Last time I've pre-ordered in the hope to get the goodies, I got the regulär version instead :(
I was so excited when they annouced for PS vita.. but then they took it back >_<
I still think batman is too slim in this one, but I loved everything else! Don't know if the Arkham Knight will be that dude that Spoiler: BATMAN AC made his face to look like Bruce wayne, at the end of AC or it will be some other guy, Deathstroke was already some sort of "dark batman" and Hugo Strange could pull that off as well.
I thought they would "correct" the anime, originally THE WORLD would have all powers from Joestar's blood line, thus that is why DIO uses heremit purple hability in this episode (much like the manga), yet that Idea was dropped sometime latter (it is common in Jojo ideas left behind, and character changes).. Spoiler: It is a shame.. because this explains why Star platinum has the same hability as the world, truthfully it is the oposite... but it was dropped, and in the next mangas whenever Star platinum freezes time he says "THE WORLD!" Because they did it in the first part of Jojo by adding the star birthmark in Jonathan's neck, for continuity reasons. By the second episode of Stardust crusaders DIO seemed aware of the other Joestars because they are conected by fate/bloodline without the need to use Heremit purple.. and yet they kept that scene.
I can't wait until they discover that Bryan Cranstons wife is actually the mutant godzila, she will recoginize him and fight for humanity, also she we'll be pregnant so they will have giant mutant lizard babies <3
Username: Menos Grande Character Name: Gustavo Friend Code:2552-2534-8106 Game this is from: Pokemon Y Time Zone (GM-3): probably after 19h starting the game now
More than Israel? I've always thought Israel had more female, not to mention all of them doing Krav maga
I've watched the first episode! I didn't recall how much pain in the ass was Jotaro, it will take a few episodes so that he can grown on us... though it is difficult when the previous character was JOSEPH JOESTAR the best JoJo ever (he or maybe Jolyne). I am curious about what music will be at the OP.
I had a bad experience with pc, first things, pcs aren't "kid friendly", most of games I've bought (when I was little) had at least 2 problems with them.. some were more traumatic.. I remember when I bought Black & White 2 .. first I discovered my pc didn't had the power to run it (don't recall what exactly) i think I had an windows 98 or maybe a windows ME, years latter I bought another PC, that time I've discovered my PC had a TOO powerfull OS to handle the game =| I've tried to run as "win 98" , as administrator, etc... never worked. I Had other problems with pc(but this problem with B/W 2 was by far the worst) , for instance when I bought Diablo II Lord of Destruction the seller told me "You need the previous one to play it" , I thought he meant it Diablo I, not Diablo II, that I was under the impression to be buying, after some time I got Diablo II and got to play, yet to this day I've never played Black & white 2, a game that was sold here over 70$ dollars (yeah Brazil always have the worst prices ;( ). In the other hand, I've always had positive experiences in console gaming, being able to conect to your TV and playing it in a sofa with friends is one of the most entrantaining stuff I did as Kid, and it is until this day a priceless social experience, it fells better to play at your tv as a "gaming center", than in a pc where I found myself "imprison" to a desk with little space for friends (though I've played Pokemon Red at no$gba with two players in one keyboard.. but there is not much space, I feel constritced. I've never bought a game advertised to my console that wouldn't work, but I rarely bought a pc game with no issue, sure I mostly don't game in pc anymore and I am over with making pcs that cost me 1000 dollars (it is more expensive in here) so that I still had to change things, and never run things in optimal, playing console I know I'll get what it was developed for, and that is fine. Maybe If I did make a Pc today I would succeded were I've failled in the past, but I can't afford two "gaming machines", and most people in here can't also (as our minimum wage is like 400$ dollars), so I stick with consoles, even though I recongnize that those with privilage probably have better versions of the games in insanely expensive Pcs that is just too much for me to give.
If I recall correctly Spoiler: By the end of AC III the comet was stoped because Desmond traded his "life" with Juno, while the comet(or it was a solar thing?) was not stoppable by the ancient civilization in their short time they had, they imagined that humans would stand the chance because we had more time than they had (because they were already short in numbers), while most of those "Gods" gave up, Juno didn't and used the same technology that put her husband's consiousness into a machine to put hers, by receiving Desmond's life she was able to be brought back to life, and promised that she already had the power to stop that "event"... most likely she is telling the truth, as it would not make sense to her come back to life only to die after the "event", if she thinks she can stop it, she will. Thats of course creates this new villian Juno for us to defeat, as she will enslave mankind, but after ending ACIII we are able to get "pivotal things" that when are all assembled says that "we are conected to the cloud" (probably cloud computting).. that being said Desmond is in a state similar with 16, we learn through AC revelations and AC IV , that Desmond absorved him and learned all his life in one second, probably the person in abstergo using 17's sample will syncronize with Desmond, thus becoming him (even in a new body), or just will play his role in the next game... so there will be a Desmond X Juno match at the end
It amazes me how Ubisoft is so organized, they say they have been making this game for the past three years , the keep releasing 2 AC games every year.. imagine how many ACs are being made NOW? Imagine if the next game is a failure XD? Then they would have like 9 AC ready with nobody to buy them ç.ç... heads would roll! I like french revolution, but I am a little disapointed that they will not go with the freedom of slaves, It was highly sugested at AC III and Liberation, and they forgot about it in Black flag, it is not the game the people was expecting about ninjas and samurais ( neither the Brazilian one, that I sincerely think was vapor promisse). Also I was playing AC 4 (and everybody problably already saw this), and found this: Sorry It is in portuguese, but even by looking you can see some amazing ages for AC to explore inherited from Desmond's mon side Xoguns, Egypt!
I don't know .. for me all these "motion controlers" and VR stuff aren't true VR.. they are only stepping stone towards the true VR (controling in mind, not movements that make you feel in a new world) , they are necessary steps, and people should buy it to support it, but for me I just want the real deal or nothing! I Wouldn't trade the accuracy of the controller for the randomness of motion controlers (truth be told, move is the most acurate of those, but it is the most expensive as well). Also it will probably be an expensive piece of hardwere, and we'll need a camera and move controllers.. so it is just too much money to spend for being a guinea pig.. just like previous generations of dancing games and those sports things that never make the real movement because of the conversion 3D->2D .
Best manga about killing cockroaches I've seen.
Japan only got the playstation last month, and they are the home of Playstation. Probably microsoft prioritized some countries that they know they would sell the most and are still localizing games and the softwere in the others, not to mention that Xbox one's and Playstation 4's are both sold out, so they clearly couldn't launch the plataform in more countries that they already had.
The bright side is that if you already has plus, you probably will get a lot of titles.. but I must say that I end up using almost 100% to play Assassin's Creed Black flag that I've upgraded of my ps3, but I am looking for Infamos , the order and others.
I stopped buying games because of that, I still need to finish like 20 games, and there are the ones I got on Plus as well. The only games that would make me break my rule now would be Kingdom hearts 2.5 or 3... for others I must finish one first then I can buy another. The bright side is that I've been saving money since christmas what I am scared of is that I end up missing some titles, but if that happens I might get a better deal when they are old.
View attachment 37871 How about that
I've never been able to adapt to Ninja storm, I prefered the Ultimate heroes titles from Ps2, Fighting games just feels right on 2D... I know the comands are the same, but something just feels off about it.. I liked the 2 scenaries and 2D aspect I guess... I would love and update version of Naruto Ultimate hero for ps3~4.
Yes, every Mangekyou is special, but comparing to a EMS I would say is less special. If Obito had an EMS his Mangekyou pattern would combine with the other person Mangekyou, since it stays the same since he and Kakashi awaken it, it is safe to assume he doesn't have one, and thus why he needs so many sharingans, Madara also colected Sharingan's because he had the only Sharingan that evolved into a Rinnengan, and needed a third person to use it to revive him (he needed to die and be revived by Nagato/Obito), also he probably used many unique sharingans like Obito's to gain new jutsus, but mostly to replace his while he kept them in Nagato. I don't know if Sasuke will have the Rinnegan, but it seems like he has everything needed to do it, he already was said to have more potential than Madara several times, he also has an EMS, and received Senju chakra from Shodaime (and maybe some of Shodaime's cells by Kabuto's method of healing). So he probably can pull off at least a Izunagi, but he might awaken the Rinnegan to do one last "miracle" just like Pain did. I think the manga is coming to a very special stage.. for the mythos overall development the best way to end the manga would be Sasuke becoming the Hokage, thus ending the cicle of hate between Uchihas and Senjus, just like it would go if Madara became the hokage instead of the second, also Hirashima's path of "love only" didn't succed, and even he was defeated and was forced to fight Madara and "kill him" in order to protect the village, entering in the cicle of hate (something that only Naruto supassed until now, by not killing Nagato and not giving up on Sasuke), so power and love toghether could bring peace. I would imagine like this: Madara said that Rikkodou Sennin gave chakra to people so they could transmit their feelings to others, we know for a fact that this is possible! When shodaime used his chakra in the alliance everybody got to see his memories, also when Naruto was pulling the bijus from Obito he saw his memories, Obito also was able to see what could have become of him if he ever sticked with the "Hokage path" he dreamed of, by the influence of Naruto. So Sasuke could create a jutsu with the rinnegan that would make everybody know how eachother feels transmiting Naruto's spirit to everyone thus bringing peace. But for most of the manga we saw Naruto growing into a wonderful shinobi with everything needed to be a Hokage , he got connections (with the most intelegent ninjas like Shikamaru and Kakashi, and also powerfull ninjas from another villeges like Gaara and the other kages), he got power, he has charisma, and never gives up... also he together with Nagato became the childreen of the profecy and made the first miracle in the shinobi world (bring Konoha back from the dead)... So it would feel a little wrong if Naruto didn't became the hokage by the end, If Kishimoto has some balls he could sacrifice Naruto (that would abadon his dream of being a Hokage for the peace of the world, and end of hate like his father and teacher wanted).