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  1. Menos Grande
    I heard somewhere they will continue to make mad max movies, so it is expected that characters that will only be cast for one entry to have more development than Max that has the whole franchise to expand.

    But on the subject of Mad Max being tune down.. I heard a great theory!

    Why people think that Max isn't like he used to ? Because he is not the "previous Max" at all, not only the actor and such, but a whole new person. Who would it be?
    The Feral kid (Road warrior)

    the first strange thing about Max is that he remembers a daughter, when actually he had a boy (Mad Max 1) , on the second movie Max Rockatansky, has his redemption and "learns to live again", and the narrator in off is show to be feral kid in his death bed talking about his adventures , and how he recalls Max more than any other time.
    Even though Max didn't speak much in previous movies he didn't had any problem speaking (truth that could be because he went mad without talking with anyone for long time, or could be that as a child he had trouble speaking and carried that problem through his whole life). Also Max would often hobble (he wasn't cripple, but he had some problems walking), this Max walks fine.

    The feral kid tells that sometime the society recovers itself, and he becomes a lider of the northern tribe, and the road warrior (Max) becomes a legend, so the feral kid that never had a name inherited his name and took his mantle afterwards.
    Also the feral kid got a music box from Max, that appeared in this movie with the wives
    I heard it here in portuguese nerdcast
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 30, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  2. Menos Grande
    This ending was perfect! And if you think about it, it actually fits with the comics. If you think about "Flashpoint", Barry goes back and save his mother, that creates that bizarre world with no Superman ,Batdady,JokieMom, and Aquaman X Wonder woman. When he recovers his powers stops him from saving his mother he creates the timeline of the New 52, in the series he didn't save his mother to begin with so he created the bizarre timeline of the show where he tries to marry his sister (gross!).
    So the Flash we see since the begning saving barry is actually the comics Barry. Another thing in common is that by the end of flashpoint Barry was awarded by his sacrifice, even though he let his mom die he came back with memories of the previous timeline so he had an entire life with his mom (and the letter to Bruce from his father), the series Barry initially seems to had gone in a futile time travel because he changed nothing, but in reality he was awarded with that moment with his mother (just like in the comics).
    The references... OMG! They even mentioned Star wars and marvel :(! Loved it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 22, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Menos Grande
    We have to think about the timeline as well, Max and all people that are around his age or above are remnants from the previous world (ours) so they had an upbring of a society that was trying to make man/women equals, sure when the "world ended" the law of the jungle came back and the strong took the weak and women were treated as a resource, but Furiosa seems to be a "second generation" that was raised by women, so she knows that she has "value". If we take the previous movies children became adults without parents at some point so it must be at least one or two decades since the doom.
    The people of the Citadel wasn't like this, all the war boys had "half lives" due to the radiation, so we can't know how many generations of war boys (Kami-Crazy) endured brainwash. It seemed as most of the old people were more "healthy" than the new generations, because of the radiation that is worse if you are exposed during development, sure adults got cancer, but they lived more than the children, not to mention inbreeding that must happen.
    The few women that are seen in the movie are:
    1)Old women (from the previous world) both at citadel and the "green" place
    2) Probably new generation of "Milk farm"
    3) The most precious ones are the breeders, besides Furiosa no woman was show working with the war boys.

    So you see how much "worth" the brides had because they are not only breeders, but had no apparent mutation and were young, It should not be uncommon for the war boys never see "normal women" in their entire lives.
    So you see were I am getting at? The "feminist propaganda" that people claim around the movie is the simple fact of "being alive in a society that rejects you", in their view a character like Furiosa shouldn't exist, she doesn't makes claims about female superiority, she doesn't kill when is not needed. She was only a woman that was alive and thought to have value and tried to rescue other women to find redemption, and does what she has to do to survive, the problem they have is with she being a character.
    If you think about it in the world of Mad Max, it should have more unsettling things to our current society, because women are treated as things that produce milk and babies, and war boys are forbidden to mate, there should be a huge number of transexual man/ prostitutes because most man will never lay with a woman , but the sex drive must still exist, but if there were a trans person in this movie that would be treated as a "Trans/homo agenda" even though they would fit more to the society than Furiosa did, but would be more controversial.
    When you think about it, the problem is inside people's mind
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 22, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  4. Menos Grande
    It is fun that man's right activists are now lacking the orthodoxy and being mixed with Return of the kings, just like in the "Feminazi thread" (and why it is futile to make personal statements orthodox, unless they're representing an organization).
    That being said, it comes to a point that just living is a political statement, because neither Furiosa spread openly hate towards men, nor the movie said that men are naturally evil, the whole War boys thing was a metaphor for young people being brainwashed to think themselves as immortal, some characters even stop men from being put down by saying "We should avoid unnecessary kills" so there is that.
    Ps.: The news I've read actually said it was MRA, so I sorry that I said MRA, when truthfully was really "Return of the kings", the news world and journalists ethics need to improve (not only in games).
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 20, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  5. Menos Grande
    To quote Mad max "I don't know who is crazier me or the rest of the world"
    Sorry about it, but you people are crazy! I've read about those "man's rights activists" , but they are now just distorting the movie as they want.
    The movie is about a society where it is ok to enslave people "own" people, where a guy has a human's milk farm and human breeders, sure there was one group of women that were inferred to kill men, but at Mad Max's current world everybody kills everybody if they cross into their territory, the motorcycle boys, the citadel's people.
    I don't even think that Furiosa actually hates men (even though she would have reasons), everyone she killed she did it because she needed, she worked with many men across the movie even one that was hunting her and the wifes for most of the movie!
    The only way to make the movie more "macho" would be making it more sexist where every women wouldn't be a character, but an object for Max to use , and trust me 90% of the women in the movie are treated as such, so the problem is that you need to use women to make man even more powerfull not the other way around it.
    Max is still a badass, he still made all that possible, he still destroyed the Maneater's and that old dude's gang ALONE, and at the end of the movie he was at a legendary status so hard that after he "fixed" citadel he just left to a barren world where most men would face certain death, but he is not most man, he is Mad Max a living legend and will continue to survive.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 19, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  6. Menos Grande
    I didn't notice Maria Hill at the last episode, she wasn't supposed to appear?
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 18, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Menos Grande
    Well if this is going to be an APP at android is probably going to have a translation (even if is not official /hacked of sorts) so we'll finally discover what the fuss is all about.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 18, 2015 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Menos Grande
    Even though the wasp is dead, a "come back" as Jocasta is possible (i think?).
    They basically gave up Hank and his madness, but I can dream about it don't I?
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Menos Grande
    I find disturbing that only half of firestorm is on the trailer (maybe a recast? He didn't speak last time he aired on the flash). I like Sarah Lance way better than Laurel, It pisses me that they took so much time to show the lazarus pit. If they had already cast away the down to the ground/realistic/Nolan vibe with Mirakuru/The Flash , they could had made Sarah being resurrected (don't know by Nyssa that loved her?) than she would resurrect Oliver after he was stabbed and thrown from a mountain.... they preferred to stitch him up and treat it like it was not a big deal that he was basically brought back to life... Lazarus pit would be way nicer for both characters (specially if Sarah recovered Oliver).
    The Prison Break duo... Dr. Cold I kinda like, Heatwave is bad... a shame because I like the actor in other roles, but this one is just bad.. Brandon as ATOM never cared about him since he was Superman, care even less now that he is Hank Pym wanna be.

    I hope for the best!
    Because Laurel inherit the mantle of Black Canary (and she is the real one on the comics), Sarah probably thought she should just leave her sister continue this thing and now that she is free from the league there is no need for black? I also think that because she is dead/resurrected she felt like she doesn't need a secret identity anymore and thus doesn't wear a mask anymore .
    (Even though she was thought to be dead previously as well she could live for ever as canary and not Sarah)
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 16, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Menos Grande
    Spider woman ASP. As Hydra has fallen It would be a perfect timing for old hydra agents to show up, also she is not related to spider man per se, but it would be cool to be spider characters now, and she could be retconned to be related to him in the MCU.
    I like Black Widow (and Scarlet), but Marvel doesn't seem to know what to do with her, she is always a "pair with x avenger", and that sucks... I think she has had some development in the first avengers when we learned from the hospital she destroyed and some missions with Hawkeye, and in Winter Soldier we got a more human side of her... the age of ultron thing was a mess they completely forgotten of the last Hulk movie? What about of Betty Ross? All female characters in MCU are underdeveloped, but they reduced all of the characters (Pops/Betty/Jane) at Black Widow why? Not to mention that even though I like the crazy astrophysicist he is a little reductant with Jane, she could had done his role at both avengers movies and thus expanding her further than just "Thor's girlfriend".
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 16, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Menos Grande
    Freedom wars + Soul Sacrifice Delta @_@!
    I actually own SS Delta unfortunately they have a Online pass :(! The physical copy is Asian (even if it is in english) so I can't use mine in psn to play online so I might buy it just to unlock this!
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 16, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  12. Menos Grande
    When I first saw it I thought it was a Joke, It looks like a rip off of the Black Widow "age of me" from SNL!
    If I had to describe it would be Devil wears prada meets smallville.
    It seemed to me to stereotypical and bad towards women, but my bride watched and loved it, so I guess they did a good job for their target audience and I was too nitpicking.
    Hope for the best even though i didn't like one bit.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 15, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Menos Grande
    I get were you are going, but I find that snob/condescending people exists everywhere from doctors to historians people tend to use impressive (sometimes empty) words that are only clear to who is in the middle of the "group", it is a classical fallacy "Argument of Authority"/"Argument by verbosity". That makes me think that they are more "equal" and prone to error like any other person, that may be done consciously or not I might add (and most fallacies are made by every religion as well).

    What is bothering me is not your reasoning itself, Is the idea that i am getting that feminists that are "wrong" are worse than sexists (by the etymology of your wording), also your observation of equality seems anecdotal to me (thus a fallacy as well), because you are inferring women have the same opportunities and that we moved past that dark chapter of humanity, that even maybe true at france (but I doubt), but looking at statistics it is not true in the world (even in western society, that tends to be more equal). There is some intellectuals that agree with you like this video:

    The real problem (that he quickly adress in the video), is that before we can think that there is something biological that makes women less interested in higher paying jobs, we would have to have a equal society that gave equal opportunities from the start, like Dr. Neil already said:

    The difference in "likes" could be biological , but we can't tell for sure because there is much societal noise(We could also start talking about why some works are more valuable them others, but that would be another discussion).


    That being said I will look for the video you suggested, and I am sorry if I bothered/insulted you in any way. It was not my intention, but I come as a pain in the ass when discussing, more because I like the discussion for how long it lasts, I hope there are no bad blood between us, and if you want to go further in your points than by all means.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 15, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  14. Menos Grande
    The poor X Rich was just to illustrate the picture because seldom men don't see the things we get as privilege, more like a birth right, or "normal", but it isn't there are many ways to live, and just like that I see rich people that take for granted their opportunities and call everything they accomplished "merit", but people don't start at the same place, and don't have the same hardships through life, alas they do have the same "hunger" as there is an idea perceived by society of what is necessary to be happy, but statistically speaking minorities are unable to shift "class".
    Things that we straight white cis middle class men take for granted like:
    1) Don't expect that having babies may ruin your career
    2)Don't be afraid (and actually like) be approached on the street by a stranger of the other gender probably physically stronger than you
    3) To be treated like an insane person (or child) because of mood shifts (it's the hormones!)
    4)receive less to make the same job
    5) Know that there are differences between male AND Female characteristics , and that would be ok if the female traits weren't treated like bad things "express feelings" and such are bad, but "man up and be rational" is good
    6)You won't be considered for a job if you have an equal man that can do your work, because they don't need to stop working to have babies (seriously I heard that from politicians ).
    7)Being the only one responsable for use of contraceptives
    This video shows how "little things" take a tool even with strong resolved people:

    (it is a bit long though).
    The truth is, even though I am aware of these differences I don't "know" how much it is important, how it ranks in world problems? I can't answer because I didn't live like this. That is why abstracts constructs are made to show people what other people suffer. And I am sorry to tell you but abstract constructs are part of the human experience, being religious or not.
    How to express something to someone that didn't live what are you saying? How to explain concepts to others that only you had the insight? Things like Schrodinger's cat, the hand of the market, natural selection, etc were made to illustrate a phenomenon that actually exists in the real world being anti intuitive or not, how to explain to someone that by doing nothing they may be making the world worse? That is why the figure of the oppressor takes place , it is easy to relate when someone is doing/suffering harm , but doing "nothing" should be Ok.
    In various scenarios doing nothing is a bad thing, and if people aren't showed(that is bad) they become used to it and lose sensitivity to it, sometimes it becomes invisible to them.

    Ps.: Even though I don't believe in an evil summit of men dictating the patriarch (as you say you don't either), It beats me how you assume there is an evil organization of women that works towards confusion and hate for man like when you say:
    "You don' t get it. The vagueness is intentional.
    No one is actually trying to back feminism up in credible ways, especially not tumblrinas. All you' ll ever get from a direct confrontation is more smokescreens."
    Is like you are ok with conspiracies only that benefit you , but not the other way around (what I am getting, not that this is you real thought on the subject), giving the impression that the so called Feminazi are worse than sexist men. I don't believe in either I think heated up and emotional people exists in both ends, but they are not organized as you make sound like, truth be told it would be more likely that the evil patriarchy exists than the evil group of feminazi because of how our society currently is.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 11, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  15. Menos Grande
    I think you can phrase or express yourself however it suits you best, the problem with movements is that all kinds of people work together giving their own interpretation and bias, and some people start to belive that abstract constructs that were made to ilustrate the big picture are "real", you don't have to describe men as oppressors if you don't want to, and it is hard to acknowledge your own flaws , or endure some because you're part of some group.
    (So men are depicted as evil, even though we also suffer from gender roles).
    That being said I think if an organization/country should uphold the "Feminist agenda" than by all means they should try to be more orthodox and inclusive, but as far as it goes as a free self movement it will be difficult to put standards as every people will have their own ideas about it.
    People aren't at guilt of being male of female, neither being black/white, or being french/brazilian/american. Yet, even though those characteristics are random, the hardships that come with them are not, because they are already on our society by inertia, so (in my view) we should try to correct by giving opportunities for the groups that are less supported.
    It is easy to imagine the picture, even something simple as being born in a rich family or a poor one is only about luck and not merit, but after you are born as a child of Bill Gates it is easy to figure your path to success is a little shortter than being born at a poor family.
    The same holds truth for gender/class/country/etc... the problem is that the "meritocracy" system awards people for the merit of 8 generations ago, that is were state should intervine.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 7, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  16. Menos Grande
    *awful (not lawful , like I said in previous post sorry!).
    What I am trying to say is that we never truly know what people have been through their life, I try to feel empathy, but I will never "know" what a black person had to endure their entire life from others, nor from themselves such a strong internal belief of what they should do or should be etc.
    I don't know either what is for a woman that had to live being approached by men in an almost predatory way since their puberty.
    Yes, I think we have to be equals, but when we live on an asymmetrical society is part of my belief that to be neutral is to be on the side of the oppressor.
    Not because the oppressor is bad, just because you are maintaining status quo. If you are ok of how society is now than by all means just continue doing your thing. If you think there is room to improve than rebel. It is simple as that: people fight for their own interest in the end.
    That being said, I don't know how much trouble the women face and how big their problems is in comparison with others so I look at statistcs and not at my group of people, because people with similar system of beliefs tend to be togheter and we get the impression that most people think like we do.

    As way feminism looks more to aid the woman side of the thing I think the story posted before about beasts fully ilustrates it, You may not agree with it, but surely you can see the reasoning about it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 6, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  17. Menos Grande
    I am sorry, I never looked on your stats (now I see you are a dude), Not saying that it is strange to a man trying to tell women how they should do feminism and such, is that the way you describe your upbring seemed to me that you were a woman that was sure that had her equal place in the current world, your point to be raised to be equal sounds a little hollow, when we (I am am a man as well) are already born in the "upclass" and trained to not see what we get as privileges. I don't think that men should not had a say on the matter, I wrongly assumed you were a woman (and that is my fault), but If your life struggles don't reflect the overcome of an assymetrical society , it seems to me that your point is even more anecdotal than what I previously supposed (because If you were never a woman that won in a man's world, you are just saying something really theoretical, so It is better to stay to statistics).
    And by all means I believe that censorship is wrong, and what was done to Charlie lawful, but be free to speak is not the same as "not being responsable for what is said", like the another thread on this forum about "double standards in relationships", It is OK for you to say whatever you want, if you are ready for the outcome that could be legal (if it was a crime), or just ostracism (if it was hateful/stupid), not violent responses though.
    So I think you are wrong in saying things like Feminazi, You can say this, but you should expect that some people may be offended by it and avoid you by this, just like in the other topic a woman could continue to engage or not the conversation after the guy asks her cup size. A minority of people will continue to converse with people that have complete diferent belife's system and that is what freedom is all about, even though I personaly try to keep the conversation open that is not the norm.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 6, 2015 in forum: Discussion
  18. Menos Grande
    The only way to go is go as far as they can from Heath Ledger's Joker, because we will compare them anyway and it will be unfair. So They go all the other way on this one with Leto, Hope he is good.
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 6, 2015 in forum: Movies & Media
  19. Menos Grande
    Pokemon is as casual as you want it to be, you can play it just to beat the league or you can get SERIOUS PERFECT IVs and training + dick moves.
    I will stick to demographics, and mostly cellphone games, as they are more ubitous to every player:
    1)CARD WARS!!! :adventure time, I've got it free on amazon a few time ago, but only got it working last week is a game that goes by every "law" of mobile phone with hearts and whatnots , still if you are "that good" it is possible to play non-stop as every boss gives you a full heart (that not only refills your heart metter, but actually amplifies it.. sure harder levels need more hearts, but you should replay the firsts for cards). Short story I've been playing 2 days with pauses for sleep and finaly hit a wall against the flame princess :(! I'll have to get better cards and level before trying (she is like 20 and I am 11).
    2)Plants vs. Zumbies (both of them, but I am playing the second "It is about time): It is a freemium but everything can be accomplished without money, maybe you can't get some plants , but the core is still playable, there is no heart system so you can play as much as you want, I always come back when there are new worlds to visit.

    3) Spider man Unlimited: It took a while to addict me, the game seems a little unfair and unresponsive (and there are some serious slowdowns..) but when I figured out that your objective is not always to finsh the quest , but actualy collect/do stuff and get more spider men I finally enjoyed it (you don't need to kill 400 evil dudes in one go).
    Post by: Menos Grande, May 6, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  20. Menos Grande
    One thought, don't think that even though you had a good upbring this is general to all women in western world. reading back your posts it seems to me like "I was raised to be a tough woman, I don't want any shortcuts", this is an anecdotal observation, When I discuss with my peers I also have the impression that most of the humanity is enlightened, but when I read the papers I see that my country is becoming a conservative almost fundamentalist country than I fear for the future and that I take things for granted.
    So even though things are getting better, violence against women/gay/minorities is still strong and there is few powerful women figures in media/politics etc.. even if in france there are, in the whole statistically speaking things are very asymmetrical.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Apr 28, 2015 in forum: Discussion