Money as a tangible thing is debatable as well since the gold pattern was dropped there is no money coverage, so we make transactions with "imaginary money" that can never come into reality making crisis ,"The hand of the market" that I was talking is about how the market self regulates itself, it is not possible to predict minor things, but at large scale and with the help of statistics it is possible to make predictions, but there is no real entity of the "market", even if the work and riches are real. There are some experiments that show how money changes the perception of the possession making it more valuable than "things" (that would be the end goal at first look). But I will not digress in such theme, I was only trying to make a point about the metaphors that are made to explain real phenomenon that people start treating like a "real" thing. Ps.: Evolution is real in the sense that it happens, it is proved, and we can see what happened first, but it is only a phenomenon that explains how randomness work together with mutations making changes that increases the fitness, so it is first observed by posteriori and it is difficult (but not impossible) to predict things given the high number of the population + the probability associated with each allele, yet these predictions are flawed as there is the random factor in the mix, the climate may change in ways that we are not able to predict nowaday, and even the dispersion of allele(genes) can be random or not (Just saying this for nobody quote me on "evolution doesn't exist").
The problem is that the competition only would be fair if in any generation the population would suffer a soft reset, and everyone would get the same opportunity to thrive, this doesn't happen and the powerfull become more powerfull and the poor even more poor. The family that owns GM or any other major enterprise will continue to pass to their heirs their assets, people that are rich can make money by speculating on stocks, they will continue to make sure their descendents have a good life independent of merit, they will try to maintain the things that made them successful that are against the interessets of the majority of the population. That goes deeper to politics as well, rich companies lobby their way into politics, and politicians make laws that ensure their profit akin to a monarchy system, even though the state exists to try to correct the discrepancy of classes, it does very little about it. Outsourcing is good for the rich, but bad for the poor that will have less rights and will have to accept lower incomes for crappier jobs. The thing is that those things don't happen in a vacuum, black people were slaves in the past and when they were freed they didn't had the education nor the acceptance of society to get jobs, women wouldn't "work"(they worked at home but didn't had an income) in the past so it is more difficult for them to get jobs nowadays, many history marks enable them to have better opportunities than they had previously. Off course you can settle for what you achieved by now, or keep demanding more, but keep in mind that women could have settle in any point and that would mean that nowadays you would have less opportunities. .... basically even though is nobody's "fault" the struggle for fairness should continue, because if it is left alone it will become even more unequal, the patriarchy is just a figure to explain the phenomenon, the same thing can be said about the "hand of the market", or even evolution that is a process that slowly happens as a by product of selection of the best traits, it is not a tangible thing.
My main problem with "Feminazi" is that it gives the impression that being a female that hates man is WORSE than a man tha hates women, because there is no Andronazi/MaleNazi or such... so is just like the video that you put before states, one thing is describe Afroamerican as Black people that is an accurate statement, but calling them the N word that has a strong bad conotation is bad... the word Nazi has a strong bad conotation, and I don't think it is accurate even by aiming at extremist women because I fail to grasp a huge organization behind it. In my opinion when the oppressed group reacts to the opression they are bound to give birth to extremists, I wouldn't call a slave that freed himself killing his master a Nazi, so the optics and semantics of this word are wrong because women were never at the top chasing man, any statistic will show that more man Kills women than women Kills man, this will reflect in other minorities as well. I also think that we are not blank slates , and that we probably have many differences that are biologicaly imprinted, I don't go as far as some activists go as for saying that without "Heteronormativity" people would probably choose to be bi, or 50% would be gay, and even recognizing that there are Trans people they always will be a minority. The fight for equality exists for the minorities that got it worse have some oportunity to compete with the Male-white Cis man that has all the oportunity. About the "ominous patriarchy" thing, I don't think you get it, and most people don't either (and I maybe fooling myself as well), but my belief is this: Just like there is no evil summit of rich bankers that gather to screw the rest of the population for profit, there is no secret club of men dictating what women/man can or cannot do, and enforce gender roles. What really happens is this: We live in a world with limited resources (take it like you want physical/political etc.), the people with power will fight to maintain the status quo, and thus their power. They are not (not always anyway) intentionally screwing people, the thing is that their goals are in opposition with the other people. The crisis of the capitalism in 2008 was made because some bankers tried to get more money and they did some sketchy stuff with the accounting , they most likely didn't thought "Hey... you know what would be great? Make some people lose money :D", they thought about their profit in the short term. Some times there will be a great conspiracy to screw someone over, but most of times the big screw ups are done by people that are not aware of their selfish actions, World War one and the killing of Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand, and even the people that created the trans fat that should be easier to break, but our body does not do it, so It become unhealthy. So the patriarchy is just this, a male dominant society trying to keep the things like they are now because is good for them, men have more privileges, and women have some safety net at the expense of less opportunities. Because we were raised at this society it is difficult to imagine there is any other system available, but there is, there were in the past, and probably there will be in the future, not just for gender roles , but for economics and other things as well.
Just watched avangers! Spoiler: mild spoiler, doesn't give the plot, my impressions and such The good X the bad, the good: 1) It is awesome 2)Nerdgasm all the way, almost 3 hours of battle non stop 3) Finally it has paid up to watch agents of shield, the backstage of hydra already showed up in the series 4) Vision is the ultimate badass, I think he is even stronger than in the comics. 5) Starlet Witch, the famous Olsen sister, almost forgot about the other two, and what a cute thing that she finally became a twin even if it was only in the movie ç.ç 6) Character development for Hawkeye! The bad: 1) My initial concern about using Natasha to pair up with all the avangers came true like the trailers showed. It seemed lazy Like they were trying save the cash for Betty Ross (Liv Tyler), Jane and Pops. 2) The other things are big spoiler Now for the PLOT! Spoiler: Avangers Assemble! Everything is awesome! But is just like the trailers, maybe they shouldn't show so much. Still great! Ultron is amazing, all the plot of the mind's jewel (A.I.) and Stark is right X wrong were great... spealling civil war all the way! The game of "Grabbing Thor's hammer" was outstanding! AND it has a plot motive! Thor and Hulk the heavy hitters from avangers left the team for the time been.. but that is alright Vision GOD ON EARTH and the Scarlet Witch probably have more potential than both, Rhodes finally joined the avangers, actually THE NEW AVANGERS lead by Captain america! I've missed both shields from AoS, Nick Fury didn't even mention than, although he appears with quinjets and all those trinkets from Shield... project Theta from Coulson seems just like the avangers iniciative working with powered people, they weren't even mentioned in the new avangers iniciative, a pitty ;( The other thing that is bad is that they killed quicksilver in his first movie. Did I mention how badass vision is? Very worthy indeed and he uses the mind's jewel ! SUCK IT AN AVANGER WITH COSMIC POWERS! 1/6 of thanos by himself >(!! There is a scene in the middle of credits, but nothing after... I don't know if they will do like in the previous movie adding the Shwarmma scene for the americans or they will leave it as it is now... the middle sceane have Thanos and it is enough! But everybody wanted to see spider man. It will be difficult for DC top that off, with daredevil on netflix and avangers on theaters /o\.
I watched the latter video, and the problem is that even though you don't wan't to call them Feminazi, you started a tread that implies there is a huge group of them, and as the video says it doesn't accurately describes them as there is no group of women organizing concentration camps for men, making genocides or pushing the nazi agenda, the only way a feminazi would be accurate, would be if in the Nazi german there was strangely a woman (or group of women) that were both Nazi and Feminist such a group would be difficult or impossible to find. That being said, I also think that if a woman says something stupid like "Death to all men", they are responsable for what they are saying, and could have to respond criminaly to it(if they engage in such action, or if inciting crime is against the law where they live). The thing is that is an isolated thing, the sexism (male dominance) is being at role for centuries and have been granted by religion, culture, and other political /societal organizations so is just like a cartel or mob of sorts, a crime that is being pushed by many people (unconsciously or not) targeting a group of people. The same aplies for racism and trans/homophobia some times those were even asserted by law or history, and even today a lot more of these minorities suffer violence just because they don't belong. So even if a woman hate men for being men, or a black guy (don't think afroamerican is a necessity as well) hates a white guy, there is no support network for their hate that will cause more violence towards white(male) people. As for Anita, I also think that she is often wrong (remember to do mistakes is a human thing, women do it just like men), mainly when she criticizes symptoms over the higher issue. For example, she was complaining about Watch Dogs in one video, where the main character size and stops an crime organization that sells women as sex slaves, the message was clear "This happens, but it is bad! You should fight against it", but she treated that as an objectification of women... sure the CRIMINALS were objectifying a woman, but the player and the story were not. Another video she complains about Red Dead Redemption being sexist... the game is set in the wild west, to make things "right" they would have to change history and negate that people were sexist, they could make a game/movie that we never had slaves? I think I would make a disservice to the cause to change the game, it is a sour reminder that we were not always as nice as we are now. The symptom is... those games probably are popular not just because they are showing the bad stuff so that good people are aware of that, probably there are some sexist/racist/trans-homophobic enjoying those games. The games are show in a male-white perspective because of the way our society stills values them more than other groups of people, that is the overall problem that she forgets to takle while foccusing on things that were not bad per se. Ps.: I don't like name-calling even when people are right to do so, because when you start calling people sexist/feminazi/ drama queen etc.. you are actually stopping the conversation because you lack the arguments or the patience to engage a deeper conversation, I do not believe anyone is 100% one label.
Sorry, but every time I heard someone complaining about Feminazi/I am not racist I just want to say racist stuff, it reminds me of one South Park episode: By fear of being called racist/sexist you penalize the victim gaining the new ability of being a jerk and excused to do so. I think is very important that we are now aware of how the society is unequal, sure it makes men feel like they are walking with the tip of their toes, but is better than what it was before that the woman would have all the fear/responsability. When you meet a new women you may be uneasy that something might come out sexist/rapist, and in the days of yore you could say anything without thinking and SHE would be uncomfortable and with fear of being rapped. Now days the women still fear for their safety, or feels uncomfortable when man says something stupid , only that today both of them have to control/fear and that is more equal, even if you think it sucks.. eventually being nice will come out more easy (it gets better!). About the legendary "Feminazi" I don't belive it exists, what exists in reality is that every person who is a feminist (and some that are not) have their own definition of what is being "Feminist", if some women goes too far I doesn't mean that they are evil, is just means that like man they are prone to make mistakes (we are equal after all, this just proves it). But I would not blame them, because I don't know all the problems that they had all their lives to fear man in such a extent that they preffer not to live with us, because unfortunetly we are their "natural predator", I never felt fear of any women to hurt me because I am a man, or because what I wear, the opposite isn't true, I don't know what living in fear might do to them, so I get sad, but respect them and their option of trying to live without us. ---- That being said, I think all the movements have to be extreme, If they are not constantly reminding us we might just say" Don't know why you are complaining, sure you are paid a bit less, but at least you are not stoned to death like some places do". The thing is a person can't be extremist, You can't live like this personaly because you start to mix how bad things really are in comparison with other things "Surely what I fight for is the most important thing in the whole world" , you become stressed by little things and maybe become unable to live in society (like the the feminists that don't like man), one thing should be the movement, another your life, living in fear is good for no one.
the press already saw, no new avenger than what was shown, Marvel is a troll :(! They're saying it will be difficult to top it.
People have the individual right to love/reject any "type" even if they are being *******s about it. The problem is that as a media/social relations go it is better to be polite. Even if you are not actively shaming a group by giving emphasis on only one "Type" you are demeriting the others , thats how the media that elected impossible standards of fitness makes anorexia an "alternative for people become standard". There should not be any perceived awkwardness to any type by because they change our perception of what is right/wrong and exclude the possibility of happiness and acceptance. You can't project your expectations to the whole society because diversity is good, even "superior traits" like being more inteligent and fit can become bad if they are the norm and the rest are ostracized. There are three points about it: 1) The "pitiful opressor status", when a men says things like "hey why do you bother about those women (...) when men suffer the same thing and we don't ***** about it". Sure all evils in the world (or most) are capable of happening to every human being, instead of taking the merit of another fight, you would probably find more rewarding to joining the fight, or make your own fuss about your angle "Women are rapped and killed everyday" , you could help by saying "let's stop the rape/rapist" and not say "Shut up and take it , like we do" (we can put other things like joining the army etc...). 2)The society is assymetrical , and as men we get more advantages , although in some cases we can have it "worse" like having less freedom to express through clothing, and having difficulty to express feelings because we are raised not have them, so gender role is bad to everyone, but most feminist fight by the women perspective, because they statisticaly suffer more of it. So more women die because of violence of man X woman than woman X man, are more rapped, and suffer more to be accepted as beautiful (Hair/make up/ surgeries/ diets/more shaving/etc..), not saying that becoming THE ROCK is easy, but the pressure is lower than for women to be Shakira. 3) Even though we should accept everybody, and have the same demographics of "real life" in entertainment, we should be aware of the "reverse incentive", Yes people are free to be fat (I am), Yes some fat people are healthier than slim people, but a fat person isn't "healthy" , there are a number of diesieses corrlelated to obesity including cancer, so fat people should appear on the media much like people that smoke, because they exist not because people should thrive to be them. And finally as you are free to reject people because of their looks, they are also free to dismiss you because of your narcissist judgement, so be aware of that when you ask about it. You can think anything about anyone, but this is a two way street so being polite to others is a good policy.
I am optimistic and think that we'll get the game in 2016 (KH III, not 3D), so we could hear something about it this year, even if it is "PLease stay excited".
Great news, even though guardians was a great movie, Winter soldier is arguably the better movie of this entire phase (and most of phase 1). The one thing that is bugging me on the MCU, is the elephant in the room, and by elephant I mean the Hulk in the room. Even though It didn't bother me much that they shifted actors from the cool Edward Norton to the whiny Mark Ruffalo (IMO Bruce needs to be a little emo), but they are effectively nullifying the whole movie, that IMO was the movie with the biggest fan's heart from the franchise, all those cameos and references from the series and comics /o\! Let me explain first they changed the main actor, what would be ok if they did a movie afterwards maintaining the continuity with the first one, but they didn't! And more they now made Bruce and Black widow a couple! (So he just abandoned his girlfriend/fiancé Betty Ross, and then will come back to her?). Now Hulk doesn't have a core outside Shield/avangers, so he can't have a solo movie It is sad, they look live are doing what Iluminati did to Hulk, they don't know what to do with him, so they toss him aside in another planet. Also Black Widow is being show as "anyone's game" as her role is to have relationships with the avengers and not being there by her own merits. She first seduced Tony, than she appearedd with a necklace with an arrow that hinted she had a thing with hawkeye, only Thor was out, as he had his thing with Jane Foster. So what they did with Hulk was bad to him and even worse to Black Widow.
If we think that there will be movies at least until 2020, and maybe more the younger the better, they probably want to replace/kill some of the old avengers as well.
I saw a great video about why developers don't like to make Demos: I think the only reason why Square did a demo for FF 15 is because it was becoming and myth just like the last guardian and Half life 3, at this point they have to get us excited about it and most time they only got vapor to show us. Even though Kingdom hearts have been long awaited and postpone we never run out of Kingdom hearts (even though they shifted platforms), everyone knew that KH III would be released at some point, so there is no need for a demo.
Also, It might be a glitch that will be resolved , but in Brazilian PSN the game is being sold for 121,99 reais that would be close to 37.59 US Dollars, even though the prices are show in reais, the final purchase is actually in dolar.
Well I hope this means that we can have Star wars/frozen in KH3, and they cancelled it so KH3 had the first experience with these worlds.
It's just me or Murdock's Father looks like BEN AFFLECK? I would love the reference of sorts (just like the FLASH), If warner didn't own Ben's ass right now.
I wouldn't know how the game stands for musicians (as I don't play anything), but gameplay-wise I still think GH was better(AS A GAME), There are a few modes that are sickly insane that they added in the latter games (when people stopped buying), eventually there was a mode where you could play against your friend and BE A D-I-C-K TO HIM, instead of star powers you had sabotage moves that screwed your friend over... good times.
Don't know I much prefer the mechanics of guitar hero, my favorite one is the 80's. Still I played rock band and I am happy that my guitar won't go to waste.
Avengers movies generally debut a week early in here, truth be told in the last movie they didn't put the shawarma scene so you guys got the "Definitive" edition. But other movies take ages to show up some of the oscars movies didn't start yet.
Well until now they didn't bring any game that was on nintendo platform over to Sony, only movie versions (And yes chain of memories, but it was actually a remake of the remake), so I don't think we'll see DDD on playstation.
Can't wait until april 23th so I can finally watch it >_<!