, like a monkey (that is close to humans, but not so much "evoloved"), the color for itself doesn't contain any value intrisic to it to be offensive.
If they are making a Demo for next year I HOPE we get it by the end of the year. If not square needs to get their **** together!
Hey guys! I have one idea:
Simple & Clean
The fights are great, It is like "how would the X men fight, if they knew how to fight" (nothing against, comics, but there is no strategy or cool moves, only more POWER!), many characters that have powers we see on X men or even less power than the originals (like the white girl that unlike Kitty pryde can't go through humans only objects) fight way better. With that being said.. the plot and the characters are far less amazing than their comics counterparts, I could drop it at any time soon.
Destiny Warriors + Halo for Xbox?
At least sony mentioned Vita! Its is no like Ps vita isn't getting new games, they just stopped making press about it!
I like this one, for the WTF factor: [youtube] por una cabeza is my favorite spanish song overall.
Let's hope some vita titles at least on japan
"With great powers come great responsibilities". Because the police is the police (a militia that has government support) they HAVE to show restraint, you can´t ask for restraint of citizens or bandits, but what makes the police a "valid force" is because they are restrained by the people/govern. When they abuse their "power" is just like a 17 year old boy beating on a 2 year old child. When the police abuse their power they aren't valid anymore. On Brazil this very common as well (I guess everywhere), there were protests before the world cup that were heavily "suppressed" by the police, including shooting bystanders journalists etc..
I loved Man of Steel, and I don't think Kal el had another choice , but to kill Zod.. not to mention what you said earlier "he is still working to be superman", his moves are awful, Zod clearly fought better (since he is a soldier, and Clark never fought in his life), but Clark had reasons to be "better" thus "stronger" than Zod: 1) He is a "hybrid" from different casts of kryptonian, he has all the DNA from them on his cells. 2) He has lived on earth for long time so he had more time to control his powers/acquire energy from our sun, even though Zod learned quick enough because he is a fighter. --- The thing that felt "cheap", was that ALL the other evil kryptonians were teleported to the phantom zone but Zod, so this was clearly a gimmick so Superman was forced to kill him.. this could have been better written, but from superman's point of view he did what he need to be done.. not to mention that Superman had killed before, Batman is the one that "doesn't kill", Superman don't kill his foes because most of time he outranks them so much that he can afford to keep them alive.