marvel actually adapted to the movie viewers what comic fans always had retcon as a rebot, wow! Kudos for them.
=) Love it.[DOUBLEPOST=1425578235][/DOUBLEPOST] =) Love it.
I am really curious about it, if season 2 isn't dropped from the cannon than ALL HUMANS are now digidestined, the status quo is all messed up, and probably why they skipped to make fresh series afterwards. I don't see any Dark Lord having to fight 7 billion people and their digimon. Even though they had left some plot open (like the DARK OCEAN), it will be impractical to use so many people (like they did in the end of season 2). What I could see happening: 1) Some political thing, the relations of Digimon X people, Tai will eventually become a diplomat if I remember well 2) Establishing "roles" for digimon in our society. 3) Our world now is like the pokemon universe with monsters being a normal occurrence, digi battles and gyms are a possible way to go. --- Whatever is made, will be far different from previous instances of the franchise.
I love all the Franco+Seth movies since pineapple express all of them :(!
Spoiler: It was so obvious that... Doctor wells was "reverse", that I was starting to doubt it, maybe he was kid flash, Barry himself.. but they've gone with the obvious. The shame will be when both of them clash, we will lose the most interesting character of the series. That's a bummer
I liked this mini arc for Asuna, but SAO surely lost its light. About the Harem thing. I guess they are a really modern couple *they are from the future as well ç.ç* Even though they both love each other, they don't see it as if they had possession over themselves. It can be painful to have friends that you got a crush on, but if your friendship is more important is possible to be civil about it. What is more strange to me is that Asuna is still going on dates with arranged guys to get married, even though she is already married to Kirito and we just got in the second season that arranged marry with the guy that hijacked her mind.
Plants vs zombies is probably the only reason why I will play a FPS.
If you survive the first half of the season one you're good to go. Those episodes' plot and the cast are lame, but Shield survives well while parasitizing from Winter Soldier plot as you might imagine if you already saw the movie. In the second season they got more money for special effects and better actors, unfortunately there are those silly ones from previous season (the scientist, Coulson and Skye) that are the worst thing about the series, but the new people (villains and heroes) are great making the series overall okay, the best part though is the expanded universe so it is always a plus to be aware of what happens in the show for the movies.
That is a very common problem, if you are/were taking antidepressants I suppose you already looked for help. What works for me (besides constantly asking myself who I am, what I want to do, etc..) is trying to live my life as a third person perspective (I don't know if is healthy do, but it works?), I've always felt that resolving the problem of other people is easier than my own, so If I look at mine as another person is easier to solve them, unconsciously we know how to solve those, just don't have the predisposition/energy to do it.
I got Shadow of mordor/Diablo III ultimate evil/transistor >(! It's christmas already!
Already better than twilight >(! I LOVE YOU PIGEON-SENSEI!!!
Don't know I think I am the only one that never got hyped about those games (I still think this generation was the worst, and made me abandon the franchise for some years). The only thing I got hyped about it is that they announce that we will get all pokemon in X/Y/ORAS, alas I never had 100% of the pokedex. That being said, the Battle frontier wasn't included only on Emerald? Though most remakes put all the new things, it isn't unheard of remakes with less content (Yes I am looking at the nerfed edition of Mirage Arena >(!)
I am actually keeping up with this TOREN for quite some time and loving everything about it, the plot is about a girl trapped in a tower. She ages alongside a tree(starting as a baby) and as the tree grows it is easier to escape the tower from above, and it seemed beautiful some years ago: Alas, today it seems dated. Yet I am looking foward as there are few Brazilian games hitting the next gen.
I don't know.. now that Xehanort can time travel and talk to his previous self having a book that tells the future seems the same thing.. I guess it would be good that the autor of the book was in some Xehanort 'detached from time existence' and that is why he could write this tome, that had knowledge that yet hadn't come to pass. Because is from "the future" the time probably erases itself like Xehanort forgets about Master Xehanort after the time travel mission that he is currently doing. But as we know what is erased is not lost, like the memories of sora in Chain of memories and the Journal in Re:coded. That is why the apprentices can use it.
This season is full of great anime: Psycho Pass : an "brave new world" kind of anime, but with cops Rage of Bahamut Genesis : A great spanish flavor in a world with demons/humans/gods against BAHAMUT! Garo: A soft Berserk with witches hunting demons! Cool CG! Fate stay/night UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS: (a new anime from the fate series) LOG HORIZON: My favorite, is about a group of people stuck in a digital world based on the game they played (this world is more like Digimon, than Sword art online). --- From previous there is Madoka Magica and Shinsekai Yori!(another "brave new world" kinda of anime)
It will be strange if the Ps4 doesn't get the media servers for streaming now.
LOL! WTF! Right... because in KH II final mix, all three of them had their capes before fighting xehanort.. they could give it in all game or keep it off all together
Well, I didn't play DDD, but as far as my understanding goes the "Keyblade", is separated by two "existences": 1) There is a need of a Wielder with strong heart, and the inherited ability to use one Keyblade 2) The keyblade once is forged exists even without the wielder, so It can be passed down to others, or being in the Keyblades cemetery, or locked at some world. The thing is unless the keyblade is passed down directly to the new wielder (Like Mickey received one from Yen Sid), there is a need to "forge it", for this the keyblade needs a medium, for Sora it was the wooden sword, for Riku Soul Eater, for Roxas the "struggle bat": As we can see here
I think Kishimoto made the right call to end it while still being in the TOP 3 of Shounen Jump (Unlike Bleach that was obviously on the brick of being cancelled, because KT promised more 10 years, and now we are in the final saga). But I don't think he planned too well the battle against Kaguya, I hope he can give a befitting ending for the Naruto X Sasuke conflict without sounding cheap.
His ability to be a Keyblade wielder comes from Terra, but his medium is the Soul Eater, that was given by Maleficent... Truth be told that Riku COULD have been tempered by Ansems Heartless (that meet with him in the islands), so that is why his darkness has an eye even before being a Keyblade. But i really think that the eye theme is only for a "coolness" factor, Nomura draw it once and than made a theme for all dark keyblades, It can be retconned afterwards for being Xehanort's Keyblade, but will be a strech! In favour of this theory is that Dark Kingdom Key (the only Dark Key not directly connected to Xehanort acolytes) is a Dark Realm keyblade that does not have an eye. Source:interview